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BA Activism & Social Processes BA Working-Class Studies BA International Relations8 BS Biomedical Engineering/ Medical Imaging/Biophysics, Envrionmental Sci and Resource ManagementArts, Visual and Performing BA Film StudiesTheological StudiesTransportation & MaterialNot classifiedMajorSex BakersfieldChannel Islands ChicoDominguez HillsFresno FullertonHayHumboldt Long Beach Los AngelesMaritime Monterey Bay NorthridgePomona SacramentoSan Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San JoseSan Luis Obispo San MarcosSonomaAgricultural Business Management AgricultureAgronomy/Crop ScienceAnimal Science Dairy Science Fisheries Food Science HorticultureLandscape Irrigation ScienceNatural ResourcesOrnamental Horticulture Soil ScienceCity and Regional PlanningInterior DesignAmerican Studies Asian StudiesEast Asian StudiesEuropean StudiesLatin American Studies Biochemistry BiotechnologyBotanyEcologyMarine BiologyZoologyBusiness EconomicsPublic RelationsTelecommunicationsIndustrial ArtsAerospace EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringEngineering TechnologyManufacturing EngineeringMarine Engineering TechnologySurveying EngineeringDanceFine and Creative ArtsMusic Education Photography Theatre ArtsFrenchGermanItalianJapaneseRussianWorld Languages and CulturesNursingRehabilitation CounselingApplied StudiesGovernment and JournalismNatural ScienceWomen's StudiesComparative Literature PhilosophyReligious StudiesSpeech Communication ChemistryGeologyPhysical SciencePhysicsBehavioral ScienceCriminal JusticeHuman Services Anthropology Geography Urban StudiesPublic Administration/Affairs% Degrees 2002-03!by Discipline Division, Fall 2004&Agricultural Biology and Plant Science"Agricultural Science and EducationAgricultural StudiesAgricultural Systems ManagementEnology Forestry -Natural Resources Planning and Interpretation*Rangeland Resource Science and Management Viticulture Wildlife Management Total for Agriculture Architecture Landscape Architecture Total for Architecture Area StudiesItalian Studies$Russian and Central European StudiesTotal For Area StudiesBiological SciencesCell and Molecular BiologyConservation BiologyEnviornmental BiologyGeneticsMolecular Biology PhysiologyTotal for Biological SciencesBusiness-Management Accountancy BankingBusiness Administration Corporate Financial Management Electronic Commerce, E-Business Entrepreneurship Finance Financial Services High-Technology Management ,Hotel and Restaurant/Hospitality Management %Human Resources/Personnel Management Insurance and Risk Management International Business Management Marketing Office Systems Operations Research %Production and Operations Management +Quantitative Methods and Business Analysis Real EstateSmall Business Management 'Transportation and Logistcs Management Travel and Tourism Total for Business-Management Communications Advertising Communication Design Communications Digital Publishing Journalism Media Management Multimedia )Radio-Television-Film/Telecommunications Telecommunications and Film Telecommunications/Multimedia !Total for Communications Education Aviation "Bilingual-Multicultural Education ,Child Development/Early Childhood Education Exercise Physiology Graphic Communications Health and Safety Studies Industrial Arts Industrial Design Industrial Technology Instructional Media/Technology Kinesiology/Physical Education *Vocational Education/Occupational Studies Total for Education Engineering Agricultural Engineer Biomedical EngineeringComputer Engineering Construciton Engineering /Construciton Engineering Technology/Management Electrical Engineering &Electrical and Electronic Engineering $Electronical Engineering Technology Engineering Engineering Science Engineering Technology Enviornemtnal Engineering %Enviornmental Engineering Technology $Enviornmental Resources Engineering "Facilities Engineering Technology Industrial Engineering &Industrial Management and Engineering %Manufacturing