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Membership – Steve Lefevre reviewed the current membership, noting that the IR director will be a member of the committee, once identified. Notes from November 21, 2007, meeting - Steve reminded the Committee that Short Forms will continue to be routed through the Curriculum Committee prior to the Academic Planning Committee and that the proposers would be invited to attend with a time certain appointment time. Status Report of New Degrees – Steve reviewed the current status of the approved degrees. He noted that for the Early Childhood Studies degree, CI had responded to the peer review comments made by the Chancellor’s Office The MA in English and MFA Art will also be submitted through WASC’s Substantive Change process. CI has been informed that the WASC Substantive Change Form will also act as the long form to the Chancellor’s Office for these degrees. This is a new process for us and the pathway for this process is still being defined. RN to BSN Degree. Gary Berg explained the community desire and need to move this track of the Nursing Program to Extended Education. His current research indicates that no further action is required on our part aside from the Request Letter which has already been submitted to the Chancellor’s Office. All the students in this degree track are currently working students and it is possible that an entire cohort will be processed at one hospital. This degree is slated for 2009 launch by Extended Education and conforms to EO 802. Details of the offering are currently under negotiations with the community partners. Degrees in Process – Steve reviewed the status of other degrees in process. Here are their standings: BA Anthropology 2010 – in Steve’s Office, will be resubmitted to Curriculum Committee shortly MS Biology 2010 – Per Amy Denton, this is ready for submission but the program may hold off until the fall since the Curriculum Committee’s deadline for work has passed BA Philosophy 2010 – Jesse Elliott and Julia Balen will be drafting the long form and courses this summer BS Health Science – Group will begin meeting to draft a long form. MFA Art – Needs to be formatted for WASC Substantive Change Request and also submitted to the Chancellor’s Office History/Social Science Single Subject Credential – Adding of two additional courses for the credential. Community Event to be held May 9th including middle schools, high schools and CI faculty. Further work needed on the subject matter description. Academic Program Master Plan and Internal Planning Calendar (AMPIPC) – The most recent approved version of the AMPIPC was distributed to the Committee and reviewed. The question was how to proceed with updating the plan. There was general agreement that because of resource, budget and enrollment limitations, the Committee ought to consider again dates of implementation. After some discussion it was decided that the Committee would like to talk with Provost and Dean of Faculty. Both have been requested to attend the next APC meeting and share resource information that could influence any decisions made to the AMPIPC. Steve agreed to contact them and invite them to a meeting in two weeks. Steve and Gary also noted that there has been some discussion regarding the MPA moving to self-support in 2012. КЃНЧЩчЧјN is currently offering this within the county showing evidence of need. The process of building an advisory committee is underway. Steve reported that ESRM is in discussions to propose an MS degree, perhaps with a coastal management focus. Sean Anderson had emailed with information about a program being discussed with members of their community advisory board. No date of implementation has been mentioned thus far. The program would follow an agency/mentor model, with students working closely with agencies and supervisors in the field. 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