ࡱ> TWS bjbjVV 4<< %-----AAA8yA^"s^u^u^u^u^u^u^$`@c^-^--^R--s^s^T3Z@oA^V4_^^0^VpcVch3Zc-3Z,^^ ^c : Academic Planning Committee (APC) Meeting Meeting Notes October 18, 2010 Sage Hall, Rm 2030, 10:00 am to 11:00 am Members : Steve Lefevre John Gormley Gary Berg Jose Alamillo Merilyn Buchanan Kathy Musashi Phil Hampton Jaye Smith Nelle Moffett Luke Matjas Kevin Schallart Ellie Tayag Janet Rizzoli 1. Social Business and Entertainment Studies Steve has requested updates from both proposers. Information has not returned as of this date. 2. Updates to the Academic Master Plan the two additions for this year are adding the MS Coastal Sustainability and the Minor in Robotics to the AMP. Steve noted that since he will be on leave and due to the short time frame, we limit our additions to these two items and meet again in the Spring to entertain any new changes to the AMP. 3. Other items. The Philosophy minor has been submitted to the Curriculum Committee. He anticipates some discussion on the Senate floor. Current authors are Jesse Elliott and Dr Slivinski. 4. MS Costal Sustainability. The Curriculum has already reviewed the short form and it has come to APC for review and discussion. Don Rodriguez attended the meeting and outlined the PSM concept which is affirmed by the Chancellors Office to promote these degrees for the workforce. It incorporates relevant skills and provides a terminal degree for those in the workforce. Don explained why the MS CS fills a nice that is not currently provided by other programs in the region (UCLA and UCSB) and why it would be a good fit for CI. CI was awarded a grant from the CO last year to continue development of this degree. No other is offering this specific degree. One of other key elements is that it is a mentored degree, many of the mentors coming from industry, and they are also providing lab space which additionally reduces the overall cost of the program. Possible scholarships may be involved. The Navy is very interested in the development of the degree. There was also discussion on the cross pollination of the degree with the MPA, MA in Education and MS Biology to help populate the courses. Janet Rizzoli suggested that Vandenberg be contacted as they have a large portion of the property in wetlands and coastal area. Don said hed look into this as well. Don also noted that the undergrad program has existing relationships with Mexico that can be also drawn into the program. ESRM is planning on using some of the grant money to further survey needs. Merilyn suggested connecting the undergraduates into the program to give them a more realistic view of the opportunities for them as they continue their studies. A couple of areas need attention in the short form. They are item 4, reexamination of the enrollment numbers, formatting the budget so it can be viewed properly, and the programmatic differences between the UCLA and UCSB programs. After full discussion it was moved and seconded, and by consent, approved with the above noted attention areas. Kathy will add it to the AMP.     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