ࡱ> VXU 4jbjbt2t2 +XPP, V V ----8eT4-%%%.%!!%)74777-R7%777Nw>u-7S4077777%%%V :   Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) [Name of Home Unit] [Name of Sharing Unit] Reference: Shared Appointment of [name of faculty member] I. Purpose This MOU establishes a formal collaborative endeavor between a Sharing Unit and a Home Unit. The shared appointments must: a) fulfill the missions of the collaborating units, and b) allow the faculty involved to achieve successful performance evaluations. Intent: This faculty position is dedicated to enhancing the interdisciplinary educational mission of (CI) by fostering faculty scholarship of discovery within and across disciplines and inquiry and scholarship into teaching and learning. Faculty in this position will teach and provide service to two Units, with one Unit serving as the faculty members primary home Unit. This MOU will set out the percentage of teaching and service the faculty member will provide for each of the two Units. The Collective Bargaining Agreement of the California State University shall take precedence over this agreement. II. Definitions Academic Unit: an academic program, unit, division, college, institute, school or center. Home Unit: the Unit most relevant to the discipline of the faculty member making the request for the shared appointment and with which the faculty member feels the closest identity. Generally, this will be the Unit in which the faculty member holds the higher percentage of appointment. Shared Appointment: faculty members hold shared appointments if they have appointments in two or more CI Units (academic or administrative). Sharing Unit: an academic Unit that has joined with a faculty members identified Home Unit in a collaborative manner to support a shared academic appointment. III. Obligations and Duties of the Sharing and Home Units This agreement is between [Name of Sharing Unit] and [name of Home Unit] The shared appointment is for [tenured/probationary] appointment. Home Unit: [____]WTU per year Shared Unit: [____]WTU per year The rank of this shared appointment is [Rank] Professor. Teaching Faculty in this position may teach students in the Home Unit and/or in the Sharing Unit. We understand that CI programs will evolve and change over time, but this expectation and related work assignment will not change unless this MOU is formally modified or rescinded. In parity with the Universitys tenure-track faculty workload, the instructional load for this position is 24 weighted teaching units (WTUs) per year. The actual credit hours may vary depending upon the combination of courses aligned with the Home Unit and re-assigned time for other duties. If the instructional load includes more than the agreed upon percentage due the Sharing Unit, the Sharing Unit will reimburse the Home Unit for the additional percentage. If the instructional load includes more than the agreed upon percentage due the Home Unit, the Home Unit will reimburse the Sharing Unit for the additional percentage of the faculty members time. Service Units should coordinate their assignment of unit and/or program committees and other service oriented tasks to avoid undue burden on the faculty member and to avoid assigning significant service requirements that impede the faculty members ability to meet her or his obligations to both Home Unit and Sharing Unit, especially prior to tenure. The assignment on unit and/or program committees and service-oriented tasks should be equal to those of other tenured or tenure-track faculty in the Home Unit. The faculty member should also coordinate University-level service with the Chair/Director of the Home Unit and the Chair/Director of the Sharing Unit. It is also understood that this does not increase the faculty members obligation to serve. Each Unit should provide the faculty member with opportunities to participate broadly in the life of the academic community. At the beginning of each academic year, both Units should, in consultation with the faculty member and in keeping with the principles expressed above, agree on the type of service expected by each Unit, such as participation in program development, advising, recruiting, and strategic planning. Scholarly and Creative Activities The Home Unit will give due weight to interdisciplinary scholarly and creative activities in the faculty members periodic or performance reviews, according weight to interdisciplinary scholarly and creative activities. It is expected that the faculty member will contribute high-quality disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary scholarly and creative activities that make significant contributions to knowledge, theory and/or practice. Evaluation by the Home Unit with input from the sharing