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Requires maximum supervision in most or all areas of job responsibilities.COMMENTS: Quality Consider accuracy and reliability of results and wasted time in rework.5 Exceptionally accurate. Produces top quality and thorough results. Sets example. Work is consistently error-free.4 Produces results that exceed requirements. Seldom necessary to check work.3 Produces good quality work. Results are generally accurate, but may require occasional rework.2 Quality of work sometimes below standards. Requires frequent review.1 Produces unreliable results with frequent errors. Requires constant checking.COMMENTS: Quantity Consider expected volume of work produced.5 Consistently produces a high volume of work. Capable of performing a number of diverse tasks. Generally a top producer in unit.4 Consistently produces more than expected. Capable of taking on extra work and assignments.3 Meets volume requirements. Completes all assigned tasks.2 Volume not always at expected level. 1 Does not complete work assignments. Amount of work produced is unacceptable.COMMENTS: Service Orientation Consider overall internal and external service commitment and behavior. Clients may include customers, peers and supervisors.5 Provides exceptional service. Initiates suggestions for overall service improvement. Feedback from clients indicates an extraordinary level of commitment to service.4 Provides consistent top quality service. Consistently exceeds clients service expectations.3 Displays positive service orientation. Clients are satisfied with level of service provided.2 Occasionally displays positive service orientation.1 Rarely displays a positive service orientation. Immediate improvement necessary.COMMENTS: Judgment Consider success in organizing work and the ability to differentiate between decisions that should be made or deferred.5 Thinks quickly and logically. Decisions made are extremely reliable and sound. Exceptionally well-organized.4 Shows consistently sound judgment. Very well-organized.3 Displays sound judgment. Good organizational ability.2 Minimum ability to organize daily work. Some improvement may be required in judgment. 1 Work is not organized. Consistently poor judgment.COMMENTS: Adaptability Consider willingness to learn new practices and adjust to changes in assignments or working conditions.5 Adapts to change rapidly and displays positive attitude. May help others adapt to change.4 Quickly learns new practices. Has positive attitude about change.3 Competently learns new practices and adjusts well to change. 2 Learns new practices after much instruction. Accepts change with hesitancy.1 Does not retain instructions. Resistant to change.COMMENTS: Communication Consider verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills. 5 Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Interacts extraordinarily well with all levels of employees and managers. May be used as an expert service resource or act as an example for others.4 Very strong communication and interpersonal skills. Interacts very well with all levels of employees and managers.3 Fully competent communication and interpersonal skills. Interacts well with others.2 Communication and interpersonal skills need improvement in some areas. May interact well with some, but not all, levels of employees and managers.1 Interpersonal and communication skills are unacceptable. Does not interact well with others.COMMENTS: Attendance Consider punctuality and unscheduled or unapproved absences.5 Always arrives on time. All absences are approved in advance. 4 Consistently arrives on time. Absences are approved in advance with rare exception.3 Generally arrives on time. Absences are often approved in advance.2 Excessive amount of tardiness and unscheduled or unapproved absences.1 Unacceptable amount of tardiness and unscheduled or unapproved absences.COMMENTS: Safety Compliance Consider safety practices in work area. Numerical value is not assigned and should not affect any statistical average analyses. Complies with emergency procedures and safety programs. Does not comply with emergency procedures and safety programsCOMMENTS:  Employee Name: OVERALL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Using the following standards, please select the summary description that most closely describes the employees overall performance for this entire review period: { } Outstanding (5): Performance and results far exceed the positions requirements and expectations. Incumbent consistently integrates a wide variety of skills to outstandingly and effectively solve problems and carry out duties, responsibilities and objectives well beyond the expectations of the position. Outcomes and solutions are routinely excellent and seldom