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Steve discussed the current status of the 2009 degrees indicating that Philosophy was progressing well, Kinesiology is still discussing the emphasis of their program, and that Anthropology had not yet begun the process. A general discussion took place and Bill C. suggested that in the 2009, a year of rest year be inserted where no new degrees are launched and that all scheduled programs move out one year. It was the general consensus that this would give additional time for program development as well as the time for existing programs to review and refine their areas. It was agreed that change would not slow down the development of those items on the Academic Master Plan. Steve agreed to discuss this matter with the Dean of Faculty and Provost. 3. Facilities The committee also has concerns regarding adequate lab space for Nursing, Kinesiology, and the upcoming MS in Biology. Bill and Steve had met with Deborah Wylie and discussed the facilities forecast. A recently developed facilities grid was distributed and discussed. The committee also felt that the lack of facilities would work well with the 2009 break in new programs. Steve agreed to discuss this matter with Jane Sweetland as well. Lab and classroom space continues to be another problematic issue. 4. May 10, 2007 Community Health Meeting The current guest list was discussed. The committee was asked to suggest topics for the meeting. The following items were developed: Keep meeting conversational and informal Opening Statements Review of our Planning Process at CI Review of our Current Academic Plan Questions to pose to the group: What are the current issues in your areas of health care How can CI enhance resolution to your concerns Solicitation: Advice on Kinesiology development and emphasis 5. Revision of the Long Form The Chancellors Office has sent out a new revise of their Proposal Template. A slightly revised edition of the template was distributed to the Committee. A sub-committee was formed by Therese Eyermann and Steve Stratton to customize the template to our campus. They plan to do this work in July 2007 and propose it to the committee in the fall. *+39:;Kemp~øøåÝti`T`Ih(@h(@CJaJh(@h/5CJaJh(@5CJaJh(@h;{CJaJh(@h$\CJaJh(@hICJaJh(@h,oCJaJh,oCJaJhdCJaJh(@CJaJh(@h oCJaJh(@hJ:CJaJh(@hdCJaJh,oh;{h$\hYNh@hQ5CJaJhp'5CJaJh@h;{5CJaJ+:;<eY Z &(867cgd$gd@ ^@ gdYNgdYN & F ^`gd/gdd$a$gd@ $@&a$gd/ ' @ J K X Y Z \ ] 6 7 W Y  ) . 5 P S Y [ s v p q %&+578Xaڝڝh(@h$CJaJh(@h$\CJaJhCJaJh(@h(@CJaJh<CJaJh(@hYN5CJaJh(@h/CJaJh(@hp'CJaJh,oCJaJh(@CJaJh(@hYNCJaJh(@h CJaJ5E567;cq FJcװךϚגh{h$CJaJh$CJaJh(@h{CJaJh,oh,oCJaJh$CJaJh(@h,oCJaJh(@h$5CJaJhCJaJh(@h$CJaJh(@h^CJaJh(@hYNCJaJh,oCJaJ)Nrs FGdgd$ & Fgd$^gd$gd,o & F p^gd,o & F p^gd(@gdYN21h:p(@/ =!"#8$% L@L Normal$CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListTOT QHeading Italicized0^`06H@H a Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJZYZ / Document Map-D M CJOJQJ^JaJ +:;<eYZ&(867c ) N r s F G d 0@0@0@0@0:@0:@0:@0:@0:@0: 0:@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@0+@ 0+@ 0+@0+@0+@0+@ 0+@ 0+@ 0+@0+@0+@0+0@0+ @0|jwQj   8@0(  B S  ? : |r opZZy ^^ 8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PersonName 0AE   9:JKWX67WY).5PSY[sp5578Xa57;``bcN N q   ' ( 5w!R qVB2`#;P*-.EJ2,9 SLԝ{p~v4DovΒu40^`0o(. ^`hH.  ^ `o(.h   ^ `o(hH. xx^x`hH. 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