The University provides several means by which students may accelerate their studies; these are discussed below and on the Academic Advising website located at Each of the following options may be subject to restrictions and regulations within individual academic programs. Therefore, students interested in any of these options should consult with the coordinator of the program concerned.
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Credit
海角社区 Channel Islands grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of AP examinations. Students who present scores of 3 or better will be granted up to 6 semester units of college credit for each AP course. The exams for May 2006 will be available on the Academic Advising website ( after publication of this catalog. The AP table included in this catalog indicates credit likely to be given. It should be viewed as a guideline only and is subject to change. Grade reports are sent automatically to 海角社区 Channel Islands if requested by the student at exam time. The student may also order the report through the AP website at or by calling (609) 771-7300 or (888) 225-5427, Mon-Fri 8 am to 4:45 pm, Eastern Time. Reports should be sent to Admissions & Records.
Advanced Placement (AP) Credit 2005 Exams [top]
Exam Name | Credit Granted |
Art History | ART 110 for 3 units |
Biology | BIOL 200 for 4 units; For Liberal Studies major, Teaching and Learning Option only: BIOL 170 for 4 units |
Calculus AB: Score of 3 | MATH 140 for 3 units |
Calculus AB: Score of 4 or 5 | MATH 150 for 4 units |
Calculus BC: Score of 3 | MATH 140 or MATH 150 for a maximum of 3 units |
Calculus AB Subscore | MATH 140 for 3 units |
Calculus BC: Score of 4 or 5 | MATH 150 and MATH 151 for total of 6 units |
Calculus AB Subscore | MATH 150 for 4 units |
NOTE: If both Calculus AB & BC are passed, credit is extended only for Calculus BC, since BC duplicates the AB material. | |
Chemistry | CHEM 121 for 4 units plus 2 free elective units |
Computer Science A: Score of 3 | COMP 105 for 3 units |
Computer Science A: Score of 4 or 5 | COMP 150 for 4 units |
Computer Science AB: Score of 3 | COMP 150 for 4 units plus 2 free elective units |
Computer Science AB: Score of 4 or 5 | COMP 150 and COMP 151 for total of 6 units |
NOTE: If both Computer Science A & Computer Science AB are passed, credit is extended only for Computer Science AB, since AB duplicates the A material. | |
Economics: Micro | ECON 110 for 3 units |
Economics: Macro | ECON 111 for 3 units |
English Language and Composition | ENGL 105 for 3 units |
English Literature and Composition | ENGL 105 for 3 units |
NOTE: If both English Literature & English Language are passed, only 1.5 units are awarded for each exam for a total of 3 units. | |
Environmental Science | 3 free elective units |
European History | 6 free elective units |
French Language | GE Area C3a for 3 units |
French Literature | GE Area C2 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
NOTE: If both French Language & French Literature are passed, GE Area C3a for 3 units and GE Area C2 for 3 units are awarded for a total of 6 units. | |
German Language | GE Area C3a for 3 units |
Government and Politics: US | requirement for 3 units (excluding the California State and Local Government requirement complete POLS 140, California Government and Politics, for 1 unit) |
Government and Politics: Comparative | 3 free elective units |
Human Geography | 3 free elective units |
Latin: Vergil | 3 free elective units |
Latin: Literature | 3 free elective units |
NOTE: If both Latin Vergil & Latin Literature are passed, only 1.5 units are awarded for each exam for a total of 3 units. | |
Music Theory | GE Area C1 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
Music Theory Subscore: Nonaural | GE Area C1 for 3 units |
Music Theory Subscore: Aural | GE Area C1 for 3 units |
NOTE: If the Music Theory exam and/or the Music Theory Subscore: Nonaural are passed in conjunction with the Music Theory Subscore: Aural, GE Area C1 plus 3 free electives are awarded for a total of 6 units | |
Physics B | GE Area B1 including lab for 4 units |
Physics C: Mechanics | PHYS 100 for 4 units; For Math majors only: PHYS 200 for 4 units |
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism | PHYS 101 for 4 units; For Math majors only: PHYS 201 for 4 units |
Psychology | PSY 100 for 3 units |
Spanish Language: Score of 3 | SPAN 201 for 4 units, fulfilling GE Area C3a |
Spanish Language: Score of 4 or 5 | SPAN 201 and SPAN 202 for total of 6 units, fulfilling GE Areas C3a and C3b |
Spanish Literature: Score of 3 | SPAN 301 for 3 units |
Spanish Literature: Score of 4 or 5 | SPAN 301 and SPAN 310 for 6 units |
Studio Art: Drawing | ART 105 for 3 units |
Studio Art: 2D Design | ART 106 for 3 units |
Studio Art: 3D Design | ART 202 for 3 units |
NOTE: If both 2D Design and 3D Design are passed, only 1.5 units are given for the second exam for a total of 4.5 units. | |
