Director of Communications & Marketing and the Associate Vice President for Operations, Planning & Construction.
All º£½ÇÉçÇøCI students, non-academic functions, University auxiliary groups, lessees, and external constituencies, including members of the public-at- large such as those holding events or activities on the campus.
º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Student– a student currently enrolled at º£½ÇÉçÇøCI during the spring or fall semester, the recess period between semesters, summer period, or one who has completed the immediately preceding term and is eligible for re-enrollment. This also includes non-matriculated (i.e. Open University, Osher students and prospective, intent to enroll students).
It is the policy of California State University Channel Islands to preserve and maintain the beauty of the campus. To ensure materials posted are appropriate in content and not geographically offensive or destructive in nature, all materials to be posted in external locations throughout the campus, as well as the dates and times the materials are authorized for display, will be approved in advance by the Director of Communications and Marketing or a designee. Publicity to be posted in a language other than English must also contain an English translation.
External locations include any location along the entry roads and all entrances to the University, including the large vertical monument signs at the entryway along University Drive and the kiosk displays. This policy also applies to the posting of posters, banners or signage throughout exterior spaces of University buildings and the campus community. Exceptions to the policy include student housing facilities and the exterior of campus recreational facilities, both of which will be governed by the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee. Appearance and construction of any external University signage must appear professional and adhere to the University’s graphic standards.
Posting – The requestor is responsible for production costs for all signage. Posting of signs in the kiosk display area or on the exterior of University buildings shall be requested through official work order requests to the office of Operations, Planning and Construction, with fees for installing signage to be paid by the requesting area/division.
Removal of Signage – University officials may remove and dispose of any materials posted on the University campus which do not comply with the established policy. All signage must be removed within 48 hours following the event at the expense of the posting party. The posting party will also be responsible for the cost of any damages that may occur as a result of improper posting.
Student Campaigns – Campaigns run by students for the purpose of elections for student leadership offices or to lobby for various campus issues, will fall under the supervision of the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee. He/She is responsible for informing all student clubs and students participating in activities such as student elections, of the policy governing postage throughout the campus.
The posting of materials using items such as ground stakes and chalk on sidewalks are approved on a case-by-case basis as deemed appropriate by the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee, in consultation with the Director of Communications and Marketing or her/his designee as needed.
Posting Restricted Areas – There will be no approved postings in the following campus locations:
Building or Hall Lobbies
Trash or recycling receptacles
Vehicles (other than authorized leaflets-see handbills and circulars)
Exterior of entrance signage or kiosks
Traffic Control Signs
Planted garden areas
Newspaper/magazine racks
Posting will also not be permitted in any location that may impair safe visibility for drivers, pedestrians, or persons with disabilities.
Parking Event Signage – Temporary directional signage for events is placed by staff members in the Transportation and Parking office. Every effort should be made to assure the signage, whether provided by the requestor or the Parking office, is large enough to be seen by the driver, while not impairing the site lines or creating congestion for other drivers.
Handbills and Circulars – Distribution of handbills and circulars that do not contain commercial advertising may be permitted with prior approval of content and timelines by either the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee or the Director of Communications and Marketing or her/his designee.
Kiosk – The kiosk located along University Drive near the campus entrance is designated to publicize official campus events and activities targeted to a large external or campus audience.
Further details on posting may be found in Posting Guidelines on the University Website