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Incumbents must possess the ability to learn and perform assigned work; work cooperatively with faculty, staff, and other students; and accept responsibility. Completion of specific coursework may be required in order to teach, grade or tutor a course.<Include all required qualifications/skills to perform this position>  FORMTEXT      Duties & ResponsibilitiesThe majority of work performed by an Instructional Student Assistant is: Instruction Under appropriate supervision by the course assigned faculty member, implements faculty members course content and methodology requiring specific advanced knowledge of the course content; Grading Assessment of student work requiring specific academic knowle*56  , l n p r 2 ԽԲદԉؔ~h.g h.ghvjhCU hOvhvjh*0Uh*0jh*0UjhCUh<jh<UjhCUhCjhCUhvh]:h.gh^t5 h.g5 hahaha1!67  , a{kdt$$Ifl0*# t0644 laytC $Ifgd< $Ifgd^tgd.ggdagda {{ $Ifgd^t{kdk$$Ifl0*# t0644 laytC {{ $Ifgd^t{kd$$Ifl0*# t0644 laytC yy $Ifgd^t|kdY$$Ifl40*`# t0644 laytC yyy $Ifgd^t|kdX$$Ifl40* # t0644 laytCJFLbv(),)))* * ****L*N*****ג~鋒odhChvB*phhCh.gB*CJaJphjhCUU hOvh.gh.ghCh^tCJaJjehChCU hChCjhChCUhChvB*CJaJph hOvhvhvjhCUmHnHujhCUjhCUhC$H{{ $Ifgd^t{kdW$$Ifl0*# t0644 laytCHJLyyy $Ifgd^t|kd$$Ifl40*`# t0644 laytCd/))yyyyy $Ifgd^t|kd$$Ifl40* # t0644 laytCdge directly related to the subject matter with authority to assign a grade (i.e. test or assignment grades) within a range of points; and/or Tutoring  Individual or group instruction requiring advanced knowledge of discipline or subject matter. FORMTEXT      Preferred Qualifications<Include any specific preferences, otherwise leave blank>  FORMTEXT      Special Instructions to ApplicantsInstructional Student Assistants may work up to 20 hours per week during academic periods and may work up to 40 hours per week during academic break periods.<Include information such as an alternate source of completing an application i.e. the standard employment application available in the Career Center, number of references (either faculty or previous employers or any other information that you would like to communicate to online applicants.>  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Approver s Name (Print)Approver s SignatureDate  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Employee Name (Print)Employee SignatureDate )))*yy $Ifgd^t|kdd$$Ifl40*`# t0644 laytC**N***yyy $Ifgd^t|kdc $$Ifl40* # t0644 laytC*****2++0,l,r,t,..............// ////,/./0/Ŷ죘~sea~Vj h6/?Uh^tjh6/?UmHnHujo h6/?Uh6/?jh6/?UjhCUmHnHujp hCUhChCh^tB*CJaJphhCh.gB*CJaJph hCh.g5B*CJaJph hOvh.gh.ghv h]:h]:jhCUj hCU!**2+n,{{ $Ifgd^t{kdb $$Ifl0*# t0644 laytCn,p,r,..yyy $Ifgd^t|kd $$Ifl40*`# t0644 laytC...////>/}ttttt $Ifgd6/?gdv|kd $$Ifl40* # t0644 laytC0/://@/p/r////offfff $Ifgd^tkdY $$Ifsr %%u*'H''H'' t644 sayto%///////0offffff $Ifgdxukd$$Ifsr %%u*HH t644 sayto%000020X0Z0d0offfff $Ifgdxukd$$Ifsr %%u*HH t644 sayto%d0f0h0ojgdo%kdq$$Ifsr %%u*HH t644 sayto%21h:pa/ =!"#$% tDText2$$If!vh#v#v#:V l t0655#ytCtDText1$$If!vh#v#v#:V l t0655#ytCDf Dropdown1<click here to select one>$1150 Instructional Student Assistant,1151 Inst. 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