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Documents to be used with this service level agreement: Accessibility Testing Product Instructions (ATPI) Accessibility Testing Product Results (ATPR) Equally Effective Access Plan (EEAP) Parties involved: Procurement IT Staff Requestor Vendor IT products have been divided up into the following sections: Important Note: One or more sections might apply to a particular product. Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems. This first section applies to purchased or developed operating systems and application software programs. Client based (desktop) application software programs (examples, Inspiration, Maple). Process: VPAT review by requestor and procurement. If determined by requestor and procurement that further evaluation is required, IT staff will collaborate with requestor and vendor of product to test for basic product features using the ATPI and ATPR. Requestor, working with IT staff will identify basic features of the product. As requested by IT staff, requestor will work with IT staff to identify and explain the basic features of the product. If additional info is required before testing, IT staff may contact vendor. Identify and evaluate basic features and functions of the product. IT staff will perform basic testing using the Accessibility Testing Product Instructions for Section 1194.21 procedure and will provide an Accessibility Testing Product Results for Section 1194.21 document. In certain cases, software application and operating system assessment and testing by IT staff will not be feasible when product complexity is such that the limited CI IT resources are not adequate. In those cases, a consultant will need to be outsourced to conduct the testing. If required, the Requestor will initiate and complete an Equally Effective Access Plan. IT staff will provide feedback and consultation about implementing equally effective access for identified issues. If further testing or repair beyond the current IT resources is necessary, IT will provide a list of consultants to the requestor who may be able to assist and find equally effective access solutions. It should be noted that IT staff do not have the expertise to evaluate how specific desktop applications are being used by the Requestor, and as such, cannot address remediation. It should be noted that equally effective access is also dependant on the specific type of disability that needs to be accommodated, and, as such, cannot be determined in advance. Section 1194.22 Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications. Web-based information is content provided via webpages. A Web-based application is any application embedded in a webpage that is necessary to fully deliver the content of the page to the user. Web-based applications are also any aspect of a webpage with which the user must interact in order to operate the given function of a webpage. Process: All web based applications created by CI IT staff will be built to meet full 508 compliance (examples, CI Portal, Student Housing Application). Vendor created web based applications (examples, Library ala Carte, CourseEval, Wimba Classroom) would be tested by CI IT staff for compliance which would include: VPAT review by requestor and procurement. If determined by requestor and procurement that further evaluation is required, IT staff will collaborate with requestor and vendor of product to test for basic features base on the ATPI and ATPR. Requestor, working with IT staff will identify basic features of the product. If needed, requestor will work with IT staff to identify and explain the basic features of the product. If additional info is required before testing, IT staff may contact vendor. Identify and evaluate basic features and functions of the product. IT staff will perform basic testing using the Accessibility Testing Product Instructions for Section 1194.22 procedure and will provide an Accessibility Testing Product Results for Section 1194.22 document. In certain cases, web-base applications assessment and testing by IT staff will not be feasible when product complexity is such that the limited CI IT resources are not adequate. In those cases, a consultant will need to be outsourced to conduct the testing. If required, the Requestor will initiate and complete an Equally Effective Access Plan. IT staff will provide feedback and consultation about implementing equally effective access for identified issues. If further testing or repair beyond the current IT resources is necessary, IT will provide a list of consultants to the requestor who may be able to assist and find equally effective access solutions. It should be noted that IT staff do not have the expertise to evaluate how specific web-bases applications are being used by the Requestor, and as such, cannot address remediation. It should be noted that equally effective access is also dependant on the specific type of disability that needs to be accommodated, and, as such, cannot be determined in advance. Section 1194.23 Telecommunications. This section addresses communication devices used by people who are deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired, or speech impaired to communicate over networks designed to carry voice. Whenever a device transmits and receives voice over a telecommunications network, it must then be able to support the hookup and successful interoperation of TTY AT. Process: VPAT review by requestor and procurement. If determined by requestor and procurement that further evaluation is required, IT staff will collaborate with Requestor and vendor of product to test for basic features base on the ATPI and ATPR. Requestor, working with IT staff will identify basic features of the product. If needed, requestor will work with IT staff to identify and explain the basic features of the