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There was much discussion regarding the original charge of the committee as describe in the 2005 Planning Task Force. The make-up, charge, and approval cycle for the academic master plan were discussed in detail. Various opinions were expressed about the charge of the committee. There was consensus that the APC was a recommending body and with the authority to accept or reject proposals based on their fit with the mission of the University. Discussion also followed on the opportunistic program requests and how the committee should handle them. Ultimately the administration makes the final call on the implementation dates of programs. Social Justice and Freedom and Justice program name change. After full discussion the committee did not support a name change to the already approved program. Bill Cordeiro agreed to draft a letter to Julia Balen explaining the committees decision. The committee is open to a continuing discussion of the issue. BS Radiologic Science. There was also continuing discussion regarding the validity of this degree. There are several concerns regarding this major and Geoff Dougherty will be invited to the next meeting to discuss this further. BSIT Minor. The Curriculum Committee has forwarded the BSIT Minor for APC review. It will be on the next meetings agenda. MFA Art Bill announced that the CI has officially requested WASC for permission to offer this degree. Simultaneously the offering has been sent to the Chancellors office for approval. WASC will wait on the Chancellors Office decision before deliberating.     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