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Of the three areas of discretion in the state budget Education has the highest visibility for budget reductions. Currently the is over 10,000 FTES for fall 08 according to Chancellor Reed (P Rivera). Dr Rush indicated that the following areas should be considered in the review of the Academic Master Plan: What is really needed; does the program fit our profile, is it interdisciplinary and also assist other existing programs? Affordability and resource dependency Innovation. Are we focusing on 21st Century world? Are we meeting state and regional marketplaces Dr Rush also indicated that Richard West agreed to approximately 400-500 FTES for CI to make the recovery to get back on our original enrollment trajectory. Dr Rush has requested an additional 100 FTES, but has yet to hear from West. Dr. Rush mentioned the Universitys strategic plans focus and its relation to our academic planning. The STEM disciplines are highlighted in the strategic plan, for instance, and this should encourage us to give attention to computer engineering, biomedical engineering, and related areas. Paul Rivera posed the concern that there might be other areas of community interest (like Chicano Studies and Nursing that are not currently represented on the AMP). Dr Rush indicated that both Agriculture, and Wellness and Athletics are of regional and wider interest. Just how such areas could be integrated, innovatively into existing degrees on the plan was not noted, and should be a concern of the committee. He suggested CI include finding niche areas such as food production and safety. He challenged the committee to identify unique and forward-looking programs. Wellness, he said, relates and integrates with Nursing, and other such ways to ties interdisciplinarity. Obesity and nutrition were discussed in relation to Athletics. Dawn Neuman noted that the term Health Science has changed over the past few years, and that the sub-categories within that field should be developed. Jeanne Grier expressed her concerns about balance among degrees. Steve Lefevre mentioned that a time of low enrollment growth, with less pressure to hit high enrollment targets, may be a good time to set priorities among degrees. Ashish Vaidya noted that it was unrealistic to rely on the state to fully fund new programs and that business partnerships should be looked into as an alternative way to launch degrees, particularly under the current economic environment. He noted a couple of areas of interest from his Leadership Council: 1) Design and Engineering and 2) Wellness. He also noted that CI should look into software engineering programs, and further exploring possible partnerships to reduce costs. Dr Rush also felt that he could get the funding from private industry for Engineering. Dawn Neuman suggested the MA English could partner with Hollywood Studios. They could possibly set up external cohorts to enroll in the institution. Nelle Moffett brought up the possible morale issues of moving some of the more traditional degrees around. Look internationally, she said, perhaps possible small business approaches from third world nations that are currently being used globally that have been quite successful and lucrative. Paul Rivera noted that there were seven (7) master degree plans on the AMP. He wondered how our guests felt about that. Dr Rush supports the continuation of supporting and building graduate level degrees, but suggests that we develop degrees with an edge to them. Paul also noted that the current structural hierarchy of Academic Affairs may or may not affect degrees. Where will they be housed? Mary Adler had concerns on how this information would be disseminated to a wider faculty audience. She observed that it is important to consult widely within the university in reshaping our plan. Rush and Neuman both expressed that this is a perfect time to revisit items on the plan. Academic Programs should affect the organization and structure, and that should set the course for the budget. Dawn is releasing a common data set in mid-October that will be discussed in a forum format, and will invite the campus to revisit where its been and wheres its going. The strategic plans for the University and for Academic Affairs will be reviewed and re-alignment may occur as a result. This re-centering of campus goals should help in the overall understanding of why some degrees will receive more priority than others. Steve Lefevre agreed to send Dawn some talking points for tomorrows senate meeting.     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