Statistics | MATH 201 for 3 units |
U.S. History | HIST 270 and HIST 271 for a total of 6 units |
World History | GE Area D for 6 units |
International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Credit [top]
海角社区 Channel Islands grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of IB examinations. IB exams at the Higher Level (HL) passed with a score of 4 or higher will earn 6 units of semester credit. Exams passed earn a grade of credit (CR) and are not calculated into the GPA. The exams for 2006 will be available after publication of this catalog on the Academic Advising website ( The IB table included in this catalog indicates credit likely to be given. It should be viewed as a guideline only and is subject to change. IB transcripts are sent automatically to 海角社区 Channel Islands upon completion of the exam if requested by the student. For more information about transcript requests, please call the IB North American office in New York City at (212) 696-4464, Mon-Fri 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, Eastern Time or send an e-mail to Transcripts should be sent to Admissions & Records.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit 2000-2005 Exams [top]
Exam Name | Credit Granted |
Biology | BIOL 100 for 4 units plus 2 free elective units |
Chemistry | CHEM 121 for 4 units plus 2 free elective units |
Computer Science | COMP 105 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
Economics | ECON 110 for 3 units plus ECON 111 for 3 units |
English A1 | ENGL 105 for 3 units plus GE Area C2 for 3 units |
French A2 | GE Area C3a for 3 units plus 3 free elective units plus fulfills the Language requirement |
French B | GE Area C3a for 3 units plus 3 free elective units plus fulfills the Language requirement |
History of the Americas | GE Area D for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
Mathematics | MATH 105 for 4 units plus MATH 150 for 4 units; a total of 8 units |
Music | MUS 100 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
Physics | PHYS 100 for 4 units plus PHYS 101 for 4 units; a total of 8 units |
Psychology | PSY 100 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
Social & Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 102 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
Spanish A2 | SPAN 201 for 4 units plus SPAN 202 for 4 units plus fulfills the Language requirement; a total of 8 units |
Spanish B | SPAN 301 for 3 units plus SPAN 310 for 3 units plus fulfills the Language requirement |
Visual Arts | ART 100 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units |
Military Service Credit [top]
Credit will be allowed toward graduation to any student submitting evidence (DD 214 or DD 295) of satisfactory completion of Basic Training. Students with service in the Air Force, Army and Coast Guard will receive 4 units of credit. Students with service in the Marine Corps will earn 8 units of credit. Credit is allowed in accordance with the recommendation by the American Council on Education (ACE). Other military courses completed may earn baccalaureate credit as outlined in the Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experience in the Armed Forces. 海角社区 Channel Islands has final discretion on where these units will be applied.
Substitution of Courses [top]
Students who have taken a required course in their major/minor at a college or university other than 海角社区CI must petition to receive major/minor credit for this course. The Course Substitution of Major or Minor Requirements for Bachelor's Degree is available in the Records Office and Advising Center. Petitions are also available for Request for Course Substitution: General Education/Graduation Requirements and Petition for Exception to a University Policy or Deadline. A photocopy of the course syllabus or catalog course description is required for each course being petitioned. Please note: a final grade of 鈥淐鈥 or better is required for the language and multicultural graduation requirements. Advisors in the Advising Center can assist students in completing course substitution petitions. Once completed, all petitions must be submitted to the Records Office, which will then route the petition to the appropriate Faculty Major Advisor, Academic Coordinator, or Committee (GE or Curriculum) for review. A copy of the petition with the determination will be emailed to the student and the original form will be kept in the student's file in the Records Office.
Internships [top]
- Definition
Internships integrate the students' academic study with practical experience in cooperating organizations. Through the integration of practical and academic experience, students enhance their academic knowledge in their area of study, their personal development, and their professional preparation. The teaching faculty and the on-site supervisors share in the educational process of interns.