Engineering Technology Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering #Mechanical Engineering Technology Metallirgical Engineering Quality Assurance Total for Engineering Fine and Applied Arts%Art (Studio/Professional Performance) Art History Arts Administration Cinema/Film!Dance (Professional Performance) !Music (Professional Performance) Musical Theatre Photography 'Theatre Arts (Professional Performance) Total for Fine and Applied Arts Foreign Languages'Translation and Interpretation Studies Total for Foreign Languages Health Professions Audiology /Clinical Science/Biomedical Laboratory Science 3Communicative Disorders/Speech Pathology+Audiology %Environmental and Occupat< ional Health&Health Care Management/Administration Health Science Nursing Physical Therapy Public HealthRadiological Health Physics Total for Health Professions $Apparel Merchandising and Management4Dietetics & Food Administration/Nutritional Science ,Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Total for Home Economics Information SciencesAccounting Information Systems Applied Computer Graphics Computer Science Computer SystemsFinancial Computer Systems Management Information Systems *Production/Operations Information Systems Software Engineering Total for Information Sciences  InterdisciplinaryCognitive Studies Diversified Studies/Education ,Environmental Studies/Environmental Science Interdisciplinary Studies'Interdisciplinary Studies/Special MajorLand Resource Management Liberal Studies !Liberal Studies (Hutchins School)Marine Transportation Resource Management Small College Total for InterdisciplinaryLettersBilingual-Multicultural Studies Classics Creative Writing English Literature Humanities -Language Studies/Worl Languages and Cultures Linguistics Modern Jewish Studies Philosophy Philosophy and Religion Religious Studies 0Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages #Technical and Professional Writing Total for Letters Mathematics Applied Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Education Statistics Total for Mathematics VPhysical Science Astronomy Atmospheric Sciences/Meterology Chemical Physics Chemistry Earth Sciences Forensic Science Geology Geosciences Oceanography Physical Science Physics Total for Physical Science Psychology Behavioral Science Developmental Psychology Human Development Psychology Total for Psychology /Public Affairs Corrections Criminal Justice Deaf Studies .Fire Protection Administration and Technology Gerontology +Human Services/Collaborative Human ServicesPublic Administration Recreation Administration Social Work Total for Public Affairs !Social Sciences African-American Studies Anthropology Asian American Studies Criminology ?Cultural Resources Management Economics .Ethnic Studies/American Multicultural Studies Geography History .International Relations/International Affairs /International Security and Conflict Resolution %International Studies/Global Studies Labor Studies TMexican American/Chicano/Chicana Studies Native American Studies Political Science/Government %Public History/Historic Preservation .Social Science/Social and Behavioral Sciences Sociology Urban Studies Total for Social Sciences Undeclared Total for All Divisions 54.8/46.4"Substance abuse Social workers, MAEMental Health, Substance Abuse social workers, Survey researchers, MAComputer scientists Ph.D, Management Analysts, BS +.Educational, vocational, school counselors. MS Educational administrators, BS +*Medical and Health services managers, BS +Accountants & auditors, BS:Medical Records & health information technicians (47%), AA0Veterinary technologists & technicians (44%), AADental Hygienists (43%), AA!Environmental Engineers (38%), BS3Computer & information systems managers (36%), BS +7Physical Therapists (35%), Rehabilitation counselors MSAccountants & auditors (17%) BS.Elementary School, except Special ed (12%), BSEditors (23%) BS/Medical & Public health social workers (19%) BS>Enrollment of FT & PT Students