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They include but are not limited to hiring, space, admissions and recruitment issues with graduate level students. 4. Academic Master Plan Steve Lefevre reminded the Committee the Academic Master Plan needs to be completed in Senate before Winter Break. Since there are fewer meetings this year, he will investigate the dates and advise the committee. The Academic Master Plan must be submitted to Senate Exec no later than November 6th. 5. MS Biology Short Form Ching Hua-Wang Ching reviewed her concerns regarding lab space with the committee. She stated that with her current and projected enrollments new experimental labs, especially research labs, will be needed to support the MS program. There is currently 1300 sq ft of lab space; she seeking 4000 sq ft to support this degree. The Biology program has exceeded its projected FTES for the last two years and anticipates further growth that will support the MS Biology degree program; however, the size of this group would be limited unless addition lab space is supported. She shared the variance between commitments to lab space vs other standards (ie. Biology Council, which is 400 additional sq ft per faculty). Deborah Wylie indicated that the does not support facilities before student enrollment and because funding is student driven it is likely that Biology would have to seek external support to the to support growth of this program. Steve agreed to assist Ching in rewriting the short form. Deborah also noted that the current dry labs in the Science bldg will be moved to the West Lab Project freeing up more space in the Science Building. Ching also noted that she was seeking two additional tenure track faculty which would give her the minimum tenure track personnel required to launch the program in 2010. Steve Lefevre agreed to speak to Trudy Milburn about the term Global in her degree. There was concern expressed by the committee on the number of master level degrees on the plan, and the related costs (approximately two times the costs of undergraduate degrees). Steve agreed to speak to those parties supporting such degrees 2012 and out to see if there is still current interest in these degrees. The committee is also concerned about future enrollment, with climbing targets. Steve Lefevre agreed to review the highest enrollment numbers in the for undergraduate degrees not represented at CI. Ernie Gonzalez indicated that statistically, Business will show the largest growth area. The committee also asked what the difference is likely to be between Sociology and Applied Sociology degree. 6. BA BS Kinesiology/Wellness/Nutrition/Health Update Steve briefly summarized the direction in which the development team has focused. The current thought is to offer degrees in three separate areas: Health Science, Exercise Science/Athletic Training, and Nutrition/Dietetics. He also mentioned they would collaborate incorporating current issues of aging, wellness, obesity, and health education. Alex posed the question if the degrees would be split up and if the recent WASC request on substantive changes would impact the progress of degrees. Bill Cordeiro indicated that President Rush stated that we should conduct our business as usual at this time. Health Sciences Barbara Thorpe represented the team of Karen Jensen, Kevin Volkan, Ching-Hua Wang and herself, who are currently working on the curriculum. She gave a brief overview of the program and possible options that could be later developed such as Hospital Administration, Occupational and Physical Therapy. She noted that this degree would be highly attractive to the large number of students who are attending but not necessarily entering the impacted BS Nursing degree program. She also noted that the degree would be a gateway degree for those seeking an MS in Public Health. She is still investigating needs assessment in the tri-county areas. The degree could launch in 2010 with only a small number of new courses added to our existing courses in other disciplines. One area of focus could be the Bi-lingual Health Educator. Statistically, there are approximately 150,000 service and farm workers that might require professionals for their health care needs in the future. Nutrition Alex McNeill spoke briefly about Nutrition and indicated that lab (kitchen) space is of utmost importance. He indicated that it would be a very popular degree that includes a 12 month supervised internship, certification examination, and that the degree is nationally recognized allowing excellent mobility for students who attain the degree. He also noted that it would be ideal if faculty could be hired to assist in the development of the degree and provide complimentary courses to Nursing and basic GE courses. Deborah Wylie indicated looking to Advancement and the Foundation to support the facilities and equipment aspects of the degree. Exercise Science/Athletic Training Ed Lebioda spoke to the facilities aspect of this degree. He noted the importance of the degree development coincide with the current Athletic Program effort to secure space and provide support as the Athletic Program develops at CI. He noted that certain Sports Clubs will require the need for EMTs at games and practice sessions as well as Athletic Trainers. There was a short discussion on whether or not Coaches were considered faculty. Assistant Coaches tend to receive faculty rank. 7. Philosophy Degree The Committee suggests that Sarah Sentilles, who teaches Critical Thinking be invited to join the Philosophy Development Team. 8. Next Meetings These have been regularly scheduled for the last part of the Curriculum Meetings. They begin October 10th. *+:;<LM[]^klz{  ' - ǿǬǤ~skc[c[cScShCJaJhl^fCJaJhY%CJaJh;{CJaJh(@h;{CJaJh,oCJaJh(@h$\CJaJh(@hICJaJh )?CJaJhdCJaJh(@CJaJh(@h oCJaJh/CJaJh(@hdCJaJh,oh;{hY%h@hQ5CJaJhp'5CJaJh@h;{5CJaJ +;<=lH I X  Y [ { @ ^@ gdYNgdYN & F ^`gd/gdd$a$gd@ $@&a$gd/!- H I Q V W X s  W Y ^ x z { xppdXMEh*oCJaJh(@h$CJaJhY%hYN5CJaJhY%hY%5CJaJh )?CJaJh )?hYN5CJaJhY%5CJaJh )?h )?5CJaJh(@h/CJaJh(@hYNCJaJh(@hp'CJaJhl^fCJaJh(@h CJaJh(@h(@CJaJh(@h/5CJaJh(@5CJaJh(@h )?CJaJhY%CJaJ   #$ny,7pwɽ𩝩𕉩}umme]e]eehCJaJh\STCJaJhCJaJh*oCJaJh )?h )?5CJaJhhL>5CJaJh )?CJaJhL>hL>CJH*aJhL>CJaJh(@h$5CJaJhY%h$5CJaJhY%hY%5CJaJhCJaJh )?h )?CJaJh$CJaJhY%CJaJhl^fCJaJ$  IJWXtu  gdM & F gd.gd )?gd$gdIVX6DLVtuvx$%7X 2;:H Ź蝕h9+CJaJhCJaJh.CJaJh/CJaJhh5CJaJhh\ST5CJaJhF7h )?CJaJhV CJaJhL>CJaJhMCJaJh )?CJaJh\STCJaJhl^fCJaJ7  2!3!!!!^gd$gd )?^gdMgdM & F gd.^gd9+^gd9+gd9+ 1!2!6!C!!!!!!̸̭h{h$CJaJhF7hCJaJhhCJH*aJh )?CJaJhCJaJhR_15CJaJh9+hR_15CJaJh9+h5CJaJhF7h )?CJaJ21h:p(@/ =!"#8$% L@L Normal$CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListTOT QHeading Italicized0^`06HH a Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJZYZ / Document Map-D M CJOJQJ^JaJ4+;<=lHIXY[{ I J W X   t u   2300000;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; 0;0; 0;0;0;0; 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;   j00Krj00j00j00j000h@0|jwQj-  ! !!8@0(  B S  ?-0<.0rO/0$Q00L10vM20}O  =*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PersonName H#$pw V X J J 6 D L V r r $%((2;:Hgg ' ( 5w!R q.#ƚʏVB2`#;P*-.EJ2,9 SLԝ,S ({p~v4DovΒu40^`0o(. ^`hH.  ^ `o(.h   ^ `o(hH. xx^x`hH. 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