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These recommendations were derived from the program s self-study, the external review, and the PARC review. Through the Program Action Plan, the goal is to integrate program review results into Academic Affairs planning and budgeting. To the extent that resources and changes in program and division strategic priorities permit, the Action Plan identifies two-year and five-year targets for implementation of recommendations.DELIVERABLE 2018DELIVERABLE 2021CWrite a mission statement that is shorter and more clearly focused.*Expand outreach to students and community.|Enhance website as a platform for disemminating mission/goals and highligh innovative programs and service learning courses.HExplore ways to provide constructive feedback on the capstone portfolio.Fine-tune capstone portfolio cover sheets to make purpose clearer and more intellectually engaging, shifting focus to what students learned from the assignment relative to a particular outcome.1Examine process of reviewing capstone portfolios.Develop and implement an advising plan that is visible to students in the major and identify particular faculty members who hold advising-specific office hours.VWork with dean to develop hiring plan to bring two new tenure lines to the department.Create a more developed and transparent hiring process for lecturers and create a more robust mentoring program for new hires in composition.0Work with dean to secure full-time staff person.(Indentify someone to update the website.Plan for institutionalizing and sustainability of projects such as SPIRaL, ISLAS, and service learning courses supported by IRA.Persist with realistic plan for the MA, rethinking how to pair grad/undergrad courses and leverage the upper division, making all courses 3-unit for better integration with BA.FIntegrate the MA proposal into the Academic Affairs budgeting process.External Review p. 2Faculty will analyze mission and consider changes. Any changes will be posted on the department website and promotional materials.Chair, FacultyExternal Review p. 31Chair, Faculty, Staff, Technology & CommunicationExternal Review p. 4FacultyExternal Review p. 5External Review p. 68School of Arts & Sciences/Dean; Academic Affairs/Provost%Budget for tenure track faculty linesExternal Review p. 79Revisit guidelines for Department Chair terms and limits.Chair and faculty will continue work to make English events more visible to the university and surrounding community through posters, flyers, and press releases.Chair and faculty will attempt to clarify T&C processes for web development and to articulate the need for web support for all academic programs. Limited staff time and lack of university support require making these efforts longer term goals, despite their potential to impact enrollment and immediate goals. Resource and staffing issues with regard to web development are a university-wide issue that affects programs directly and immediately.6Staff time, T&C commitment to develop program websitesIn Spring 2016, faculty discussed including in each capstone section a group discussion of portfolio reflections as a way to give collective feedback.uIn Fall 2016, portfolio review will be included in the overall examination of capstone practices and sustainability. Chair and faculty will develop an advising plan in Fall 2016. Faculty have discussed with the Director of Advising holding a fall advising workshop for all majors.English has been approved for two hires in Fall 2016. Since one is a replacement hire and since at least two other TT faculty have been bought out on various grants and administrative tasks, TT hiring remains a priority. #Chair and faculty will create a document outlining current practices in lecturer recruitment and hiring. The document will be circulated to lecturers for commentary. The Director of Composition will articulate a mentoring process and faculty development model for new faculty in Composition.Chair will work with staff and T&C to outline a process and update schedule and to designate responsibility. Social media was not mentioned by the reviewers, but it should be included in this review. Staff time.{Chair and faculty will continue to assess and document the positive effects English faculty have through these initiatives.VChair and faculty view budget commitments as essential to going forward with MA plans.Chair and faculty will evaluate University success in integrating budget with curriculum developent process. As in the past, University commitment to support the English MA will determine whether we continue planning an MA degree.,Continue to assess effectiveness of outreachSContinue to devleop ways to help students understand the purposes of the portfolio.>Continue to look at capstone in the context of current growth.+Assess whether actions have been affective.rStaffing will likely continue to be a concern. Chair will engage university discussions of staff work assignments.$Assess the effectiveness of actions. Following a meeting with a capstone expert in Spring 2016, faculty agreed to offer separate sections of Capstone corresponding to program options, with the English Ed capstone to be offered in alternate years. All sections will require research, revision, and reflection to be included in each student project to make sections more consistently comparable.. A course modification will be completed in Fall 2016. In Spring 2016, faculty eliminated the portfolio cover sheet.cStaff reassignment English; restoring the staff support position that existed during part of 14/15.Chair will continue to work with Dean and others to clarify staff duties and to secure full-time staff person devoted to English, or to reduce the number of programs staff is responsible for in addition to English.Chair and faculty will discuss MA design, make curriculum changes to the previous version, including making classes 3 units, and develop an internal plan for staffing and structuring a sustainable MA Program.Chair and faculty will have completed a Long Form by October 2019. Chair and faculty will continue to make the case for the value of an English MA to the university and to the surrounding community.Current bylaws are contradictory; they will be corrected and made consistent in all English program documents before going through the appropriate approval process.Argue for increase tenure density in English, particularly if English faculty continue to participate in grant and administrative work that buys out their work in English. We will consider plans for hiring at the Associate or Full Professor level due to our senior faculty being tapped for administrative tasks. Senior faculty would also benefit the development and management of the MA.Continue to evaluate the role of capstone and the portolio in program assessment, as well as evaluating assessment other than capstone. Continue to fine-tune team scoring portfolio assessment of Composition and DSP.J2 39=D ? @ FSJxOcc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VѠԯٴ++2a,/$nECA6٥D-ʵ? dXiJF8,nx (MKoP(\HbWϿ})zg'8yV#x'˯?oOz3?^?O?~B,z_=yǿ~xPiL$M>7Ck9I#L nꎊ)f><|HL|3.ŅzI2O.&e>Ƈ8qBۙ5toG1sD1IB? }J^wi(#SKID ݠ1eBp{8yC]$f94^c>Y[XE>#{Sq c8 >;-&~ ..R(zy s^Fvԇ$*cߓqrB3' }'g7t4Kf"߇ފAV_] 2H7Hk;hIf;ZX_Fڲe}NM;SIvưõ[H5Dt(?]oQ|fNL{d׀O&kNa4%d8?L_H-Ak1h fx-jWBxlB -6j>},khxd׺rXg([x?eޓϲكkS1'|^=aѱnRvPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!0ktheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  T8 %^ak*l  dMbP?_*+% &L&D &T&C&P&Q?'(\?((\?)ףp= ?"dXX ףp= ??&U} U} @} U@} @} q@} %  9@  ?  :E >  IA H H H H IA (H VH H H IA  HfHHFHHIAHIHH@@@@BBB [ [[[[[ ^^^ U N i i i i \ g jjjj]h _````a R M MM FG O R' M MM F@G O R M MM F( G5 O R M M M*F G) b ccccdD R M M M F; GB R M M! 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You may want to just say you will do a refresh or reaffirmation on your overall assessment plan as your first point in this section.<s lv  N0 X?D]4@ :(NM$ < User: Might you want to consider a plan that includes some assoc or full people. You have lost a lot of capacity in this area. Also for the MA to move forward.<s  User User  User User>@d U"U  j  7ggD@ T8 %v  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?" ??&U} PH 0(  >@ 7ggD@ T8 4x  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?"??&U} PH0 0(   >@7ggD@  Oh+'0HPdx  CI User UserMicrosoft Macintosh Excel@Z@m)1h@jj՜.+,0  PXt |  Channel Islands Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3Sheet1!Print_Titles  Worksheets Named Ranges