Seeking a Bachelor's Degree2 Undergraduate Degrees Granted By Major 2002-03% of 00/01 US Degrees - NCESCI Fall 2004 FTE enrollmentMarket Res analysts, MSFinancial & sales mgr, BS +ACADEMIC MAJORS COMPARISONVNetwork systems admin (37%) Data comm. analysts (57%) BSComputer support spec, AAComp syst analyst (39%), BA#Computer systems analysts (28%), BSYComp. software eng & appl (46%), Computer systems software (45%), Database admin (44%) BS"Preschool & childcare center, BS +0Secondary school teachers, not spec & voc ed, BS#Elem. School, not spec ed (36%), BSXPhysician assistants (49%), Medical assistants (59%) BSDPhysical Therapist assistants (45%), Occup therapists asst (39%), AAOccupational therapists (35%)2/21/212/202/192/214/232/182/2213/141/22/153/224/143/203/141/192/72/121/14)Ventura County Community College District9Majors for Students planning to Transfer to 4 Yr. Schools AccountingAdministration of JustAdministrative AssistaAir Cond/RefrigeratingAlcohol/Drug Studies ArcheologyArt - Commercial ArtArt: Fine Arts AutomotiveAutomotive MechanicsAutomotive TechnologyBasic EducationBilingual/Cross CulturBroadcast EngineeringBroadcasting ArtsBusiness Information SBusiness Mangmt & AdmiBusiness, Business ManBusiness, MerchandisinBusiness, Office AdminChicano StudiesChild DevelopmentCivil Engineering TechCommercial ArtComputer & InformationComputer Comp-Tech PreComputer GraphicsComputer Information SComputer ProgrammingComputer Science/EnginComputer SciencesComputer Sciences, GenConstruction TechnologCulinary TradesDental HygieneDrafting TechnologyElectronic Eng Tech ElectronicsElectronics TechnologyEngineering, GeneralEnglish, GeneralEnvironmental SciencesExotic Animal TrainingFashion Design/Merchan FilmmakingFire Control TechnologFire TechnologyFood ManagementForeign LanguageGen Liberal Arts & SciGeneral Studies Graphic ArtsGraphic Comm/Design PrHigh School Special PrHorticulture - EnvironHorticulture - OrnamenHotel & Restaurant ManHotel & Restaurant MgmHumanities and SocialInformation ProcessingInternational StudiesJournalism, Printed MeLandscape Management Law & Society Law, GeneralLegal Assisting Liberal ArtsLife Sciences - BiologManagement: Business MMarine Technology MarketingMarketing and SalesMathematics & ScienceMathematics, GeneralMultimedia Comm: ProgrMusic-Instrumental SpeMusic-Keyboard SpecialNursing ScienceOffice Technology/SecrPhysical EducationPhysical Sciences, GenPhysics, GeneralPolitical SciencePolitical Science & Go PreDental Premedical PrenursingPsychiatric TechnologyPsychology, GeneralRadiation TherapyRadio Film And TVRadio/Television/FilmRadiologic TechnologySocial ScienceSocial SciencesSpecial EducationSpeechSpeech, Debate & ForenTransfer-OtherUndecided/UndeclaredVocational-Other Water ScienceWord ProcessingChild PsychologyLangugesPhysical Sciences Area, EthnicComputerProtective services CommunicationParks, Rec, LeisureNBiochemist, biophysicist, Ph.D. Bioinformatics Spec, 99% (MA)Microbiologist (41%) BSTechnical Serv Rep (23%) BSrResearch Associates, (34%) BS Clinical Research Assoc (28%) BSrBiochem Develop Eng (21%) BS Manufact. Res Assoc (21%) BSoDocumentation Spec. (34%) BS Medical (Tech) Writers (30%) BSy Bioinformatics Spec, 99% (MA) Biological technicians (49%) AA]Network systems administrators (51%) BS Software Publishers (48.4%)BOffices of Dentists (45%)!Medical & Diagnostic Labs (41.6%)xPharmacists (24%) Prof. Pharmac. & Med. Manufacturing (40.5%)SbComputer & info systems managers (30%), BS + < Computer Systems Design (40.5%)CjMotion Picture & Video Industires (27.3%) Motion Picture & Sound Recording (26.4%)0Independent Artists, Writers, Performers (22.7%)fEducational, Voc. & School counselors (20%) MS Secondary school teachers, not SPED (16%), BSWAmusement & Recreation Industries (27.5%) Leisure & Hospitality (21.4%)Chemical Manufacturing (18.9%)&Health and Personal Care Stores (187%)Private Hospitals (19.1%)Special Education (74%) BS+Community NeedsNumber in Program Emphasis % of Total#Division % of Total