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What course or courses has this student taken with you? How would you rate the writing ability of this student? excellent good average poor don t know How would you rate this student s ability to interact with others? excellent good average poor don t know How would you rate this student s knowledge of the technical aspects of writing: grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, organizational patterns, etc.? excellent good average poor don t know How strongly would you recommend this student for a tutoring position? very highly recommend highly recommend recommend don t recommend don t know Comments (Please use other side if necessary): Signature (not necessary if sending via email): _________________________________ D2345678L\jw  1   $ ܷܟ|peZRZRZRZJh CJaJhwOCJaJh h|CJaJh h}VCJaJh h}V5CJaJhqmhqmCJaJ h}VCJh h),aJh h}VaJ h),CJ#jh}VhH5CJU\aJ"jh}VCJUaJmHnHuh}VCJaJh}V5CJ\aJjh}V5CJU\aJh),CJaJhHhH5CJaJ8xy} ~   $a$gd gd| `&d P gdv2G ` ^`  Hgd| $ Ha$gdH$ A L X [ t w   4 5 P Q S | } ~  ƹұtitaVtah h CJaJh|CJaJh h}VCJaJh h|CJaJhwOhwOCJaJ h|CJ h}VCJjh}VCJUmHnHuh hwOCJaJh}VCJaJh_hwO0JCJaJjhwOCJUaJh hR0CJaJh4CJaJh CJaJhwOCJaJh h|CJaJ   " : > @ F Z h l x   @Drt*0`߼ߩĞ̞ߖĞ̞̼ԋh hR0CJaJh),CJaJh h CJaJh|CJaJhHh4CJaJh CJaJhYCJaJh CJaJh hR0CJaJh h|CJaJh h),CJaJh h CJaJ6 rtLHJLNPRT  gd gdR0$a$gd gd|FHLNPTfh  j p !!2!6!j!l!p!r!v!x!|!~!!!!ǸynhR0h}VCJaJhR0h),CJaJh[ZQjh[ZQUUh CJaJhwOhR0CJaJhwOhwOCJaJhwOCJaJh hR0CJaJhHh2LhR0h h),CJaJh hR0CJaJhwOCJaJh h4CJaJh|CJaJ(ate: _______ Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Position: ________________________________ Phone: _________________________________     University Writing Center, CSUCI 2360 Broome Library, (805) 437-8409 Form adapted from and used with the permission of the CSULA Writing Center.  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