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Each has its own PLOs, curriculum, assessment plan, etc. Some courses may be transitioned to online format.n/aACHIEVING EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES/ASSESSMENT5When implementing the new assessment plan, including the student exit survey data, re-examine the curriculum to ensure rigor and connections to the current disciplinary standards and the California K-12 standards (for T&L). Update syllabi/program curriculum to reflect new California Standards where appropriate.ERR 4 CICI 4LS Director, LSPC New LS Faculty memberPossible reassigned time and/or summer special consultant as applying for special program accreditation to CTC is time-consuming and usually requires responses after the initial report is submitted.The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) is writing new standards for a subject matter CSET waiver program. Revise the T&L Emphasis curriculum and courses to meet those standards. This will require submitting modifications to the university's Curriculum Committee, writing reports and responding to further information requests from the CTC.Prepare final documents in response to further information requests to gain final approval of the T&L Emphasis as a subject-matter waiver program. This means that our majors will prove competency without taking CSET examinations. This will include the Bilingual Authorization Concentration6Connect T & L science classes with the Next Generation Science StandardsERR 4 CICI 4LS Director and LSPC in collaboration with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geology program facultyPossible reassigned time and/or summer special consultant contract Redesign of PHSC 170 to align with The Next Generation Science StandardsRedesign of BIOL 170 and/or GEOL 3007The program and the School of Education would benefit from more clearly defining the major as a pathway into teaching. This would not only help with program planning, but with visibility, recruitment, and with hiring faculty. A well-articulated purpose would clarify the majors role on campus as an interdisciplinary major with a clear purpose: preparing future teachers.ERR 24LS DirectorApply for state funding that is being made available for development of integrated programs. Hire additional LS faculty member Development of an Integrated B.A Liberal Studies/Multiple Subject program: Internal CI curriculum process; External CTC approval process.Implement Integrated Program8Consider creating a sequential core of undergraduate LS classes in the T&L Emphasis, which focus on education and include field experiences, which would culminate in LS capstone focused on teaching and learning. ERR 5 CICI 4LS Director in collaboration with the SOE Multiple Subject and Education Specialist program facultyPossible reassigned time and/or summer special consultant contract or hire an additional LS faculty memberThe CI Multiple Subject and Education Specialist programs are revising their prerequisite courses, which include significant field experience. These will become required courses in the T & L Emphasis and will strengthen the focus on Education.Continue to monitor the curriculum and make further revisions if required to strengthen the Education focus9Refine and implement the assessment plan for the T & L Emphasis. This will be a gradual process that will culminate in stablishing long-term data collection procedures to allow analysis and program improvement by the end of the next five-year review cycle; collaborate with the SOE assessment faculty so the work does not rest on the director but is incorporated into the SOE system.Self Study 1 ERR 7 CICI 5LS Director, LSPCPossible reassigned time and/or summer special consultant contract Pilot implementation for assessment of one program learning outcome and refine assessment plan based on the data collectedContinue to gather data and assess additional program learning outcomes10Revise and finalize the assessment plan for the Concentrated Studies (CS) Emphasis based on the newly revised core curriculum. External Review Report had the same advice about SOE support as above.Self Study 2 ERR 7LS Director, LSPCPossible reassigned time and/or summer special consultant contract, or hire a new LS faculty member.Revise CS assessment planFinal CS assessment plan11Align the learning outcomes in each course to the program learning outcomes in the major. Review of this data may help the LS program identify areas of need or gaps for as students are introduced, practice, and achieve mastery of core competencies and the LS program learning outcomes.ERR 6LS Director, LSPCnoneThis will be accomplished in #5 aboven/a12Create a system that clearly outlines data collection and analysis and who will be responsible at each step of the process. Make the plan sustainable and keep records of changes that are made to the program and courses over time to show continuous improvement. As part of this system, develop or adopt an electronic platform that can be used to collect all data for the program, including signature assignment data.Self Study 1 ERR 7LS Director, LSPC, new LS faculty memberPossible reassigned time and/or summer special consultant contract; hiring a new LS faculty member; hiring a LS staff support personCreate a T&L data collection and analysis system if budget support is provided.13Continue with campus data initiative that is currently in process. Ensure that each program has admission, enrollment, and grad/retention data disaggregated by first-time freshmen, transfers, race/ethnicity, gender, and Pell eligibility to inform outreach and student success efforts, including advising.ERR 8LS Director, LSPC, new LS faculty member, in collaboration with SOE staffPossible reassigned time and/or summer special consultant contract; hiring a new LS faculty member; hiring a LS staff support personContinue using the campus data initiative to produce report with data indicated. The new online application program being developed will be more robust and collect and provide much of this information.Maintain report production.14Expand opportunities for curricular related activities and co-curricular activities for Liberal Studies majors. This may be easier with additional full time faculty who can take the lead on various opportunities.ERR 10LS Director and new LS faculty memberThis would require a budget commitment from Academic Affairs for a new tenure-track faculty hire.Assign new curricular/co-curricular activities to additional LS faculty such as advisor for Tomorrows TeachersContinue to expand activities.15Hold mandatory transfer advising sessions before students can register for classes and also at 90 units, to ensure that students are