ࡱ> gjf bjbjVV 4$<< %DD8$"555~~~~~~~~~55~^^^R55~^~^^oPx5`ޘ'bFEsL~~0s8.R.xx.x^~~d.D M: Academic Planning Committee (APC) Meeting Notes September 20, 2012 Sage Hall, Rm 2030, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Members : Bill Cordeiro (Co-Chair) John Gormley Gary Berg Andrew Morris Kathy Musashi Chris Cogan Merilyn Buchannan Nelle Moffett Matt Cook Barbara Duffin Janet Rizzoli Guests: Jack Reilly Liz King Luke Matjas Review of Notes. Approved as submitted. Committee Review. Bill Cordeiro reviewed the status of the committee at the end of last years meeting cycle and reported on the where we left the following items: BS Radiological Sciences deferred per Geoff Dougherty BA Freedom and Justice new degree title replaced Social Justice, passed in Senate BS Health Science is in Mentor for enrollment for f2013, Bill to follow-up with Dawn Neuman of hiring of faculty and actual launch date. Subsequently, the Provost confirmed a fall 2013 launch date. MPA Senate Exec had sent document back to Scott Frisch for more information, not submitted to Senate at this time MA English Brad Monsma has requested another year delay in the program. The program approval expires in 2014 Jack Reilly reviewed the status of the following degrees with the Committee: MFA at the Chancellors Office, pending information from Reilly Entertainment Studies BA 39 units, interdisciplinary degree. Per Jack he was asked to prepare the degree by Dawn, Karen and Ashish. There appears to be a lot of support for the degree. He has hired two experts in the field of Music and Film Development to produce courses and the Long Form by January 2013. Bill would like to review the Short Form and get it on the AMP at the next meeting. Digitally Integrated Media Arts MA (DIAMND) also recommendation by the Entertainment Task Force. The degree is designed to be offered in conjunction with the MBA, although it will be submitted as a separate degree initially. Bill asks that members review the content and get back any comments before the next meeting as he would like to vote on this item at the next meeting. Per Gary Berg, we can use existing facilities to offer this degree. This has the possibility of being a CI signature program. Luke Matjas will provide clarity statement on the dual program. EdD Short Form. Gary advised that Fresno is back on campus to further discuss the development of this degree. Apparently the Long Form is progressing well and will probably be submitted this fall with an expected offering date of 2014. Both CI and Fresnos campuses will be on the diploma, it will be a blended/hybrid program. It appears also that F is offering to advance the start up funds. It has been a very lucrative program for Fresno. There are competing resources for stateside programs and if this program is offered stateside, it could create issues at CI. AMP Update Bill will make a call for degrees this fall as well as follow up on pending degrees on the AMP. Online. Gary gave a brief overview of the Online and the interest that is developing around this offering. He noted that all offering will be made through special sessions. Details are still being worked out but the target audience includes completion and re-entry degrees. The Chancellors Office director will be visiting our campus October 23rd to promote the program and answer questions. Meetings are scheduled with faculty members and the Senate. The Smith School is interested in offering a degree through this method.     PAGE  PAGE 1 ")/0<ABCUVWYZ[^bhijklstvÿ˷˳˯zod\zhK9CJaJhRhJ:CJaJhRhxCJaJhRhdCJaJh@v_CJaJhRCJaJhRh#CJaJh(@hdCJaJh,ohRhQh@v_hAh0h;{h-!hK9hp'5CJaJh5CJaJh05CJaJh%F5CJaJh@h;{5CJaJ 0Cjkl ! 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