unit is critical for a comprehensive evaluation of the quality of faculty members overall scholarly and creative record. The faculty members Professional Development Plan (PDP) should indicate such areas of interdisciplinary work. Governance The faculty member will have voting rights equal to those normally granted to tenure-track faculty within the Home and Shared Units. Faculty responsibilities and privileges in governance should be equal to those of other tenured or tenure-track faculty in the Home and Shared Units. For University committees or the academic senate, the faculty member will be represented within the college/school in which the Home Unit resides. Salary and Reassignment When the shared faculty receives a portion of his or her salary from grants or other funding sources, including a sabbatical leave, sufficient funds to pay for covering courses will be retained by the Home and Shared Units in proportion to the WTU assignment stated above. Any additional salary savings will be retained by the dean. Leave of Absence When a faculty member applies for a professional leave with or without pay, the head of the Home Unit must consult with the head of the Sharing Unit to confirm that there is no disagreement about the leave. The head of the Home Unit will make a recommendation to the appropriate administrator. Office Space, Office Supplies and Staff Support The appointee will maintain her/his office within the Home Unit. Clerical support and office supplies will be provided by the Home Unit. Support for instructional materials will be negotiated with the Unit most appropriate for the task. Retention, Tenure and Promotion Review It is expected that the PDP will address the mission of the Home Unit, the Shared Unit, and CI, and will be discussed and reviewed by the Home Unit, with input from the Shared Unit, as indicated in the CI RTP Policy. The applicant may use the General Program Standards (GPS) or Home Unit Program Personnel Standards (PPS) for rentention, tenure, and promotion (RTP) purposes. Review of the appointee will be the primary responsibility of the Home Unit. The Sharing Unit will provide input to the appointee and/or Home Unit. The Home Unit will also have responsibility in the management of personnel issues, contractual obligations with the appointee and coordination of annual performance evaluation, merit decisions, tenure/continuing status and promotion reviews. The responsibility of conducting tenure and promotion review of shared faculty lies with the Home Unit. The Sharing Unit must have equitable opportunities for input on scholarship, research and creative activities, teaching, mentoring, and curricular activities, community outreach and governance and other professionally-related service during yearly review, promotion, merit, tenure and on-going review of appointment. Accommodations must be made in the Home Units processes, e.g. peer review committee structures, administrative review formats, etc., which will provide appropriate representation of the sharing Units involvement. For the purpose of RTP, the faculty member may use the GPS or the PPS from the Home Unit. The faculty members Program Personnel Committee (PPC) will be comprised of members of each of the two disciplines in which the faculty member holds an appointment. As noted above, the Home Unit will give due weight to disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary research activities in the faculty members performance reviews. Joint evaluation by the Home Unit and Sharing Unit is critical for a comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the faculty members overall scholarly or creative work. The timeline of the appointment will follow the University RTP document timeline, with the Home Unit PPS and/or Director/Chair reviewing the applicants progress at the prescribed intervals. The applicants PPC will be composed of members from both Units. Indirect Cost Revenue Sharing If a faculty member serves as a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator. on a grant that receives indirect cost revenues, 5% of the indirect cost revenue accrues to the program(s) per the University agreement. In the absence of any negotiated agreement for the program share, the default allocation of returns will be as follows: Home Unit: 50% Sharing Unit 50%. Resolving Conflicts The faculty member who holds a shared appointment is expected to play an active role in facilitating the sharing academic Units effective collaboration. The faculty member should make an effort to become familiar with each Units expectations and procedures. If these procedures conflict, the faculty member should notify the Chairs/Directors of the sharing Units and ask for a resolution. The faculty member should