on track for graduation. Since this would increase workload demand on Dr. Bleicher, he would need summer employment and additional reassigned time.ERR 11LS Director, Advising Center DirectorSpecial consultant contract for the LS Director and more reassigned time during one semester; hiring LS support coordinatorImprove the IVO transfer advising sessions that we already have in place. If budget support is provided, increase advising time during the summer. Institute a Fall LS Orientation meeting. LS support coordinator to assist in providing follow up informationContinue to improve advising sessions.16Have a systematic way to plan for sufficient seats in School of Education courses needed by Liberal Studies majors for graduation or for an early start into a credential program.ERR 13LS Director, Pre-requisite CoordinatorHiring additional part-time faculty members to teach extra sections; hiring LS support coordinator.Develop a scheduling plan that takes projected LS numbers into account. This will be accomplished in #5 above. Survey students to facilitate advanced planning for additional course sections. LS support coordinator to gather and collate survey data.Continue to implement the scheduling plan17Provide an articulation grid or table for local community college advisors and transfer centers. The grid may include courses that are officially articulated in Assist as well as common substitutions. ERR 14LS Director, CI Articulation OfficerHire LS support coordinator.Develop grids and communication system with community college guidance counselors in the local area. Communicate with outlying community colleges electronically.Maintain currency of the grids and communication system.18Develop a mechanism for better communication between the LS program and advising center. Ensure that Advising Center staff have current information about lower-division LS program requirements, so they can provide accurate information to students and support timely graduation.ERR 15LS Director, Advising Center DirectornoneImprove the communication between LS and the Advising Center.Monitor and maintain the communication channels.19Retention of LS students is similar to university retention rates. The program needs disaggregated data to help determine which incoming students are not being retained and why.ERR 15BLS Director, Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness (IRPE) OfficeHire LS support coordinator.Prepare disaggregated retention data reportsContinue to generate and analyze the retention reports.DEVELOPING RESOURCES TO ENSURE SUSTAINABILITY20Employ the Liberal Studies Director to work during the summer under a Special Consultant contract.Self Study 3 ERR p 4 LS DirectorBudget allocation to the Liberal studies budget for a summer consultant contractSpecial Consultant contract for summer workn/a21Hire tenure line Liberal Studies faculty who dedicate their energy to Liberal Studies. This faculty member would have interdisciplinary experience and knowledge of teacher education. Examples of recent faculty position descriptions from other universities may be helpful (e.g. DH).ERR 16LS Director, Dean SOEThis would require a budget commitment from Academic Affairs for a new tenure-track faculty hire.Hire a tenure line Liberal studies faculty membern/a22Hire a full-time staff position for the LS major, to assist with program and student support and to help create more of a visible hub for the major.Self Study 4 ERR 18LS Director, Dean SOEThis would require a new staff hire in the SOEHire LS staff support person if budget support is providedn/a23As the university undergoes restructuring in the coming year, it will be important to keep the needs of the Liberal Studies program at the forefront. The demand for teachers in California lends urgency to the need for Liberal Studies to grow, and to consistently provide students with the academic and advising services they will need. With additional faculty and staff support, Liberal Studies will continue to serve as the main feeder for elementary credentialing.ERR 20LS Director, Dean SOEThis would require a budget commitment from Academic Affairs for a new tenure-track faculty hire and staff support.Hire a new LS faculty member and support staff.Hire a second LS faculty member.24Continue internal and external review of the LS Calstate Online proposal.Self Study 6, 7 ERR p 4 CICI 6LS DirectornoneComplete the internal and external approval process for the Calstate Online program. This is self-support program and all additional resources will be provided from student fees as indicated in the budget.Implement the program.25Consider applying for an assessment grant to address any changes that come out of the review recommendations.CICI 5LS DirectornoneDevelop a grant idea and begin writing a proposalApply for an assessment grant.CREATING A LEARNING CENTERED ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE26Maintain support for the Tomorrows Teachers Club. Support for meeting space, study space and posting informationSelf Study 5 ERR p 4LS DirectorWould require budget support allocation form Academic Affairs for Liberal Studies student space.Student space if budget support provided. There may be the possibility of using El Dorado Hall as the space.Student space if budget support provided27Work with the Credential Office to track success of CI Liberal Studies graduates in the credential programs. Self Study 8 ERR p 4LS Director, Cynthia Coler research projectnoneSurvey results reportSurvey results report28Establish a procedure to keep in touch with Liberal studies graduates.Self Study 9 ERR p 4LS DirectornoneProcedure initial planFinal procedure plan The Program Action Plan is an agreement among appropriate AVPAA and Program to implement recommendations that emerged during the program review process. These recommendations were derived from the programs self-study, the external review, administrator input, and the Continuous Improvement review. Through the Program Action Plan, the goal is to integrate program review results into Academic Affairs planning and budgeting. To the extent that resources and changes in program and division strategic priorities permit, the Action Plan identifies two-year and five-year targets for implementation of recommendations. Self Study Recommendations for Program Improvement The major revision resulting from this self-study was to develop a practical assessment plan based on using only the current human resources available to the program. Namely, this involves the Director with assistance from the LSPC. Another major revision was refiguring the core courses in the Concentrated Studies Emphasis. Going forward, this self-study produced the following recommendations for program