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The analysis presented below is meant to be a first effort at identifying and quantifying the costs associated with operating a fully implemented academic program. The start-up costs of programs vary considerably as well; however, there is virtually no benchmark data available on the cost of initiating a new program. As a start-up university in the twenty first century, CI has few models to learn from; therefore costs associated with implementing a new program (technology and equipment needs, for example) need to be considered on a case by case basis. In addition, no effort has been made in this report to capture the additional facilities costs that can be quite substantial for programs requiring space that exceeds the traditional classroom (such as labs, sports facilities, and performance venues). Finally, the cost of specialized accreditation and licensing associated with some programs cannot be ignored. The increased cost associated with this kind of accreditation can come from guidelines on the number of full-time faculty per student (limiting class size), consultants and/or faculty release time for preparing and updating accreditation, mandated resource levels (library facilities for example), and fieldwork or clinical hours requirements.We urge decision-makers not to overlook the potentially costly expenses that can be associated with starting a new program and program accreditation, and recommend that a detailed resource analysis be undertaken as part of the program approval process for each new program. Undergraduate Degree Program Operating Costs: It is first necessary to distinguish between the costs of undergraduate and graduate programs when seeking to compare costs across disciplines. Graduate classes typically are taught in seminar format, necessitating smaller student faculty ratios than are common in undergraduate courses. As labor costs typically comprise 85 to 90 percent of direct instructional costs, fewer students per faculty member equates to higher cost of instruction. The California State University Chancellors Office recommends special considerations for implementation of new masters degree programs (see below), therefore graduate programs will be considered separately in this report. There are several sources of benchmark data related to the costs of undergraduate education. While none of the data sources provides a complete picture of the costs of operating an undergraduate program, taken together data from the different sources provide a basis for comparison between the costs associated with different academic majors. The National Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity (typically referred to as the Delaware Study) provides benchmark data on the average direct cost to educate a student at a comprehensive university. These data have been collected for undergraduate disciplines typically found at most colleges and universities. While the most recent data from the Delaware Study are from the 1997 academic year, these data do allow for the relative costs of different programs to be compared. In addition, the California State University Chancellors Office collects data on the average student faculty ratios (SFR) of programs offered throughout the system, and these data are helpful in determining how labor intensive a given program may be. As faculty labor is the driving costs behind the delivery of academic programs, SFRs provide a useful surrogate for comparing the costs of different academic programs. Finally, there is a relationship between program size and program cost. Academic majors must maintain sufficient enrollment to support the array of specialized upper division course offerings typically filled only by majors. Major programs failing to meet a threshold size typically are a drain on the resources of a university, as upper division courses necessary for students to graduate must be regularly offered even if enrollments are low. Therefore, data on the relative enrollment potential of majors are directly related to costs. In addition a strong measure of a majors feasibility is the upper division student faculty ratio which should not be significantly less than the average SFR of 21.4 to 1. Table One includes available data on relevant undergraduate majors for all programs listed on the preliminary curriculum plan of June 2004, as well as all majors currently offered at CI. Programs are ranked in order of number of graduates (or credentials granted) from the California State University system in academic year 2003. The year column indicates the year that the program was slated for implementation under the plan submitted in June 2004. The national cost figures were obtained from the Delaware Study. CI costs are the total 2005-2006 expenditure recommendation from the Academic Resources Committee for the program divided by the programs FTES target. SFR data for each program as well as upper division courses offered by a program were obtained from the Academic Discipline Report [http://www.calstate.edu/cim/APDB] published by the Chancellors Office, and total 2003 degrees awarded by the system were obtained from the report Undergraduate Degrees Granted by Campus, Major and Sex 2002-2003 [http://www.calstate.edu/as/stat_reports/2002-2003/deg05.htm]. Table One ProgramYearNational CostCI Cost/FTES SFR UD SFR2003 DegreesEducation Current3521641116.918.4CredentialsBusiness