product. If additional info is required before testing, IT staff may contact vendor. Identify and evaluate basic features and functions of the product. IT staff will perform basic testing using the Accessibility Testing Product Instructions for Section 1194.23 procedure and will provide an Accessibility Testing Product Results for Section 1194.23 document. In certain cases, telecommunications products assessment and testing by IT staff will not be feasible when product complexity is such that the limited CI IT resources are not adequate. In those cases, a consultant will need to be outsourced to conduct the testing. If required, the Requestor will initiate and complete an Equally Effective Access Plan. IT staff will provide feedback and consultation about implementing equally effective access for identified issues. If further testing or repair beyond the current IT resources is necessary, IT will provide a list of consultants to the requestor who may be able to assist and find equally effective access solutions. It should be noted that IT staff do not have the expertise to evaluate how specific telecommunications products are being used by the Requestor, and as such, cannot address remediation. It should be noted that equally effective access is also dependant on the specific type of disability that needs to be accommodated, and, as such, cannot be determined in advance. Section 1194.24 Video and Multimedia Products. This section includes A/V equipment such as digital and analog TVs, VCRs, HDTV set-top boxes, DVD equipment, and in certain circumstances, PCs equipped with TV tuners, receiver cards, or displays used in presentations. It also includes streaming media such as broadcast and cable signals, as well as online presentations. Process: Products in existing buildings. If requested, identify user needs for the equipment and recommend equipment to be purchased. VPAT review by requestor and procurement. If determined by requestor and procurement that further evaluation is required, IT staff will collaborate with Requestor and vendor of product to test for basic features base on the ATPI and ATPR. Requestor, working with IT staff will identify basic features of the product. If needed, requestor will work with IT staff to identify and explain the basic features of the product. If additional info is required before testing, IT staff may contact vendor. Identify and evaluate basic features and functions of the product. IT staff will perform basic testing using the Accessibility Testing Product Instructions for Section 1194.24 procedure and will provide an Accessibility Testing Product Results for Section 1194.24 document. In certain cases, Video and Multimedia products assessment and testing by IT staff will not be feasible when their complexity is such that the limited CI IT resources are not adequate. In those cases, a consultant will need to be outsourced to conduct the testing. If required, the requestor will initiate and complete an Equally Effective Access Plan. IT staff will provide feedback and consultation about implementing equally effective access for identified issues. If further testing or repair beyond the current IT resources is necessary, IT will provide a list of consultants to the requestor who may be able to assist and find equally effective access solutions. It should be noted that IT staff do not have the expertise to evaluate how specific desktop applications are being used by the requestor, and as such, cannot address remediation. It should be noted that equally effective access is also dependant on the specific type of disability that needs to be accommodated, and, as such, cannot be determined in advance. Product in new construction. During the Design Phase of the Project: VPAT review by requestor and procurement. If determined by requestor and procurement that further evaluation is required, IT staff will collaborate with Requestor and vendor of product to test for basic features base on the ATPI and ATPR. Requestor, working with IT staff will identify basic features of the product. If needed, requestor will work with IT staff to identify and explain the basic features of the product. If additional info is required before testing, IT staff may contact vendor. Identify and evaluate basic features and functions of the product. IT staff will perform basic testing using the Accessibility Testing Product Instructions for Section 1194.24 procedure and will provide an Accessibility Testing Product Results for Section 1194.24 document. In certain cases, Video and Multimedia products assessment and testing by IT staff will not be feasible when product complexity is such that the limited CI IT resources are not adequate. In those cases, a consultant will need to be outsourced to conduct the testing. If required, the Requestor will initiate and complete an Equally Effective Access Plan. IT staff will provide feedback and consultation about implementing equally effective access for identified issues. If further testing or repair beyond the current IT resources is necessary, IT will provide a list of consultants to the requestor who may be able to assist and find equally effective access solutions. It should be noted that IT staff do not have the expertise to evaluate how specific audio/video products are being used by the requestor, and as such, cannot address remediation. It should be noted that equally effective access is also dependant on the specific type of disability that needs to be accommodated, and, as such, cannot be determined in advance. Section 1194.25 Self-Contained, Closed Products. By definition, a self-contained, closed product is a device unto itself. This category includes products that generally have embedded software and are commonly designed in such a fashion that a user cannot easily attach or install AT. Examples of these products include