ࡱ>  Nbjbj dgdg D: : 4hhd%Xn(q> @%B%B%B%B%B%B%$A(*Lf%qqf%{%   @% @%  !4" VQ",%%0%",C+0C+4"4"C+H" f%f%%C+: X :  Total Employment Disclosure Form Semester/Term (Semester): (Year) This form is to be completed each semester by Faculty (Full Time and Part-Time) who are employed through Extended Education, another , have funding through a grant, or have other CI employment. After completing this form, submit it to your Program Analyst for verification of workload. Your Program Analyst will obtain Program Chair and Dean signatures and forward to Justin Yu. Faculty members are limited in employment to the equivalent of one (1) full-time position in his/her primary or normal employment. An overage of 25% of a full-time position shall be allowed if the additional employment (a) consists of employment of a substantially different nature from his/her primary or normal employment; (b) is funded from non-general funds; and/or (c) is the result of the accrual of part-time employment on more than one campus. These policies are strictly enforced by the State Controllers Office through which all paychecks are processed. In the case of a federal grant or contract, the rate of pay for the additional employment must be the same as the base rate of pay for the primary appointment. Teaching Assignments/ Workload No.Program# of Units1.2.3. Assigned TimeNo.Program# of Units1.2.3. Other CI Employment (Grants, contracts, Special Consulting,)No.Type of EmploymentDates (From-To)# of Days# of Units1.2.3. CI Extended Education AppointmentsNo.Campus/DepartmentPosition Units or # Days1.2. Other Employment (NOT CI): Appointments No.Campus/DepartmentPosition Units or #Days1.2. By signing below, I certify that the information above is a complete and accurate disclosure of my total employment as of the date indicated below my signature. If I accept additional employment after the completion of this form for the given semester, I agree to complete an updated form to ensure accuracy. Primary Position: Faculty: Tenured/Prob: ____ Lecturer (FT/PT): ____ Librarian: ____ Faculty Name: ____________________________ Faculty Signature: ________________________________ Program Chair Name: ____________________________ Program Chair Signature: ________________________________ Dean Name: ____________________________ Dean Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Date: ________________________________ 25% ALLOWABLE WORKLOAD OVERAGEAND TOTAL EMPLOYMENT ALLOWEDFor Full-Time FacultyAllowable 25% Overage and Total EmploymentUnit of MeasurementMethod of Calculation25% OverageTotal EmploymentUnits per Semester:25% of 15 units3.75 units18.75 unitsUnits per Academic Year:25% of 30 units7.5 units37.5 unitsUnits per Fiscal Year: 25% of 30 units7.5 units37.5 unitsDays per Semester: 25% of 87 days22 days109 daysDays per Academic Year:25% of 175 days44 days219 daysDays per Fiscal Year: 25% of 260 days65 days325 daysHours per Week: 25% of 40 hours10 hours50 hoursHours per Semester:8 hours * 22 days176 hours872 hoursHours per Academic Year:8 hours * 44 days352 hours1620 hoursHours per Fiscal Year:8 hours * 65 days520 hours2600 hoursConversion ChartFor Additional Work Performed During25% Overage is Equivalent to the Following:Employee Typethe Following Time Periods:Hours per WeekUnitsDaysHoursTime BaseAcademic Year FacultySemester103.75221760.25Academic Year107.5443520.2512-Month FacultyFiscal Year107.5655200.25FERP FacultyFT One Semester/Yr****3 - 5 ******50% Both Semesters00000 Important Note: In the case of a federal grant or contract, the rate of pay for the additional employment must be the same as the base rate of pay for the primary assignment. FERP faculty teaching one semester each year are allowed to work a total of 90 days. This Policy on Additional Employment is located at  HYPERLINK "http://www.calstate.edu/HRAdm/pdf2002/HR2002-05.pdf" http://www.calstate.edu/HRAdm/pdf2002/HR2002-05.pdf or the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Unit 3 Faculty, Article 36.     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