Any academic department/program/unit/faculty can develop their appropriate guidelines and procedures and structure regarding internships. However, for the purposes of legally minimizing the risk of liability and ensuring a safe and effective internship program for the University, students, faculty and partner organizations, the following policy should be incorporated into any university-related internship program. - All internships should:
- *Include a signed agreement with a seniorrepresentative of the partner agency or corporation and the University procurement officer as designated signature authority. In this agreement, it must be stated that the university assumes no risk or liability and that the sponsoring agency/corporation assumes full responsibility for the liability of the intern, affirming that they have requisite insurance to cover any potential harm to the intern, and include basic information such as location, contact person, and organization description.
- Include a learning agreement signed by the student, sponsoring faculty, and placement supervisor listing the learning goals of the internship and the duties and responsibilities of each party, notifying the student of the assignment of liability, terms and conditions and the listing of relevant agency policies, and the date the internship begins. This includes mention of whether the intern is paid and conditions for receiving academic credit.
Faculty and/or programs must maintain a file of the aforementioned signed forms. The Dean of faculty will also retain a sample copy of internship forms that are used.
*This requirement is pursuant to Executive order 849, page 6: 鈥淪tudent placement agreements must be in writing and shall specify minimum insurance requirements applicable to the contracting parties and appropriate hold harmless provisions based upon the needs of the contracting parties. The following hold harmless provisions may be used as a minimum:
Hold Harmless Provision: 海角社区 Channel Islands shall be responsible for damages caused by the negligence of its officers, employees and agents. Trustees shall be responsible for the damages caused by the negligence of its officers, employees and agents. The intent of this paragraph is to impose responsibility on each part for the negligence of its officers employees and agents.鈥
Unit Credit by Examination [top]
海角社区 Channel Islands may grant unit credit to those students who pass examinations that have been approved for credit system-wide. These are: the 海角社区 English Equivalence Examination (EEE) and the College Level Entrance Program (CLEP) Examinations. Specific information on credit earned may be found by visiting the Academic Advising website located at
Students may also challenge some courses by taking examinations developed at the campus. Credit will be awarded to those who pass them successfully. Credits earned in this manner will be recorded as 鈥淐R鈥 (credit) on the student's transcript and will be counted toward the total number of units required for the degree although they will not be included in calculation of the grade-point average. Credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requirement.
Waiver of Course Requirement [top]
In addition, students who believe that previous training has sufficiently prepared them in a certain area may request a waiver of a specific course requirement (subject credit only). A waiver of specific course requirements does not reduce the total number of credits required for the major or the degree nor does it reduce the residence requirement.
Credit Toward Graduation for Courses Taken Outside 海角社区 Channel Islands [top]
A student may earn credit toward graduation for courses taken outside of 海角社区 Channel Islands as follows:
Transfer of Undergraduate and Graduate Credit from Another Accredited Institution
Students who were in good standing at another accredited institution may, within maximums, transfer credit for baccalaureate or graduate degree course work. Course equivalency for major requirements is subject to the determination and discretion of the University; students are cautioned that while the University will accept transferred courses for unit credit towards admission, it is under no obligation to accept those same courses for subject credit to fulfill requirements. Policy regarding transfer of courses from California community colleges differs in some respects. Individual program regulations for specific transfer limitations should be consulted.
Transfer of Undergraduate Credit From Accredited Community Colleges
A maximum of 70 semester units earned in a community college may be applied toward the baccalaureate degree, with the following limitations and stipulations:
- No upper-division credit may be allowed for courses taken in a community college;
- No credit may be allowed for professional courses in education taken in a community college, other than introduction to education courses;
- Students who transfer general education certification are still required to complete at least 9 units of upper-division general education courses at 海角社区 Channel Islands.
High School Students [top]
Students still enrolled in high school will be considered for enrollment in certain special programs if recommended by the principal and the appropriate campus department chair and if preparation is equivalent to that required of eligible California high school graduates. Such admission is only for a given program and does not constitute the right to continued enrollment.
Communication with Students [top]
The purpose of this policy is to ensure accurate, timely, and effective communication of University business to students either by mail or email.
- Mail
- Students shall provide the University with a current mailing address.