BACurrent3703669126.32713057Liberal Studies BACurrent30656381Psychology BACurrent281936472828.13648English BACurrent3019575320.120.61871Criminal Justice BA2010271131.532.21780Communications BA2008347122.121.81770Sociology BA20052746519130.127.41735Computer Science BSCurrent337686941818.51656Art BACurrent4568577518.817.11582Child Development BA200722.121.71568Biology BS/BACurrent37001072620.116.51554Kinesiology BS2009331914.616.51394Nursing BS201072301212.51259Political Science BA20063582526930.522.71112History BACurrent3122409129.1211108Performing Arts (Music, Theater, Dance)20065385 877Economics BA2005321329.823.8635Spanish BA2005296255522118.7446Music BA2013634616.215.4426Mathematics BSCurrent3283505925.116.7425Anthropology BA20073020485826.523.4388Geography and Urban Studies BA200929532420.4329Environmental Science & Resource MgmtCurrent12254273Philosophy BA2009317329.123.5268Chemistry BS/BA200544391130618.213.4218Multicultural Studies BA2007310224.220.5171International Relations BA2014155Film Studies BA2014150Geology BS/BA2008460720.817.4124Physics BS/BA20075049962317.19.6110Chicano Studies BA2007310223.223.293Gender Studies BS200755Language TBD BA2012379419.714.7Integrated Education BA and Credential20083521 Computer Systems BS2007 Activism and Social Processes BA2011Biomedical Engineering/Medical Imaging BS2012Integrative Studies BA2008Nutrition BS2010 Working Class Studies BA2012 Graduate Programs: Graduate programs present a different set of cost assumptions. Graduate courses tends to be more labor intensive, with students attending classes that are typically much smaller than undergraduate courses, leading to much lower Student Faculty Ratios. In addition, all graduate programs in the require some type of culminating experience (a thesis for example) which requires extensive one to one interaction with faculty and this places additional demands on faculty workload. Finally, graduate programs frequently require administrative oversight and support that may be disproportionate when compared with undergraduate programs. The Chancellors Office is cognizant of the higher costs associated with graduate education, and has issued guidelines to campuses as they consider implementing new masters degrees. A memo from Executive Vice Chancellor David S. Spence to presidents (December 20, 2004) recommends: New masters degree programs should be projected only when the sponsoring department is well established and has achieved a level of quality that has been affirmed by a program review or, in subjects for which national accreditation is available, by a visiting team. In addition: New masters degree programs should be initiated only if (1) they have the enrollment potential to support the offering of at least four graduate-level courses each year, (2) there is evidence of the proposing departments capacity to support the level of research required for a graduate program, and (3) sufficient graduate-level coursework can be offered to permit a students program to include 70% graduate-level coursework. Table Two depicts data on the number of degrees granted to students in Masters Programs throughout the (note that specialties within a program area for example Botany within Biology or Creative Writing within English have been omitted). In addition, the table includes the average Student Faculty Ratio for programs in the System drawn from the Academic Disciplines Report referenced above. Notice that even the highest enrollment graduate programs have lower ratios than undergraduate majors. Table Two: Masters Programs ProgramYear SFR2003 DegreesEducation MASS14.74923Business Administration MBASS14.52371Public Administration MPA200913.5491English MA20068.7449Computer Science MSSS11.5448Nursing MS20109.7395Art MFA20157.5362Biology MS20085.5241History MA20136.8156Mathematics MSSS8103Spanish MA20119.670Chemistry MS20134.654Management Information Systems MS201112.222Film and TV Production MFA200919Creative Writing MFA201515Clinical & Counseling Psychology MA20117.812Cognitive Science MA2013Educational Technology MA2010Peace and Conflict Studies MA2008Visual Studies MA2015 Recommendations: CI should require all new programs seeking implementation to include a detailed study of both direct and indirect costs associated with beginning and sustaining a quality academic program. These costs should include, but not be limited to: new faculty salaries and benefits, equipment, supplies, facilities, and support staff as well as any costs resulting from accreditation or licensing. CI should develop a mix of programs to ensure that expensive programs are offset by less expensive programs and graduate programs are offset by undergraduate programs. CI should apply the Chancellors Office guidelines when considering new graduate programs.  See U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. A Study of Higher Education Instructional Expenditures: The Delaware Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity. NCES 2003-161, by Michael F. Middaugh, Rosalinda Graham, and Abdus Shahid. Project Officer: C. Dennis Carroll. Washington, DC 2003. and Middaugh, Michael F. 2001. Measuring Higher Education Costs: Considerations and Cautions. In Alisa F. Cunningham et al ed. Study of College Costs and Prices, 1988-1989--1997-1998. Volume 2: Commissioned Papers. NCES 2002-158. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Washington, DC.     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