ࡱ> X[W fbjbj 4&@%-----AAA8y$A/_"^^^^^^^$`{c^-^--^d--^^vUZ\A|FW4^^0/_zWp%dy%dhZ%d-Z"^^/_%d : Academic Planning Committee (APC) Meeting Meeting Notes November 2, 2009 Sage Hall, Rm 2030, 10:30am to 11:30 am Members: Steve Lefevre Deborah Wylie Gary Berg Jose Alamillo Merilyn Buchanan Kathy Musashi Phil Hampton Andrew Morris Nelle Moffett Mary Adler Colleen Delaney- Rivera Kevin Schallart Ellie Tayag Alex See Mary Adler Phil Hampton Janet Rizzoli Review of Agenda and Notes. Steve Lefevre reviewed the major topics of the last meeting. Updating the Academic Master Plan (AMP) A. Curriculum Committee Recommendations on MS Coastal Sustainability: Andrew Morris summarized the recommendations of the Curriculum Meetings comments regarding the MS Costal Sustainability (PSM) short form. The committee had the following concerns: 1. Budgetary Issues. The committee felt that the budget was underdeveloped and that it needed additional work to clarify some of the costs involved for the program. The committee also requested additional clarification on the faculty needs as stated in the short form. 2. Marketability and Enrollment. The committee expressed its concerns on the low enrollment numbers to initiate the program (8 students). Is this low number sustainable and reasonable with five supported faculty? 3. Faculty. The committee expressed its concern regarding the narrowly niched focus of the program. Would it be more viable to start with a broader scope of environmental science and as the program grows create emphases that focused on such issues as coastal sustainability? This method might also attract additional students to the program. Overall, the Committee agreed that the short form was not ready to be placed on the Academic Master Plan at this time. The Committee also requests that any program being proposed within a three year window be accompanied by the Long Form. Extended University Input. EU also felt that the program was underdeveloped. Gary Berg offered to help develop a budget, and wished that he had seen the proposal beforehand. There was a general discussion of the short form. Several of the comments echoed the concerns of the Curriculum Committee, timeliness of the degree, very small initial enrollment producing extremely high tuition costs, better market analysis. Clarification of the outside faculty, how do these folks bring value to the program (this clarification should be made in the short form). The short form doesnt really discuss the curriculum and resource issues in much detail. What are the delivery costs? The budget needs a revenue side as well. Using another approach to the degree, starting with a broader ESRM Sustainability degree then when there is sufficient momentum, offering emphases. After thorough discussion, it was determined that the MS Coastal Sustainability should not be placed on the Academic Master Plan at this time, it will however, be placed on the Programs for Further Study notations until such time the program is more highly developed. It was suggested that the ESRM faculty work on the program in the spring and resubmit as soon as they can. There was general support for the degree but it was also the general feeling of the committee that it was not quite ready for the Plan. Gary said he would be working with ESRM faculty on the project. B. Gary Berg asked that the current term of Music Industry be changed to Entertainment Industry Related Programs until such time the task force completes it work on this potential degree. 3. AMP to Senate Exec Committee. Steve Lefevre will take the recommendations of the Academic Planning Committee to the Senate Executive Committee later this week.     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