Engineering & related technologyPhysical Sciences & technologyProgram/Enrollment Size Distinctive!Community Partnership OpportunityAmgen Area SchoolsArea Hospitals US Degrees % of 01/02 - NCES 4/173/66/150/16/375/122/41/53/191/30/24/63/41/00/32/348/153 Registered Nurses, AA (21-35%) $Recreation, Fitness Workers (21-25%)<Clinical counseling, MA (21-35%), School Psychologist, Ph.D, Paralegals, legal assistants, AAMechatronic Engineering Music Industry & Technology Total minus Undeclared06-0714-1513-1407-0811-1205-0612-1308-0905-06 S09-1010-1106-07 S Criminal Justice Marketing Finance Accounting BA Multicultural StudiesMajor Field of StudyDole HospitalsVentura Cty GovtTotal minus undecidedTotal for Area, Ethnic Total for ArtTotal for BiologyTotal for BusinessTotal for CommunicationEarly Childhood EducationTeaching/Liberal StudiesTotal for EducationTotal for EngineeringTotal for EnglishEmergency Medical ServicesTotal for Health ProfessionsTotal for LanguagesTotal for Law and Legal StudiesTotal for Liberal ArtsTotal for MathematicsTotal for Philosophy & ReligionTotal for Physical SciencesTotal for Protective ServicesTotal for PsychologyTotal for Public AdministrationTotal for Social Sciences Chemistry (BA/BS) Business ManagementRadiological TechnologyFiscal Ramifications>Program Resources: Instructional Costs, Faculty, Space per FTE Interdisciplinary Opp. -Comp SciAmgen, BaxterEmphasis for Communication<Mission Based, Forward Thinking, Opportunities for Expansion Mission Based - Service LearningMission Related - InternationalMission Based - Multicultural!Mission Based - InterdisciplinaryMission Based - InternationalArea Childcare Agricultural & Natural ResourcesNursing (13%), AA Outpatient Care Centers (53%)e%Speech Language Pathologist (23%), MS Appendix B Appendix D2 Impacted Programs in 2005/06 x/total+,d National Outlook Fastest Growing Occupations 2002 to 2012 - BLSNE CI % Fall 2004 FTE enrolled & June '04 Curr. Plan + Degrees % Seeking Degrees - Fall 04 0VCCCD Planning to Transfer - Fall 2004 Ventura County (California - 2012) Fastest Growing Occupations 2002 to 2008 Calmis & Employment Dev. Dept."7oCustomer Service Rep (34%) BS Graphic Designers (29%) BSSafety Specialist (24%) BS Scientific Program. Anal (59%) BSqIndustrial Produuction Manager (20%) BS, General Operations Mgr (20%) BS+bSecurities, Commod, & Fin Serv Sales Agent (35%), Financial Analysts (19%), BSfFinancial & Marketing Managers (27%) BS+ Sales Managers (26%) BS+Computer Software Engineers, systems (43%), BS Computer applications (42%), BS Database administrator (23%) BStState Government Education (22.5%) Private Educational Services (35.3%)"PfSpec Ed, Preschool, Kindergarten, Elem Ed (30%), Special Ed Secondary (21%) BS|Home Health Care Serv. (83.6% Offices of Health Care Pract. (58%)Amulatory Health Care Services (38%) Community Care Facilities for the Elderly (37.8%)Emphasis for Business Growth FieldInterdisciplinary -Wellness( BA Blended Education---LS & EducationEmphasis for Liberal Studies*Mission Based - Emph for Multicultural St.Emphsis for Perfomring ArtsEmphasis for Performing Arts'2004-05 CI Faculty: Tenure/Lecturers0Mission Based - Serv Learning/ InterdisciplinaryBiomedical Physics Dole, Farmers8Rubicon Theatre, other local performance groups & venues$: 9;!:<"<=>g?O?b@J AAiBQ!C C Dx >E& SF; F EG- G %H H^IFIJs/KKHL0LMsN[-OOPrgQO`RHRSTUVWXivY^ZL[G^\"[]7^^_`}>aabch d e f 3h iujl_l mmfn*!oopF1qqrS0sstV(uuOvwXz.u|P}}y ~}~K-€b-y^u & <d3cc  $>;  dMbP?_*+%!?`=:&L&8Task Force on Academic Planning&C&8&P&R&8July 21, 2005&= ףp=?' ףp= ?(333333?)?M"hp LaserJet 1300 PSDS o9XXLetterPRIV0''''\KhCjVIUPHdLetter [none] [none]Arial4Pd?THERESE.EYERMANN<Automatic>j i k k m m "9XX? ףp= ?U} } I}  } I } I } I } } I }  } I %} )} }} } $ } } $!(} $+(} $} } I} I } I )} I (} I ) @ @ h ' Z@   @ +@  @ @ @ @ @@ +@ @ @@@@@@@@@ :@ @@@@@     ~ ?~ @ ~ @  @@@  @ @ "@$@,&@(@   = !           9       #    ) ,----P9q--/--- * .----P9Rq--/--- * ~ H@!YIHr? 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