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Future meetings will piggyback on the Curriculum meetings held every other week beginning September 21st. There will be four meetings available in which the recommendation of the committee should be made. 5. New Forms Steve Lefevre, Andrea Grove and Kathy Musashi worked on revisions of the following forms: Short Form Long Form Minor Form The forms were revised based on recent recommendations from the Chancellors Office. The mainly enhance the resource issues now required from the Chancellors Office. The minor form was developed to accommodate the number of new majors on the AMP. 6. Update on Programs Steve reviewed the following updates on Programs BSIT Requested move from Special Sessions to State side. Rationale, the high support (90%) it is already receiving from the state side. This has minor financial impact. The request was submitted to the Chancellors Office and is awaiting response. BA Anthropology received Chancellors Office approval June 2009. MA English received Chancellors Office approval June 2009. 7. Updating the AMP Steve discussed several options available in reviewing the AMP for this year. After full discussion the following was decided: Retrieve old criterion data from last year and forward to each faculty sponsor(s). See if they would like to add any changes or make any comments regarding the status of their programs Contact sponsors of the Minor Programs and get a status report. Send short form if necessary. Inquire if courses are currently available or if new course development has to occur. Collect enrollment data. FTEs will support the possibility of growth for new majors in coming years. The committee felt that this method of inquiry would be more consultative and produce the information the committee needs to determine priorities. Scenario Reporting. The committee discussed various ways in which to present various scenarios based on our economic condition. Deborah Wylie will send Kathy the Fall distribution of FTE for a look at our current enrollment numbers.     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