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The group discussed several of the majors proposed for future years, and the status of several degrees that have been approved but not implemented because of enrollment and budget constraints. 4. Update on Pending Programs Steve reviewed the status of upcoming programs, and the issue of several degrees pending implementation at a time when state-side programs are being implemented. 5. Special Sessions Issues Gary reviewed some of the issues of special sessions that included the recent growth of degrees and concern for FT faculty. He also discussed a new planning grant allowing for curriculum funding and advising for the coastal sustainability degree. 6. Program in Development Steve reviewed the programs and minors in development. The only degree mentioned that was not on the plan was the MS in Coastal Sustainability, which the committee will review shortly. A new minor in Robotics Engineering will be proposed by faculty in computer science and math. And the philosophy minor, currently on the plan, is being developed for submission to the curriculum committee. 7. Discussion on approach. There was substantial discussion on approaching this years work. Should we look at the framework for launching or introducing a new degree to the plan, since proposal seem to come from many directions. Nelle suggest a more data-driven approach to our planning, and IRs role in providing information about need and interest. There will be continuing discussion on this subject. It will include balancing CIs individual curriculum with what other s are offering. There was talk about connecting with other parts of the university for additional information such as the Presidents Cabinet and inclusion of information from the Dean and Provost. 8. There were questions about the status of Social Business. It was agreed that someone would contact Andrea Grove on this subject. 9. Entertainment Studies Gary said he would forward the Task Force report on the subject, which had recommendations. (Attached) 10. Timeline Steve reviewed the timeline. The AMP should be presented to the Provost and Senate by mid November 11. Call for Degrees. Steve will make call for degrees to Chairs and special interest groups.     PAGE  PAGE 1 ")*78DHJK]^_bdelmnpqstuv}~ĴĬwlaVhRh&CJaJhRhJ:CJaJhRhxCJaJhRhdCJaJhRCJaJhRh#CJaJh(@hdCJaJh,ohRh ~hQh?Ph:hAh0h;{h&h/o%h@hQ5CJaJhp'5CJaJh05CJaJh%F5CJaJh@h;{5CJaJ!*8Ktuv . ? @   XY ^`gdx^gd#gd#$a$gd@ $@&a$gd/     + - . 0 1 > ?  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