inform relevant administrators of issues that arise as a result of the shared appointment. In order to resolve personnel conflicts, it is recommended that an individual faculty members concerns be first expressed at the most appropriate lowest level of either the Home or Sharing Unit. Appropriate upper levels of administration related to the academic Units should become involved only if the Units efforts to resolve the difficulty prove to be unsatisfactory. If problems persist, the relevant upper level administrators should undertake to resolve them. If a Unit has concerns about a shared appointed faculty members performance or conduct, the administrator most knowledgeable about the concern should handle the difficulty. Each Unit administrator has a responsibility to notify the faculty members Sharing Unit of the problem, and work jointly towards resolution. Assurance of the faculty members appropriate due processes among all involved is critical. Notice of Appointment This MOU must be explicitly mentioned in the Notice of Appointment. A copy of this MOU will be provided to the Shared Faculty with the Notice of Appointment. The signature on the Notice of Appointment will imply the Shared Facultys agreement with the terms of this MOU. WITNESS WHEREOF, the representatives have signed this Memorandum of Understanding on the ________________ day of __________________________, 20__. __________________________ [Name] Shared Faculty Member ____________________________ [Name] Chair of ________ Chair of Home Unit ____________________________ [Name] Chair of ________ Chair of Sharing Unit _____________________________ Ashish Vaidya, Dean of the Faculty ________________________ Dawn Neuman, Provost Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs      !"#$%37KOQRST  G K S T  3 5 6 l w  = A 1 2 3 4 5 G H I J S W X o s ννννν콯heCJOJQJ^JaJ hjheCJOJQJ^JaJhjheOJQJ^J he5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hjhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJE#%:RT 3 5 H J % & 0` P@01$7$8$H$^0gde! & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gde | 259:;<VWYZ[\dhi789:;<VWklqr JKLMNOνννheCJOJQJ^JaJ he5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hjhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJhjheOJQJ^J hjheCJOJQJ^JaJC Z\:<KMOXgi! & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gde% & 0` P@01$7$8$H$^0gdeOXqtfghi\]a?L 48-1><&hjhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJhjheOJQJ^JheCJOJQJ^JaJ hjheCJOJQJ^JaJ#hjhe5CJOJQJ^JaJDWYr/ !H!""P$R$%%'! & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gde<@4@{ *05[su=IZ` $()CDHLVWϽᨔ&hjhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJhjheOJQJ^JheOJQJ#hjhe5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hxhe5CJOJQJ^JaJ hjheCJOJQJ^JaJheCJOJQJ^JaJ:WXY`pqrv+O 48cg. / j n q r !! !G!νΰ}}}&hjhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hxheCJOJQJ^JaJheCJOJQJ^JaJhxheOJQJ^J he5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hxhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJhjheOJQJ^J hjheCJOJQJ^JaJ/G!H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"$">"Y"\"]"k""""""""""""" ## #$#U#Y#e#i#O$P$Q$R$$$ôԈԈԈԈԈ{{hjheOJQJ^J hjheCJOJQJ^JaJh?heCJOJQJ^JheCJOJQJaJh?heCJOJQJaJ h?heCJOJQJ^JaJheCJOJQJ^JaJ h9\heCJOJQJ^JaJh9\heOJQJ^J0$$$%%%%"&&&&&&& ' '''\'b''''''' ((n(o(((((((( ))))))***;*[*ŹŪw#h@heCJOJQJ\^JaJ&h"Ohe5CJOJQJ\^JaJh"OheOJQJ^Jh?heCJOJQJ^JheCJOJQJaJh?heCJOJQJaJhjheOJQJ^JheCJOJQJ^JaJ hjheCJOJQJ^JaJ.''))**;*+++++--//?1A1X1h2j222333! & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gde[**++Z+[+++++++++++++++%,1,A,V,W,d,,, -R-----..ͼ|o|ooo[&hjhe6CJOJQJ]^JaJhjheOJQJ^J&hjhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hjheCJOJQJ^JaJh"OheOJQJ^JheCJOJQJ^JaJ h"OheCJOJQJ^JaJ h@heCJOJQJ^JaJ#h@heCJOJQJ\^JaJheCJOJQJ\^JaJ#......///////X0\00000>1?1@1A1W1X1]1g2h2i2j222223333333 3ﯢznheCJOJQJ^JheOJQJ^J h<heCJOJQJ^JaJh<heOJQJ^Jh9\heOJQJ^J h9\heCJOJQJ^JaJ&hjhe5CJOJQJ\^JaJhjheOJQJ^JheCJOJQJ^JaJ hjheCJOJQJ^JaJ) 3$3%3<3=3Y3Z3[3_3`3r3s33333333333333333333344464;4A4K4L4|4}4~44444444444444عǹǹعǹǹǹخhejheUhjheOJQJheCJOJQJ^JaJ hjheCJOJQJ^JaJhjheOJQJ^JheCJOJQJ^JhjheCJOJQJ^J73<3=3Z3s333333334464L4}4444444444! & 0` P@1$7$8$H$gde44444)0&P:pe/ =!"#$%6666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH D`D 73NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR Table Normal4 l4a (k ( No List :: @0 Footnote Text<< @0Footnote Text Char@&@ @0Footnote ReferenceH*8"8 +0Header!.1. +0 Header Char8 B8 +0Footer!.Q. +0 Footer CharHbH 9\0 Balloon TextCJOJQJaJJqJ 9\0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJaJB'B 9\0Comment ReferenceCJaJ44 9\0 Comment TextBB 9\0Comment Text CharCJaJHjH 9\0Comment Subject5CJ\aJFF 9\0Comment Subject Char5\.(. 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