ࡱ> UXT _bjbj 4 9 %-----AAA8y$A_"^^^^^^^$`_c^-^--^p--^^U[4QA jW4~^^0_Wp d dh[ d-[p"^^C_ d : Academic Planning Committee (APC) Meeting Meeting Notes October 5, 2009 Sage Hall, Rm 2030, 10:15am to 11:30 am Members: Steve Lefevre Deborah Wylie Gary Berg Jose Alamillo Merilyn Buchanan Kathy Musashi Phil Hampton Andrew Morris Nelle Moffett Mary Adler Colleen Delaney- Rivera Kevin Schallart Ellie Tayag Alex See Mary Adler Phil Hampton Janet Rizzoli Introductions and Welcome to New Members Review of Agenda and Notes. Approved by consensus. Updating the Academic Master Plan (AMP) A. Fall 2008 Facilities Document Deborah Wylie reviewed the fall facilities enrollment report and discussed how the data was obtained. This will be used as reference material as the Committee reviews the AMP. B. Changes to the AMP. Steve reviewed the changes made to the AMP (marked in red) and the Summary information regarding the inquiries sent to proposers from the Criteria Grid from last year.. After some discussion, a few changes were made and will be reflected on the next draft. Alex See asked about the Criminal Justice degree, as it is no longer appearing on the grid as a major (it is a minor proposal only). Steve Lefevre noted that he would speak to Dr Hartung regarding the status of the former proposal. Steve also discussed the status of the BA Entertainment Studies and noted that he was expecting the long form from Jack Reilly today. Both BA Entertainment Studies and Social Business are top-down degrees. There was some discussion about the internal support these degrees would get and some expressed their concern about the narrow focus of these degrees and departure from the CI mission (ie. Entertainment Studies). There was also discussion about the number of courses that would need to be generated for the degrees. No short or long forms are currently available to give the Committee a clear view of the programs. Gary Berg noted that the Biomedical Engineering and MS Nursing will be dependent upon external funding. Mary Adler suggested that we add current funding availability to the long form. Phil Hampton suggested that at the five year window of a new degree, updated information should be provided regarding resources. The committee determined that a simultaneous long and short form be submitted on degree proposals within the three year window. Steve noted that the MPA should stay in 2012.     PAGE  PAGE 1 ")*78AGHZ[\ahijlmopqr{ĴĴȴ~vnfnhp6CJaJhrCJaJhdCJaJh(@CJaJh&CJaJh(@hJ:CJaJh#CJaJh(@hdCJaJh,ohRhQhAh0h;{h&h ~h@hQ5CJaJhp'5CJaJh05CJaJh%F5CJaJh@h;{5CJaJ%*8Hpqr 4 W s t u v w h^hgdD|ugd ~ & F ^`gd/ `^``gd}F^gd#gd#$a$gd@ $@&a$gd/  # $ 3 4 ? 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