improvement: Refine and implement the Liberal Studies assessment plan for the Teaching & Learning Emphasis in AY2015-16. This will be a gradual process that will culminate in establishing long-term data collection procedures to allow analysis and program improvement for program learning outcomes by the end of the next five-year review cycle. Revise and finalize the assessment plan for the Concentrated Studies Emphasis based on the newly revised core curriculum. Employ the Liberal Studies Director to work during the summer under a Special Consultant contract. Hire a support person dedicated to the Liberal Studies Program when the budget allows. Maintain support for the Tomorrows Teachers Club that has been re-established on campus. Continue internal review of the Liberal Studies Calstate Online proposal. Prepare for Liberal Studies Calstate Online external review by preparing a WASC Substantive Change document. Work with the Credential Office to track success of CI Liberal Studies graduates in the credential programs. Establish a follow-up procedure to try to keep in touch with Liberal Studies graduates Continuous Improvement Committee Input (From the minutes of the 3/29/16 meeting): Liberal Studies: Recommended for Action Plan: Include faculty and staff recommendations for the external reviewers. For now, separate Teaching and Learning Option and Concentrated Studies Option in the action plan Consider options with the Curriculum Committee to be separate these options, possibly different degrees, to enhance student time to degree, curriculum, proposed modality changes, staffing, and planning purposes. Revisit the Teaching and Learning option in light of new standards in subject areas. Science specifically noted. Consider applying for an assessment grant to address any changes that come out of the above recommendations. The external report indicates a lack of support/resources in a number of ways (advising, etc); the external report also says the potential Online Lib Studies was something that was not discussed or factored in to their findings. Any 2-yr/5-yr Plan of Action really needs to consider the additional resource/support implications of an online program. Chanel Islands External Review Liberal Studies Program Summary Comments and Recommendations Reviewers: Dr. Lisa Hutton, Chair, Liberal Studies Department, Dominguez Hills Dr. Cynthia Grutzik, Associate Dean, Long Beach Dates of External Review: November 19-20, 2015 Submitted to Interim Dean Merilyn Buchanan and AVPAA Amy Wallace January 2015 The Visit The visit was scheduled for November, 2015. In preparation for the visit, we read the Self Study report, which included detailed information about the program and program data. We also explored the CI website to gain a better sense of context for the program. The visit schedule allowed plenty of time for formal and informal conversations, and for us to compile notes and review documents. We interviewed the program director, four senior administrators, eight faculty members including the Liberal Studies Program Committee, and fifteen current students. A tour of the campus included the areas most utilized by Liberal Studies students and faculty. Overall, Dr. Bleicher, in collaboration with Dean Buchanan, Amy Wallace and others, organized a very effective visit for us and we appreciate the hospitality shown to us by all members of the team. The Liberal Studies Program at CI The Liberal Studies Program was one of the first majors established in 2002 when the university was created. It is one of two B.A. degrees in the School of Education, and serves as a feeder program for the Multiple Subject and Special Education credential programs. There are two emphases within the Liberal Studies major: Teaching and Learning (305 enrolled), and Concentrated Studies (40 enrolled). Over half of the students are community college transfers, and Dr. Bleicher, the program director, maintains close ties with local community colleges in an effort to recruit and support these students. As with most Liberal Studies majors in the state, courses in this program are taught in departments across campus, by faculty with appointments in those departments. What unifies the program is the Liberal Studies Program Committee, composed of six members representing the core areas of study in the major. In his role as program director, Dr. Bleicher, serves as a de facto chair, and participates in many of the School of Education committees. Advising for Liberal Studies students occurs in a dual-level advising model; students receive advising for their lower-division work from the university advising center, and for their major courses from Dr. Bleicher. Students are encouraged to come in for advising when they feel they need it, and Dr. Bleicher sees 20-30 students per week. Dr. Bleicher believes that most students complete the major in four years, and data being collected centrally will soon be able to confirm this. One theme that surfaced often throughout the visit was sustainability during growth. As a relatively new university, CI has developed intentional ways of organizing colleges, departments, faculty governance, and student affairs that create a culture of authenticity, access, belonging, and collaboration. With a growth goal of 8% per year, however, the campus is beginning to explore ways to sustain these practices. For example, the advising structure, in which Dr. Bleicher serves all the students in the program is working successfully but the sustainability of this single-advisor approach, as well as succession planning were issues raised in our interviews and may need to change in the future. As part of CIs culture of collaboration, faculty, typically, have multiple roles including teaching, program coordination, campus leadership, and advising. With the original cohort of faculty nearing retirement, this has implications for how the work gets done on campus as the student body grows. Areas of Focus in the External Review Students Experiences in the Program: Commendations: The students we interviewed are generally very happy with the program. The students in the Concentrated Studies Emphasis appreciated the opportunity to design a program that fit with their career objectives and allowed them to utilize completed coursework. The students in the Teaching and Learning Emphasis develop a sense of belonging and form informal cohorts as they attend their courses. Though an interdisciplinary major, students commented on the connections they made between disciplines; classes provided new knowledge and perspectives which students were able to connect to previous learning. The students enjoyed the hands-on nature of teaching and learning in several of their classes, and the way that