matched by others. Incumbent demonstrates the highest level of performance standards in handling all assignments. Incumbents performance is consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Overall, performance demonstrates a very high degree of expertise and serves as a model of excellence for others. Incumbent adds value to the organization well beyond what was expected. Incumbents high level of sustained performance merits special recognition and compares with the best the has seen. Very few employees achieve this level of competency, particularly in an overall evaluation. { } Exceeds Expectations (4): Accomplishes considerably more than required or expected. Incumbent frequently demonstrates the ability to integrate a variety of skills to effectively solve problems and carry out duties, responsibilities and objectives beyond the expectations of the position. Incumbents performance is consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Incumbent adds value to the organization beyond what is expected and is one of the key contributors within the organization. { } Meets Expectations (3): Performance is solid and consistently meets the positions requirements and expectations necessary to further the University mission. Critical goals, tasks, and projects are achieved within acceptable standards. During the review period, there may have been some accomplishments that exceeded expectations, some that may have met expectations and, possibly, some areas where results may not have fully met expectations. Overall, the incumbent demonstrates the ability to handle projects or assignments within the scope of the position and demonstrates the ability to integrate a variety of skills to solve problems and carry out duties, responsibilities and objectives. Incumbents performance is generally consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Incumbent adds value to the organization and is a fully competent performer. { } Needs Improvement (2): Performance and results meet some, but not all, of the positions requirements and expectations; however, overall performance needs improvement. The need for further development and/or improvement in one or more of the critical performance factors is recognizable. Incumbent requires more than normal amount of guidance and follow-up to assure that assignments were progressing adequately. Performance is occasionally consistent with the behavior associated with the selected critical performance factors. Sustained progress and improvement are required in one or more of the critical performance factors. { } Failed to Meet Expectations (1): Performance and results are not acceptable. Performance is below the minimum needed to fulfill principal duties, responsibilities, objectives and expectations of the position. Incumbent requires an unreasonable amount of direction and guidance. Performance must improve to an acceptable level or corrective action will be taken, up to and including notice of termination. Employee Name: ADDITIONAL SUPERVISORY COMMENTS: (Include comments on Overall Performance Evaluation rating and future goals and objectives) EMPLOYEES COMMENTS: (May also attach a separate sheet of paper) I certify that this evaluation has been discussed with me. My signature does not necessarily indicate that I agree with the evaluation. Employees Signature Date Supervisors Signature Date Reviewers Signature (Appropriate Administrator)Date      PAGE 4 Performance Evaluation - Confidential Employees  PAGE 1 BTcdu   ( - 1 3 H J _ ` W v } ~ = > 5 6 \] o#$%./5=> h05CJ h0CJh05>*CJ hD5CJ hDC5CJ h5CJ h0CJ h0CJ h05CJL.ABCDEHIJKSzkkd$$Ifl\ q(  1 r 4 la $$Ifa$$If $If^ ,F-STduvwG=444 $$Ifa$ $If^kd$$Iflִ q(  B8K    4 lawzpggggg $$Ifa$ $If^~kd$$Iflr ( 8K4 la$If 4*! $$Ifa$ $If^kd$$Ifl [( uuu8K$$$$4 laKA $If^kdt$$Ifl֞ ( uu 8K4 la$If $$Ifa$]2kdB$$Ifl((4 la $$If^a$Xkd$$IflF ( r     4 la $$Ifa$   ) - I $$Ifa$ $$If^a$2kd$$Ifl((4 la I J ` '!!$Ifkd$$IflֈTN m!(>> <4 lap<  \ W X Y Z [ g]TT $$Ifa$ $If^kdB$$IflֈTN m!(>>4 la$If [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i t u v ~ $If4kd($$Iflu((4 la $$If^a$ $If^Ff! $$Ifa$~ = ? 5 7 $$Ifa$$If mcZZZZZZZZ $$Ifa$ $If^kd$$IflֈTN m!(>>4 la \^$If4kdw$$Ifl((4 la $$If^a$ $If^Ffp $$Ifa$!opqrs^T $If^kd$$IflֈTN m!(>>4 la $$Ifa$$If stuvwxyz{|}~ $$If^a$ $If^Ff $$Ifa$$&.0 $$Ifa$$If4kd#$$Ifl((4 la  !mcZZZZZZZZ $$Ifa$ $If^kd7$$$IflֈTN m!(>>4 la !"#$%&'()345>&(ac$If2kd-$$Ifl((4 la $$If^a$ $If^Ff) $$Ifa$&'ab*HTU_`$BOP'/ac-.#AKL#$hi~*+RSd%&F h` 6CJ h06CJ h` CJ h05CJh05>*CJ h0CJ h05CJ h0CJOc*+,-.^T $If^kd-$$IflֈTN !(>>J4 la $$Ifa$$If ./0123456789:;<FGHU$If2kdh6$$Ifl((4 la $$If^a$ $If^Ffa2 $$Ifa$U_a$ $$Ifa$$If $%&'()*+,-.mcZZZZZZZZ $$Ifa$ $If^kd6$$IflֈTN !(>>J4 la ./0123456@ABPac$If2kd?$$Ifl((4 la $$If^a$ $If^Ff; 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