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Steve will clarify the use of the term global with Trudy Milburn. 5. MS Biology Short Form Steve Lefevre reviewed the recent changes to the MS Biology short form. The Committee agreed to approved the revisions and short form as modified. 6. BA BS Kinesiology/Wellness/Nutrition/Health Update Steve agreed to follow-up on the pending short forms in this area. 7. Student Representative Steve agreed to follow up on obtaining a student representative for the committee. 8. WASC Substantive Change Issue Steve updated the current strategy regarding the recent WASC Substantive Change issue and will continue to update the committee on its status. Meetings are happening regularly to identify ways to deal with this burdening issue. Kathy agreed to send the latest WASC letter to the committee. 9. Revised Long Form It was determined to defer review of the revision to the long form in case the WASC Substantive Change information impacts the collection of degree data. 10. Next Meetings October 24, 2007 at 2:15pm. *+45;<VX_`pqǻǷvkcXPh;{CJaJh(@h;{CJaJh,oCJaJh(@h$\CJaJh(@hICJaJh )?CJaJhdCJaJh(@CJaJh(@h oCJaJh/CJaJh(@hdCJaJh,oh+h+CJH*aJh+h+CJaJh;{h_ZhY%h@hQ5CJaJhp'5CJaJh@h;{5CJaJ+<_`a     - n o ^gd+gdYN@ ^@ gdYN`gd+ & F ^`gd/gdd$a$gd@ $@&a$gd/b      & + , - H m n o q r Խ}qf^VKh )?h )?CJaJh$CJaJh*oCJaJh(@h$CJaJhY%hYN5CJaJhY%hY%5CJaJh(@h/CJaJh(@hYNCJaJh(@hp'CJaJh_ZCJaJh(@h CJaJh(@h(@CJaJh(@h/5CJaJh(@5CJaJh(@h+CJaJh )?CJaJhl^fCJaJhY%CJaJ 2 : A F M N W Y Z [  # $ E M N P Q S n ļ̨ĀxxĈpeYhh\ST5CJaJhF7h )?CJaJhV CJaJh3CJaJh+CJaJhMCJaJh )?h )?5CJaJhhL>5CJaJh )?CJaJhL>hL>CJH*aJhL>CJaJh_ZCJaJhY%CJaJh(@h$5CJaJhY%h$5CJaJhY%hY%5CJaJhCJaJ [ O P 8 9 Z ~/0`ab^gd$^gd?Z+gd?Z+`gd+gd )?gd$ & F gd_Z^gd+gdn w 7 8 9 < Z ~./24AD^`ab̨̨̨̼̠̠ܰ̈}rh{h$CJaJhF7hCJaJh9+h5CJaJh?Z+h?Z+5CJaJh?Z+CJaJhCJaJh+h+5CJaJhV CJaJhMCJaJh+CJaJh\STCJaJhF7h )?CJaJhh\ST5CJaJhh5CJaJ21h:p(@/ =!"#8$% L@L Normal$CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListTOT QHeading Italicized0^`06HH a Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJZYZ / Document Map-D M CJOJQJ^JaJb+<_`a-no[OP89Z~/0`ad000000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_ 0_0<0<0<0<0<0<0< 0<0<0<00<0<0<0<0<00<0<0000000<0<dj00Kr@0|jwQj n b  b b 8@0(  B S  ?թ 8֩ <d  d8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace g$d$d3;^#$EM$t|}/02d$d ' ( 5w!R q.#ƚʏVB2`|4V#;P*-.EJ2,9 SLԝ,S ({p~v4DovΒu40^`0o(. ^`hH.  ^ `o(.h   ^ `o(hH. xx^x`hH. 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