many professors were co-learners who learned from the students. In particular, the students appreciated their field experiences, especially the dual immersion school visit in EDUC 475 and the EDUC 101 placements. They noted and appreciated the strong partnerships that the Liberal Studies program has with local schools and teachers. Areas to address: The program is encouraged to continue to articulate its educational focus in the Teaching and Learning emphasis in order to create a stronger disciplinary identity for students and faculty across the campus. Teaching and Learning students expressed a desire for more fieldwork experiences and for more of the classes to connect to classroom practice. Advising and Time to Degree and Credential Pathway: Commendations: Dr. Bob Bleicher is the cornerstone of the program, and his commitment and experience are evident. Students describe him as very accessible, knowledgeable, and responsive. While all of the students described Dr. Bleicher in glowing terms, the Concentrated Studies students were particularly grateful for the Dr. Bleichers time to create an organized plan that fit their needs. The University is working on data systems, and within the year will be providing programs with more detailed data about student persistence, retention, and graduation rates. The program has good relationships with local community colleges that are maintained through regular visits from Dr. Bleicher. Areas to address: Initial advising for transfers is uneven. According to the students we interviewed, it was difficult to get appointments with advisors at the advising center and some advisors did not provide correct information, particularly about community college substitutions. More frequent mandatory advising, not just advising for students who seek it out, may be considered. This could occur before enrollment, and again at 90 units to make sure students have a clear plan for graduation. Students would like to have more sections of classes available, especially for prerequisites and for concentrations (e.g. Special Education). There was also an interest by some students to increase online offerings. Students also asked for more advising about the pathways into credential programs, and to make prerequisites and credentialing requirements more clear, including fees and deadlines associated with this process. Assessment: Commendation: The program has begun the process of developing an assessment system. They have identified the classes and signature assignments that will feed into the assessment system. They have also administered an Exit Survey. The Liberal Studies Program Committee will be a strong resource for this work, both in developing the system, and in analyzing and using the data later on. Areas to address: Continue to develop the assessment system and specific processes for collection, aggregation, analysis, and use of data. Address the workload issues to make it manageable. It will be important for all affiliated faculty to understand their role in the assessment system. It will also be important to have a centralized process for collecting and managing the data, that doesnt rely on the director alone. Workload and Faculty Commendation: Dr. Bleicher and colleagues throughout the university collaborate to offer their best to students and to the program. The Liberal Studies Program Committee is representative of the various disciplines within the major, and its members are clearly committed to the major and the students. The university shows strong support for preparing educators, including a strong commitment from campus-level and college leadership. Areas to address: The director, Dr. Bleicher, works hard to make sure the program runs efficiently. However, students comments about lower division advising, and the programs need for an assessment system, are two areas that require dedicated faculty workload. Our recommendation is to hire at least one more full time faculty member for Liberal Studies. Succession planning is a related consideration. The cohort of faculty who started the university were willing to put in additional time and energy as founding faculty. The next generation of faculty will likely be focused in a different way. Thus, moving forward at the current pace, and with the same expectations for taking on multiple roles, may not be possible. Carefully considering how to hire faculty who will carry the work forward is essential. Comments on the Recommendations Identified by the Program in the Self Study (pp. 4-5): Refine and implement the Liberal Studies assessment plan for the Teaching & Learning Emphasis in AY2015-16. This will be a gradual process that will culminate in establishing long-term data collection procedures to allow analysis and program improvement for program learning outcomes by the end of the next five-year review cycle. We agree with this priority. We suggest collaborating with the School of Education assessment faculty or staff, so the work does not rest on the director, but is incorporated into the School of Education system. Revise and finalize the assessment plan for the Concentrated Studies Emphasis based on the newly revised core curriculum. This process is closely related to the process described above. It will be interesting to find what can be assessed in the aggregate, and what should be assessed separately. Employ the Liberal Studies Director to work during the summer under a Special Consultant contract. We support this recommendation, although it addresses only one component of the workload issue in Liberal Studies. Hire a support person dedicated to the Liberal Studies Program when the budget allows. We support this recommendation given the growth plans for the program and the college. Maintain support for the Tomorrows Teachers Club that has been re-established on campus. Students expressed an interest in this club, and the clubs leaders seem committed. Support could include identified space for meeting, for studying, and for posting information for students. Continue internal review of the Liberal Studies Calstate Online proposal. In our interviews, Dr. Bleicher indicated that liberal studies would continue to pursue this option. Prepare for Liberal Studies Calstate Online external review by preparing a WASC Substantive Change document. This issue was not raised in our interviews. Work with the Credential Office to track success of CI Liberal Studies graduates in the credential programs. We support this recommendation, as it will inform advising and even recruitment. These data could be collected by the campus and shared with the program. Establish a follow-up procedure to keep in touch with Liberal Studies graduates. Knowledge of where alumni are teaching, and whether they are remaining in the profession, is very useful for recruitment and can inform program improvement as well. Channel Islands External Review Site Visit and Report: Liberal Studies Submitted January 2016 Program Name: Liberal StudiesDate of Site Visit: Nov. 19-20, 2015External Reviewer One: Cynthia GrutzikAffiliation: Long BeachExternal Reviewer Two: Lisa HuttonAffiliation: Dominguez Hills Rubric Scoring ScaleSCORESTAGEDESCRIPTION 1 InitialThe program is at a preliminary stage in this practice. The program shows the need for additional policies, resources, or practices in order for it to provide the education program to which it is committed or aspires. Insufficient data is available to make determinations. 