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Dennis Muraoka noted that three IR candidates have been selected and will be on campus in a few weeks for interviews and presentations. Notes from April 16, 2008 were reviewed. Purpose of Meeting. Steve Lefevre discussed the purpose of the meeting, explaining that the APC has requested additional information from administration before attempting to re-evaluate the AMPIPC. Steve briefly explained the planning calendar and that under normal conditions, calls for new majors would be going out to faculty at this time, however due to ensuing budget cuts and enrollment limits, this year’s review will take on another approach. Budget Implications. Ted Lucas reported that Richard West indicated that this budget set back might take two or three years before we recover and that not only would CI be not increasing enrollment in 2008, it may even see a small reduction in future years. West may be retiring and he as been instrumental in assisting CI in getting additional ftes. With West gone, these extra ftes may disappear. The other impact will be the new Substantive Change (SC) process that is before us in Master level programming. Ashish Vaidya confirmed the position saying it may be a three year cycle before we pull out of the budget cuts. The Governor’s May revise may shed better light on the financial impact to CI. Deborah Wylie also noted that the state legislature may decide no new debt can be incurred at this time, pushing out the North Hall and West Hall projects. West Hall has lab space integrated into the plans. All this classroom space will impact what can be implemented. WASC Substantive Change Process. Dennis Muraoka explained what was happening with regard to the SC process. He noted that the fact that we were granted general status on our undergraduate degrees was a real win for the University, however all our master’s programs must be submitted through the WASC SC process. We will apply for Fast Track approval on the first degree we process, which will be the MA in English. If we receive Fast Track approval, our second and ensuing master level degrees will only need to be reviewed at the staff level, increasing the time to approval. Once Fast Track approval is given it lasts for four years. Dennis also noted the degree of scrutiny on these submission will be far greater than those degrees that prior proposals. The mechanics of this process are just now being worked out. Dennis reminded the committee that CI cannot offer the degree without WASC or CO approval. Dennis also shared that a $1500 fee is involved with the submission and secondary fee if the program has to be re-submitted. 66% of the programs are passed after the first submittal, however, they require a high level of detail and are currently taking up to 1 year to receive approval. Dennis also reviewed the first three reasons that proposals are rejected. Criteria for Decisions. A number of persons spoke to the matter of criteria for prioritizing degrees, and Steve Lefevre agreed to produce a grid noting these criteria as well as collecting some relevant data. They include: Is this degree a core or fundamental discipline? Number of current TT faculty in the discipline What programs are growing or shrinking? Are there already dedicated resources to the program? Does the proposed degree meet the regional needs? What courses have been offered in the past that supports further advancement of the degree? Overall, will CI meet the enrollment targets (President) Opinions. It was suggested that before the Academic year ends, a Brown Bag or faculty meeting be held to introduce some of the ramifications of the flattening of the budget. Ashish agreed to schedule the meeting before year end. Kathy will be reserving the meeting space for May 23, from 10:30 to noon. 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