
  1. The language requirement can be met by satisfying General Education category C3a with a grade of C or better. Students who are G.E. certified in Section C must still meet the language requirement for graduation and may do so either by passing a C3a course with a grade of 鈥淐鈥 or better or by demonstrating proficiency through examination. Students will also receive credit for having advanced proficiency in a language other than English. This proficiency can be demonstrated via an examination that assesses the student's language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) on a variety of informal and formal topics. By passing this examination, students fulfill the graduation exit requirement for language. For purposes of the General Education requirement, however, students receive content credit but not unit credit.
  2. The multicultural requirement can be met by satisfying General Education category C3b with a grade of C or better.
(SP 03-27)
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