2 EmergingThe program partially satisfies the criterion. Some data is available documenting this dimension. The program has many, but not all, of the policies, practices, and resources it needs to provide the educational program to which it is committed or aspires. 3 DevelopedThe program satisfies this criterion, with developed policies and practices. The program has the availability of sufficient resources to accomplish its program goals on this dimension. Data demonstrates accomplishment of this criterion. 4Highly DevelopedThe program fully satisfies this criterion. The program may serve as a model and reference for others on campus. The programs practices, policies, and/or its resources contribute to program excellence on this dimension. I. Element One: Program Purpose and University GoalsCRITERION FOR REVIEWINQUIRYSCOREProgram Mission and Operating Practices1. Does the program have a mission statement or statement of program goals that is appropriate?32. Does the program have an organizational structure and procedures for its key activities such as advising, scheduling, chair selection and review?3Comments: There is a clear mission statement for Liberal Studies but any connection to preparing K-12 teachers is absent in overall mission statement. Given the number of students who are in the Teaching and Learning Emphasis, some connection to K-12 education might be added to the mission statement or a statement added in a more prominent place on the brochures and on the landing page of the LBS website. The Director of Liberal Studies, as the only faculty member, oversees all key activities. This organizational structure seems effective due to the current directors knowledge and tireless work. The program may need a more clearly defined structure if the program or campus continues to grow.Recommendations: Add a brief mission statement for the Teaching and Learning Emphasis which emphasizes the major as preparation for K-12 teaching to the promotional materials or on the landing page of the LBS website. This may help avoid confusion for applicants who are looking for the undergraduate pathway towards a multiple subject or special education credential program.B. Program Relation to University Mission1. Is the program supportive of the Universitys mission and its strategic priorities?42. Is its program integrated and supportive of the campuss four mission centers?43. Is the program supportive of the campus general education program?4Comments: The Liberal Studies Program is connected to the university mission, four pillars and strategic priorities. There was not a pronounced connection of the mission statement of Liberal Studies to the School of Education Conceptual Framework.Recommendations: Articulate how the Liberal Studies Program fits into the School of Education and state the connections to the COEs Mission Statement and Conceptual Framework.C. Dissemination of Program Mission and GoalsHas the program disseminated information about itself to key constituencies, including faculty, professional colleagues, current and prospective students, and the community?3Comments: The Liberal Studies Program Committee, with faculty and staff representatives from Arts & Sciences, Education, and University Advising, is key to communication with key constituencies on campus. Director Dr. Bleicher is involved in outreach at the local community colleges and Liberal Studies also participates with university outreach to local high schools and with CI recruitment efforts such as ISLAS. The CI website provides detailed information about the major and there are a variety of printed materials that are used in outreach efforts. In one of the informational handouts, the connection of Liberal Studies to K-12 teaching and the College of Education is not clear. The website makes this connection more pronounced under the Teaching and Learning Emphasis.Recommendations: Make the connection of Liberal Studies (Teaching and Learning Emphasis) to K-12 teaching and as a teacher pathway more apparent on the informational materials to aid recruitment efforts and to provide better guidance for students and applicants. II. Element Two: Achieving Educational OutcomesCRITERION FOR REVIEWINQUIRYSCOREA. Curriculum Requirements and Expectations for Learning1. Do the programs curriculum and degree requirements reflect high expectations of students? 22. Is that curriculum reflective of current standards in the discipline? 2 Comments: Based on the information provided and gathered (syllabi, student learning outcomes included for courses in the self study, roadmaps, and student interviews), there are high expectations of the students. The program has designed an assessment system for the Teaching and Learning Emphasis and is finalizing a plan for the Concentrated Studies Emphasis, but at the time of the review, there was little data (no student learning data or student work) to gauge the quality and rigor of the curriculum. The first exit survey was administered this year, which provided student feedback on the program, including student satisfaction. Though the majority of the student comments (self reported) were positive, LS may want to analyze the data on the curriculum and specific courses. There was little data on program graduates except that 40% of the current multiple subject cohort graduated from Liberal Studies. LS Program indicated that it plans to keep in touch with graduates with better data collection; however, it does not seem feasible for LS program to collect program completer data without support from the School or University. Perhaps the School of Education can collect some of the data (number of admits or program completers into the various programs within the School of Education). For the Teaching and Learning Emphasis classes, there were few references to new California frameworks and standards. For example, the ELD framework was listed on English 475 but there was no information provided about how students are interacting with the new framework or new