
1. Students are expected to attend class regularly.

2. Instructors must include their class attendance requirements in the course syllabus.

3. If students have a valid reason to miss class (excused absence), they are responsible for informing their instructors of the absence at the earliest possible date (preferably before class if possible). Instructors may require students to provide documentation for excused absences. Excused absences include, but are not limited to:

  1. Illness or injury to the student
  2. Death, injury, or serious illness of an immediate family member
  3. Religious reasons (California Education Code section 89320)
  4. Jury duty or government obligation
  5. University sanctioned or approved activities (examples include: artistic performances, forensics presentations, participation in research conferences, intercollegiate athletic activities, student government, required class field trips, etc.)

4. It is the responsibility of the student to give advance notification, contact the instructor to make arrangements to make up any academic work that may be missed, submit assignments on time, and make arrangements regarding activities, tests, quizzes, or exams that may be scheduled during the absences.

5. If a student does not notify the instructor one week in advance of the dates of excused absences, the instructor is not required to adjust the class schedule or to allow for make-up activities, tests, or exams. However, students shall not be penalized for excused absences when circumstances make it impossible to provide advance notice (e.g. student is engaged in a University sanctioned event such as a playoff game that cannot be anticipated).

6. Students who expect to be absent from the University for any valid reason, and who have found it difficult to inform their instructors, should notify the Division of Academic Affairs. The Division of Academic Affairs shall notify the student's instructors of the nature and duration of the absence. It remains the responsibility of the student to arrange with instructors to make up any academic work.

7. In circumstances where an actual assignment, some specific class work, an activity, a quiz, or an exam cannot reasonably be made up, it is the instructor's option to assign alternative work.

8. Instructors are not obligated to consider other absences as excused.


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