ࡱ> TWS jbjbj 4D %-----AAA8yA;_"^^^^^^^$`c^-^--^p--^^U[W$QAnW4^ _0;_Wp1d1dh[1d-["^^G;_1d : Academic Planning Committee (APC) Meeting Meeting Notes October 19, 2009 Sage Hall, Rm 2030, 10:30am to 11:30 am Members: Steve Lefevre Deborah Wylie Gary Berg Jose Alamillo Merilyn Buchanan Kathy Musashi Phil Hampton Andrew Morris Nelle Moffett Mary Adler Colleen Delaney- Rivera Kevin Schallart Ellie Tayag Alex See Mary Adler Phil Hampton Janet Rizzoli Review of Agenda and Notes. Amendment to the notes, clarifying that the long form is simultaneously submitted with the short form when a new degree is being initiated in the three year window.. Updating the Academic Master Plan (AMP) A. Steve Reviewed the changes made by the Education Program. They will be amended on the Academic Master Plan. B. Gary Berg explained his role as facilitator for the Applied or Professional Arts degree in the Entertainment Industry. He will be holding three working meetings with a task force designed to look at all of the arts programs and formulate a recommendation to the Provost. This will include looking at existing programs as well as completing a needs assessment. Until such time that the task force has completed its work, BA Entertainment Studies will be removed from the AMP. C. Fall timeline. A review of the fall timeline indicates that at the next meeting (November 2nd) the Academic Master Plan must be completed so that it can be submitted to Senate Exec. D. Steve will follow-up on the following areas: 1. Clinical Training Certificate, remaining in 2010 2. Short form for PSM Coastal Sustainability 3. BA Geography & Urban Studies, with Don Rodriguez E. Sean Anderson attended the meeting to discuss ESRMs proposal for a professional masters degree in Coastal Sustainability. They are still in a very early stage of development but feel that the need for this degree is high. They receive several calls a month pertaining to it. The only other program of its kind is in Florida. Sean, and other colleagues are working on the short form and expect to get it to the committee this week. ESRM was informed that they need to also send in the long form as soon as possible. 3. Charge of the Academic Programs and Planning Committee. The Presidents Office requested that the charge of the committee as well as membership be submitted. The committee was asked to review the draft and comment on it at the next meeting.     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