copiers, printers, fax machines, calculators, and information kiosks. Process: VPAT review by requestor and procurement. If determined by requestor and procurement that further evaluation is required, IT staff will collaborate with Requestor and vendor of product to test for basic features base on the ATPI and ATPR. Requestor, working with IT staff will identify basic features of the product. If needed, requestor will work with IT staff to identify and explain the basic features of the product. If additional info is required before testing, IT staff may contact vendor. Identify and evaluate basic features and functions of the product. IT staff will perform basic testing using the Accessibility Testing Product Instructions for Section 1194.25 procedure and will provide an Accessibility Testing Product Results for Section 1194.25 document. In certain cases, Self-Contained, Closed products assessment and testing by IT staff will not be feasible when product complexity is such that the limited CI IT resources are not adequate. In those cases, a consultant will need to be outsourced to conduct the testing. If required, the Requestor will initiate and complete an Equally Effective Access Plan. IT staff will provide feedback and consultation about implementing equally effective access for identified issues. If further testing or repair beyond the current IT resources is necessary, IT will provide a list of consultants to the requestor who may be able to assist and find equally effective access solutions. It should be noted that IT staff do not have the expertise to evaluate how specific self-contained, closed products are being used by the requestor, and as such, cannot address remediation. It should be noted that equally effective access is also dependant on the specific type of disability that needs to be accommodated, and, as such, cannot be determined in advance. Section 1194.26 Desktop and Portable Computers. Process: VPAT review by requestor and procurement. If determined by requestor and procurement that further evaluation is required, IT staff will collaborate with Requestor and vendor of product to test for basic features base on the ATPI and ATPR. Requestor, working with IT staff will identify basic features of the product. If needed, requestor will work with IT staff to identify and explain the basic features of the product. If additional info is required before testing, IT staff may contact vendor. Identify and evaluate basic features and functions of the product. IT staff will perform basic testing using the Accessibility Testing Product Instructions for Section 1194.26 procedure and will provide an Accessibility Testing Product Results for Section 1194.26 document. In certain cases, Self-Contained, Closed products assessment and testing by IT staff will not be feasible when product complexity is such that the limited CI IT resources are not adequate. In those cases, a consultant will need to be outsourced to conduct the testing. If required, the Requestor will initiate and complete an Equally Effective Access Plan. IT staff will provide feedback and consultation about implementing equally effective access for identified issues. If further testing or repair beyond the current IT resources is necessary, IT will provide a list of consultants to the requestor who may be able to assist and find equally effective access solutions. It should be noted that IT staff do not have the expertise to evaluate how specific desktop and portable computers are being used by the requestor, and as such, cannot address remediation. It should be noted that equally effective access is also dependant on the specific type of disability that needs to be accommodated, and, as such, cannot be determined in advance. E-Learning and Multimedia. While there is not a Section 508 category on e-Learning, it is still a critical area for both Section 508 compliance awareness and planning accessibility. EIT educational materials are delivered in many forms: audio, videotape, CD, DVD, broadcast TV, and over the Internet. Online education has become the preferred means of retrieving up-to-date information. With its advantages of speed and flexibility, online learning makes use of a variety of technologies to facilitate learning and interaction between participants. Online education technologies include: Synchronous and asynchronous communication and collaboration tools such as e-mail, listservs, bulletin boards, whiteboards, chat rooms, videoconferencing, and teleconferencing Interactive environments, such as simulations, immersive experiences, and games Testing and evaluation tools, including self-assessment and multiple-choice testing Most of these technologies are already included in one or more of the above sections or by the Alternative Media Materials services and/or library services. If additional assessment or testing of a particular product is requested by procurement, the request will be evaluated in one-on-one basis. Then either IT staff will perform basic testing and make recommendations, or when testing is beyond IT staff resources, IT staff will recommend outsourcing the assessment and testing process. IT Staff Product Testing Contact Table IT Staff Product Testing ContactSectionPrimary ContactAdditional IT Staff Resources1. Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems.Jerry Garcia - PC Santos Ortega - Mac2. Section 1194.22 Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications. Peter MosinskisJerry Garcia Ryan Garcia3. Section 1194.23 Telecommunications. Matt HughesJerry Garcia4. Section 1194.24 Video and Multimedia Products.Jerry Garcia Non Web-based Peter Mosinskis Web-basedChris Murphy J.B.5. Section 1194.25 Self-Contained, Closed Products. Jerry Garcia Jess Paredes6. Section 1194.26 Desktop and Portable Computers. 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