- Email
- All students shall receive an email account from the University. Official student email addresses end in Students may have email privileges restricted for disciplinary reasons.
- The University shall utilize the 鈥淒olphin Email鈥 system as the official means of communication to 海角社区CI students. In the event that the University is unable to communicate with a student using the 鈥淒olphin Email鈥 system, the University shall communicate with students via the U.S. Postal Service.
- Students shall check their 鈥淒olphin Email鈥 at least once each week.
- Students may redirect their University email address to another account. However, the University will not be responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors or departmental servers. Instructions for redirecting shall be available on the 海角社区CI 鈥淒olphin Email鈥 web site.
- Faculty shall determine how electronic forms of communication (e.g. email) will be used in their respective classes and will specify requirements to their students.
- All electronic communication shall meet federal and state accessibility requirements.
- All email sent to students shall include the name, title, email address, and telephone number of the person sending the email so that the student may verify the integrity of the email.
- Personal or identifying information in emails sent to students may only include directory information as defined in the University Catalog under the section entitled 鈥淧rivacy Rights of Students in Education Records (FERPA)鈥 unless the student has specified in writing to the Admissions and Records office not to release directory information.
- It is a violation of University policy to use University mail or a University email address to impersonate a University office, administrator, faculty, staff member, or student.
- Students who are suspended or expelled may have their 鈥淒olphin Email鈥 account closed. The account shall only be re-opened with approval from the University Community Responsibility and Student Conduct Officer.
- Complaints involving harassing email shall be investigated by the University Community Responsibility and Student Conduct Officer.
- Students who voluntarily withdraw from the University and have not completed their program degree or have not enrolled for more than one academic year, will have their email account closed at that time.
- Only designated University offices are eligible to send global student emails.
- Student email addresses shall not be provided for commercial purposes, personal gain or spamming.
(SP04-20) (SA.07.005)
Service-Learning Policy [top]
The following policies will be adhered to at 海角社区 for all courses designated as Service Learning-Courses, Service-Learning Internships or courses with Service Learning components (hereafter collectively referred to as 鈥淪ervice- Learning Courses鈥).
- Definition: *Service learning is a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities, while engaging students in reflection upon what was experienced, how the community was benefited, and what was learned.
*Adapted from the National Commission on Service Learning Definition. - All Service Learning Courses must:
- Serve a genuine community need.
- Integrate course learning and teaching objectives with the service-learning activities.
- Provide activities to engage students in reflection about the service experience and the achievement of learning outcomes.
- Generate for each student, before placement, a Student Learning Plan, signed by the student, faculty instructor and authorized Community Organization (鈥淐O鈥) representative, that identifies course goals and risks.
- Complete feedback forms on the value and effectiveness of the service-learning experience from the perspective of the student, faculty instructor and CO.
- Provide a description of the service-learning component of the class in the syllabus, stating whether service learning is a required component or not and what percentage of the course grade the service learning component comprises.
- Service-Learning Agreement: A signed Service-Learning Agreement between 海角社区 and the CO must be on file before any students are placed at the CO.
*Note that feedback forms related to the service learning experience are explicitly distinct from and not related to the Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness.
Extension Courses [top]
Students may take extension courses without matriculating at 海角社区 Channel Islands provided that they meet course prerequisites. Extension courses may be applied to degree and credential requirements with approval of the degree program coordinator. Extension courses do not satisfy the University's residence requirement for graduation. Up to 24 units earned through Open University (see Open University) and Extension may be applied to a bachelor's degree at 海角社区 Channel Islands, and up to 9 units may be applied to a master's degree.
Open University [top]
Open University permits non-matriculated students to register concurrently with matriculated students in regular classes. Up to 24 units earned through Open University and Extension (see Extension Programs) may be applied to a bachelor's degree at 海角社区 Channel Islands, and up to 9 units may be applied to a master's degree.
International Program Credit [top]
Course credits earned in universities abroad may be accepted for degree credit at 海角社区 Channel Islands subject to evaluation by the Admissions and Records office. Specific course equivalencies may require consultation with individual program coordinators. 海角社区 Channel Islands students who desire, subsequently, to take courses at a foreign university for degree credit must have each such course approved in advance in writing by the program coordinator.
(SR 36-01)