standards. The self study did not mention any revisions of undergraduate math or science courses to connect to the new adopted standards or disciplinary practices. A number of the students from the Teaching and Learning emphasis indicated that they wanted classes to make more connections to K-12 teaching and learning in the curriculum. A number of students commented that EDUC 320 was their favorite course and they wanted more courses, like this one, with a strong connection to teaching and learning.Recommendations: When implementing the new assessment plan (See B below), including the student exit survey data, reexamine the curriculum to ensure rigor and connections to the current disciplinary standards and the California K-12 standards (for Teaching and Learning). Update syllabi/program curriculum to reflect new California Standards where appropriate. Consider creating a sequential core of undergraduate LS classes in the Teaching and Learning Emphasis, which focus on education and include field experiences, which would culminate in LS capstone focused on teaching and learning. This may provide more opportunities for co-curricular activities as well as more touch with LS and education faculty. B. Course and Program Learning Outcomes1. Has the program developed assessable learning outcomes for its courses and for the program?32. Are course-learning outcomes aligned with program outcomes?3Comments: New program learning outcomes were recently developed. Courses and assignments have been identified for data collection. The self study did not include specific information about how the course learning outcomes are aligned to the program learning outcomes. A next step would be to have faculty align the learning outcomes in each course to the program learning outcomes in the major. Review of this data may help the LS program identify areas of need or gaps for as students are introduced, practice, and achieve mastery of core competencies and the LS program learning outcomes.Recommendations: Align the learning outcomes in each course to the program learning outcomes in the major. Review of this data may help the LS program identify areas of need or gaps for as students are introduced, practice, and achieve mastery of core competencies and the LS program learning outcomes.C. Learning Outcome Data and Analysis1. Does the program regularly collect course and program learning data?22. Is that data analyzed, available, and used for program improvement?2Comments: There is a plan for collecting data on program learning data going forward. There was no data available for this review though the self study stated that individual courses have been modified, added, and dropped to improve the program. The assessment plan needs to become an assessment system that includes a timeline for data collection and analysis and procedures for data. The nuts and bolts of what performance data will be collected each semester, how instructors will calibrate, who will review the data, and how feedback will be given to course instructors is essential. The campus-wide Continuous Improvement Group meets twice a semester to analyze review reports, pilot projects in assessment, and capacity building in the area of assessment. Dr. Bleicher sits on this committee.Recommendations: Create a system that clearly outlines data collection and analysis and who will be responsible at each step of the process. Make the plan sustainable and keep records of changes that are made to the program and courses over time to show continuous improvement. As part of this system, develop or adopt an electronic platform that can be used to collect all data for the program, including signature assignment data.D. Timeliness of Degree AttainmentDo students in the program attain the degree in a timely fashion?3Comments: According to institutional data, the LS majors time to degree and retention seem similar to campus averages for first time freshman. The 3-year graduation rate for LS transfer students is higher than the campus average. There was not a lot of information on CIs plan to increase student retention and decrease time to graduation in the self-study. Does the campus have goals for increasing graduation rates? How does LS connect with student retention /student success measures on campus? There is a need for disaggregated data for the LS major about the success of subgroups including first generation college students, high poverty, etc. to identify students for student success efforts. Transfer students expressed concerns about lower division advising and taking unnecessary classes that delayed their graduation. Other students stated that graduation was delayed when they were unable to enroll in SPED concentration classes. Students felt that they received correct information from Dr. Bleicher, however several students expressed significant concern regarding advising errors at the lower division level.Recommendations: Continue with campus data initiative that is currently in process. Ensure that each program has admission, enrollment, and grad/retention data disaggregated by first-time freshmen, transfers, race/ethnicity, gender, and Pell eligibility to inform outreach and student success efforts, including advising. Ensure that Advising Center staff have current information about lower-division LS program requirements, so they can provide accurate information to students and support timely graduation.E. Involvement of Students in Curricular ActivitiesAre students active participants in the learning process? Consider whether the program provides opportunities for students to participate in curricular-related activities, such as research and creative opportunities, service learning experiences, performances, and internships?22. Does the program provide support by way of co-curricular activities for its students, such as clubs, fieldtrips, lectures and professional experiences?2Comments: EDU 101 provides early fieldwork with partnership schools. Students mentioned that other classes (Math, Art) provided service learning/professional experience as well. Students expressed a desire to have more practical teaching experiences connected to the content of the courses including adding a field component to more classes. There were a few Concentrated Studies students who were involved in research within other disciplines but none of the interviewed Teaching and Learning students participated in student research. There are limited opportunities for co-curricular activities within the major. When asked about the Tomorrows Teacher Club, some of the students seemed unaware of the club. Others knew about the club from an email but they felt there werent many activities associated with this club being held. Recommendations: