
Welcome to Anthropology at CI! Started in 2012, our program offers a broad holistic perspective on humans as social, cultural, and biological beings. Our curriculum crosscuts different subfields of anthropology – sociocultural, linguistic, archaeological, and biological – to address major themes that are relevant to understanding people today.

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Review the

Two Year Academic Roadmap

Print Two Year Roadmap

  • Fall Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ANTH375Qualitative Research Methods in Anthropology3ANTH 375 is only offered in the Fall semesterMajor
    ESRM orÌý

    328* or


    ESRM 328: The Why of Where: Foundations in GIS, or
    SOC 325: Statistical Applications in the Social Sciences

    3If taking ESRM 328, it double-counts for UDGE-BMajor
    ANTH352Applied Anthropology3Major
    ANTHStudent's ChoiceUpper Division ANTH Elective3See catalog for course titles & descriptions.Major
    POLSÌý150American Political Institutions3If US Constitution/State & Local Gov't has been met change to Free Elective.OtherAIR: US Constitution/ State & Local Govt.

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains outstanding, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • As a Junior, it is recommended that you meet with your program faculty advisor at least once a year.
    • Prepare a resume
    • Meet w/ Graduate Studies Center
    • Meet w/ Career Development Services

    Spring Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ANTH377Archaeological Method & Theory3Major
    ANTH470The Development of Anthropological Perspectives3Major
    ANTHStudent's ChoiceUpper Division ANTH Elective3See catalog for course titles & descriptions.Major
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE C: Arts and Humanities3See catalog for course titles & descriptions.GEUDGE C
    HISTStudent's ChoiceUS History3Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275. CHS 350. If US HIST has been met change to Free Elective.OtherAIR: US History

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains outstanding, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • Explore student research opportunities, Explore Study Abroad opportunities, Explore possible graduate degrees
    • Begin graduate school test prep (if applicable)
    • Making an Impact Club (if applicable)
    • Set up an online presence (e.g., LinkedIn, professional website)
  • Fall Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ANTH489Professionalism in Anthropology3Prerequisite for ANTH 499 - must be taken prior to ANTH 499 enrollment.Major
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE B: Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning3

    Consider taking ANTH 345 to meet the UDGE-B requirement and major elective (if UDGE-B is still needed)

    If UDGE-B has been met, choose an Anthropology elective of your choice.

    ANTHUpper DivisionStudent's Choice3See catalog for course titles & descriptions.Major
    Graduation RequirementStudent's ChoiceLanguage3Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen; if language has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherLanguage
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceStudent's Choice3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement: Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.OtherUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Apply for graduation (Priority deadline - October 1st)
    • Meet w/ Academic Advisor for Grad Check
    • Meet w/ Graduate Studies Center
    • Meet w/ Career Development Services
    • As a Senior, it is recommended that you meet with your program faculty advisor at least once during your final year.

    Spring Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ANTH499Capstone3Take ANTH 489 before. ANTH 499 offered spring onlyMajor & GWAR
    ANTHStudent's ChoiceUpper Division ANTH Elective3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor

    Student's Choice

    Upper Division ANTH Elective3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE D: Social Science3If UDGE D has been met, choose a free elective of your choiceGEUDGE D
    Graduation RequirementStudent's ChoiceMulticultural Perspectives3If Multicultural Requirement has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherMP

    Total Units



    • Present research at SAGE Conference
    • Graduation check with Advising and Faculty advisor
    • Complete capstone
    • Complete an Internship, visit the Career Center to prepare for the job market, apply for graduate school.Ìý
    • Attend Grad Fest
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