ࡱ> @B?{ bjbjzz *(Ap...8fL.<>>>>>>$m b...bw.R<.</tVR(0   X>,#$GbbxX....  :  EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE CHECK Applicant Name: Person Contacted: Date Contacted:Candidate for (Position): Title:  Company Name: Telephone: ( ) Address: Relationship to Candidate: Dates of Employment: From: To: What is/was his or her job title and primary responsibilities at your company? What is/was the applicants reason for leaving? Would you consider the candidate for rehire? ____YES ____NO FOR ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATORS with prior academic experience: Please describe the candidates effectiveness in relating with faculty and academic administrators? Please describe candidates effectiveness with students? FOR ALL ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS: How well does the candidate critically think and reason? Describe your overall evaluation of the candidates job performance. How well does the candidate cope with change and support new ideas? How well does the candidate respond to stressful situations? How effective is the candidate in problem solving and dealing with complex situations? How well does the candidate interact with others, professionally and interpersonally? How well did/does the candidate: plan and organize their work, deal with multiple tasks, and complete assignments on time? How much supervision does the candidate require? Are self-management skills present? How well does he/she respond to criticism or interpersonal conflict? What are his/her strongest skills as an employee? What areas of performance need improvement? 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