Expand opportunities for curricular related activities and co-curricular activities for Liberal Studies majors. This may be easier with additional full time faculty who can take the lead on various opportunities.F. Advising and Academic Support1. Does the program provide adequate student advising?32. Does the program have a relationship with student support services, such as EOP, career services, and disability accommodation?3Comments: There are mandatory student advising meetings several weeks after the semester begins for freshmen and new transfer students with the advisement center. Many of the transfer students felt this was too late, as they had already enrolled in classes they didnt need. A number of students expressed frustration with the advisement center, including that it was difficult to get an appointment and that advisors were not knowledgeable about course articulations or possible substitutions. There was exuberant praise from all about Dr. Bleichers advisement. He was readily available, helpful, and helped students create roadmaps. Students also felt that he was knowledgeable about substitutions for community college. One recommendation in the self study was to employ Dr. Bleicher during the summer. Credential Advisement: Students expressed that they wanted more advisement about the pathway into the credential program from the very beginning of the program, including information about CBEST, CSET, and fees associated with admission to the credential program. Availability of SOE Courses: Students expressed frustration about the availability of SPED concentration courses as well prerequisite courses for the credential program and stated that progress towards graduation was delayed. There was a perception that there was not response to their emails to School of Education personnel. Recommendations: Students would benefit from early contact with a program advisor in this case, Dr. Bleicher. It is recommended that he hold mandatory community transfers advising sessions before students can register for classes. This could be done in small group or one on one. Also it is recommended that mandatory advising occur at some point between entry as a transfer student and graduation, possibly at 90 units, to ensure that students are on track for graduation. Since this would increase workload demand on Dr. Bleicher, he would need summer employment, additional reassigned time, and assistance with student advising. CI might explore having a professional advisor assigned to Liberal Studies who is housed in or next to the Liberal Studies Office to assist with this advising. Housing the professional advisor within Liberal Studies would help clear up issues around access and accurate advising. Have a systematic way to plan for sufficient seats in School of Education courses needed by Liberal Studies majors for graduation or for an early start into a credential program.  G. Articulation and TransferDoes the program have policies and procedures that facilitate articulation with community colleges?3 Are transfer students accommodated and integrated into the program?3Comments: See comments in Section F. Students who were interviewed felt that they did not get the information they needed about substitutions until they sought out Dr. Bleicher. Some students expressed concern about the information they were given at their community college transfer centers or at the university advisement center. Students expressed some frustration with CAR system mostly with understanding it. Recommendations: Provide an articulation grid or table for local community college advisors and transfer centers. The grid may include courses that are officially articulated in Assist as well as common substitutions. The grid may also be helpful for CI students who return to the community college for summer courses for more rapid degree completion. Develop a mechanism for better communication between the LS program and advising center. OutreachH. RetentionAre native and transfer students in the program being retained in the major and by the University?2Comments: Retention of LS students is similar to university retention rates. The program needs disaggregated data to help determine which incoming students are not being retained and why.Recommendations: 15B. Obtain disaggregated data from institutional research to help with plan for student retention. III. Element Three: Developing Resources to Ensure SustainabilityCRITERION FOR REVIEWINQUIRYSCOREA. Faculty Resources and ScholarshipDoes the program have faculty in sufficient number, and with appropriate rank, qualification, and diversity, to support its academic program in a manner consistent with its objectives? Is there evidence of the faculty involvement in scholarship and creative activities at a level appropriate to the discipline and University?2Comments: Dr. Bob Bleicher is the only full time, tenure line faculty in Liberal Studies. He is doing an outstanding job with the program and leverages support from School of Education and College of Arts and Humanities faculty. However, more faculty are needed in order to grow the program and accomplish many of the recommendations that are given throughout this report.Recommendations: Hire tenure line Liberal Studies faculty who dedicate their energy to Liberal Studies. Since Liberal Studies is a multi-disciplinary major, it is recommended that faculty be sought who are interdisciplinary in either their experience or scholarship. Faculty with knowledge of teacher education would also be a strong asset to the program. Examples of recent faculty position descriptions from other universities may be helpful (e.g. DH).B. Professional StaffDoes the program employ professional staff --support coordinator, technicians, lab assistants -- sufficient to support the academic program?2Comments: Liberal Studies does not have any dedicated administrative support or a professional advisor. Liberal Studies shares administrative support with others in the College of Education and a professional advisor from the university advisement center. LS transfer students were very vocal about needing better initial advising about requirements and course substitutions from community colleges. Once students saw Dr. Bleicher, they felt very well equipped with a roadmap for graduation and course substitutions were clarified. Recommendations: Consider housing a professional advisor within the Liberal Studies Program who may work closely with the program coordinator and faculty on the initial advisement of transfer students. Consider creating a full-time staff position for the LS major, to assist with program and student support and to help create more of a visible hub for the major. C. Faculty Workload and