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His points included the future needs of employees in radiologic sciences, the partnership with LACC (who already has much if not all of the required equipment) and the relationship with John Radke, who appears to be a leader in the field and involved personally in setting up the standards for this new state or federal requirement in 2014. He felt it was an excellent opportunity for CI. Geoff also shared his reasons for proposing the degree which included partnershiping with LACC who had an existing program, provide a site where students could attain the degree. That it could be offered through EU as the scheduling would not be suitable for a stateside program. This is a heavy internship program requiring 1200 internship hours. And reiterated the opportunity to work with John Radke. After some discussion the committee asked many questions regarding it suitability to CI. After answering many questions, Dr Dougherty was advised that the program would not be suitable for EI and had no backing from either the Provost or EU. Also the likelihood of obtaining campus backing would be slim for such a small program in these uncertain economic times. The committee did recommend that if the program could garner more students from other supporting community colleges it would be more attractive. After the meeting there was further communication with Geoff based on his call to the Chancellors Office. Bill emailed Geoff and summarized APCs position as follows: The CO policy (as explained to me by our Provost) was just one reason that the APC did not place the proposal on the Academic Master Plan. There were many other reasons, for example: The degree is tied to one person at LA City College and what happens if he leaves/retires The distance is too great for CI students..50 miles to the labs N has a similar program The APC does not agree with the enrollment estimates..there is no room for errorwe believe that these estimates are overly optimistic in a similar manner to those that justified the Applied Physics degree.and today we only have 14 majors in that Program The APC does not agree with the financial projections..the costs in the proposal are not realistic (based on conversations with Gary Berg).and we would need to charge more than estimated in the proposal for each course The APC does not want to have four years of losses even based on your projections before the program broke even As a Special Sessions BS Program with low enrollments, it would be very difficult and costly to meet GE course requirements The faculty on the APC and the other APC members have discussed and analyzed the proposal extensivelysimply put, you do not have the votes to move this forward. As I said in the meeting, I complement you on your diligence but now it is the time to move on to other matters. BA Entertainment Studies. Bill gave a brief background on the development of the short form. Per John Gormley this degree is linked to the Curb Studio activity developed this past year and has some potential. After some discussion it was determined that this degree could have more interdisciplinarity. Bill Cordeiro offered to follow up with Jack on this. Academic Master Plan. Bill reviewed all of the items on the plan and shared the recent history that supports the degree location. Bill will also work on further developing the plan to incorporate the FTE goals as developed in the Mid-Course Review and forward the AMP to Senate Exec. BSIT Minor. The Curriculum Committee has forwarded the BSIT Minor for APC review. Student Representative. Bill noted that the student assigned to the committee was unable to attend because of his course schedule. He is working with Student Affairs for another appointment. Resigning Member. Phil Hampton announced his resignation from the committee due to his current grant workload. The committee thanked him for his service.     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