Evaluation1. Is faculty workload aligned with the programs goals for effective teaching, scholarship, and University and community service?22. Are part and full time faculty evaluated regularly and according to University policies and practices?4Comments: Dr. Bleicher is the only full time, tenure line faculty in LS. He is given six units to coordinate the LS Program including class scheduling, hiring part time faculty, evaluation, budget, and advising. The workload seems difficult to sustain given the large number of majors, particularly with the individualized advising needed for the Concentrated Studies Emphasis. While the majority of faculty are evaluated in their home departments, according to the courses they teach, the Director is responsible for hiring and evaluating faculty for the liberal studies capstone courses, as well as the physical education and health courses.Recommendations: Please see the recommendations in Section IIIA regarding the hiring of full time faculty for Liberal Studies.D. Faculty DevelopmentDo faculty have and use professional development plans (PDPs)? Does the program support faculty development opportunities sufficient to improve teaching, learning and scholarship?N/AComments: As a distributed major, Liberal Studies has only one full-time faculty member, Dr. Bleicher. He participates in faculty development opportunities through the College of Education. Recommendations: There are no recommendations in this area. E. Fiscal and Physical Resources1. Does the program have the budgetary resources needed to support its educational program?32. Are its facilities, including offices, labs, practice and performance spaces, adequate to support the program?3Comments: The program appears to have adequate resources to support the educational program in its current form. As the program implements the assessment system and implements other recommendations, additional resources for faculty and staff will be needed. The Dean is supportive of the Liberal Studies program, and understands the complexities of its administration and its needs going forward. Recommendations: As the university undergoes restructuring in the coming year, it will be important to keep the needs of the Liberal Studies program at the forefront. The demand for teachers in California lends urgency to the need for Liberal Studies to grow, and to consistently provide students with the academic and advising services they will need. The College of Education seems to be the most appropriate home for this major, and with additional faculty and staff support, it will continue to serve as the main feeder for elementary credentialing.F. Developing External ResourcesDoes the program seek and receive extramural support at the appropriate level, including grants, gifts, contracts, alumni funding?2Comments: There was no extramural funding that was described in the report or during the visit.Recommendations: There are no recommendations in this area.G. Information TechnologyDoes the program have access to information resources, technology, and expertise sufficient to deliver its academic offerings and advance the scholarship of its faculty?4Comments: The campus library, newly renovated, was cited by students and faculty as being an excellent resource for learning and scholarship. Library staff are helpful and responsive, and the library has extensive databases. It also has a large computer lab for student use. Classrooms are smart and equipped with projectors and computers for instruction. Faculty receive instructional tech support from the Instructional/Academic Technology office. Students take CS/LST 110 as freshmen, as an introduction to computers in teaching. Recommendations: There are no recommendations in this area. H. Community Involvement and LiaisonIf appropriate, does the program have an advisory board or other links to Community members and professionals? Does the program use community professional input for program improvement. Does the program maintain a relationship with its alumni?3Comments: There is a School of Education Advisory Board, which meets three times per year. LS director, Bob Bleicher, participates in these advisory board meetings. There is also a Liberal Studies Program Committee, made up of faculty and staff from across the university, who collaborate with the director on the Liberal Studies Program. This level of commitment and collaboration is to be commended. Dr. Bleicher also visits local community colleges to maintain those partnerships, and to get input on his program as appropriate. The program does not maintain a relationship with alumni beyond what the university does.Recommendations: There are no recommendations in this area. IV. Element Four: Creating a Learning Centered OrganizationCRITERION FOR REVIEWINQUIRYSCOREA. Program PlanningDoes the program engage in planning activities which identify its academic priorities and their alignment with those of the division and the University?3Comments: The Liberal Studies Program Committee, consisting of faculty and staff from across the university, work with the director in planning activities within the Liberal Studies Program. This level of commitment and interdisciplinary collaboration is to be commended. The Liberal Studies program adheres to the four pillars which articulate the values of the campus: student research, student success, student learning, and resources. The Interim Dean and the AVPAA for Arts and Sciences both expressed significant support for the Liberal Studies program, particularly in the context of growth and restructuring within the college and the university. Recommendations: The program and the College of Education would benefit from more clearly defining the major as a pathway into teaching. This would not only help with program planning, but with visibility, recruitment, and with hiring faculty. A well-articulated purpose would clarify the majors role on campus as an interdisciplinary major with a clear purpose: preparing future teachers. B. Integration of Planning Resources1. Is program planning integrated into the Academic Affairs budgeting process?32. Are program planning goals informed by student learning outcome data?2 Comments: See comments and recommendations in Element 2. Currently, there is very little data to inform program planning. Recommendations: Part of the assessment plan should include how the data will be used to inform program planning.C. Professional accreditationIf the program holds or is seeking professional accreditation, are its practices and resources consistent with that objective?N/AComments: N/ARecommendations: N/A V. Summary Recommendations: Please see attached Summary Report.      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