
The Art Program at º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands integrates traditional media with emerging digital technologies in graphic design, multimedia, fine art, art history with a focus on interdisciplinary studies to develop a solid foundation leading to advanced work in art media and theory.

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Review the

Two Year Academic Roadmap

Print Two Year Roadmap

  • Fall Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories

    Student's Choice

    Intermediate Studio Course3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    ARTStudent's ChoiceIntermediate Studio Course3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    ART/ UDGE435* or


    ART 435*: Contemporary Art (1970-present): Looking, Thinking, Writing, or
    ART 436: Modern Art (1850-1970): Looking, Thinking, Writing

    3ART 435* meets UDGE C, GWAR, & Multicultural requirementsMajor & GE & GWARUDGE C
    Graduation RequirementStudent's ChoiceLanguage3Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen; if language has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherLanguage
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.ÌýOther

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains outstanding, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • Seek a leadership position in a student organization.
    • Meet w/ Career Development Services and Graduate Studies Center
    • Apply for internships, study abroad, or a research opportunity (depending on interests)
    • Meet with Academic Advising to plan for future semesters

    Spring Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ARTStudent's ChoiceAdvanced Studio and Advanced Artistic Problems Course3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    ARTStudent's ChoiceAdvanced Studio and Advanced Artistic Problems Course3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEUDGE B
    ARTStudent's ChoiceArt History & Upper Division General Education (UDGE) Art Courses3

    Complete a minimum of three units

    See catalog for course titles & descriptions - Recommend taking ART 333*, 334, or 434 to double count with UDGE-D (Art 333 will triple dip and count for UDGE-D, Major, and Multicultural Requirement)

    MajorUDGE D


    150American Political InstitutionsÌý3If US Constitution/State & Local Gov't has been met change to Free Elective.OtherAIR: US Constitution/State & Local Govt.

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains outstanding, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • Explore student research opportunities, Explore Study Abroad opportunities, Explore possible graduate degrees (MPA, law school, etc.)
    • Begin graduate school test prep (if applicable)
    • Making an Impact Club (if applicable)
    • Set up an online presence (e.g. LinkedIn, professional website)
  • Fall Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ART489Arts Seminar3Must be taken prior to ART 499Major
    ARTStudent's ChoiceAdvanced Studio Course and Advanced Artistic Problems Course3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    ARTStudent's ChoiceAdvanced Studio Course and Advanced Artistic Problems Course3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    HISTStudent's ChoiceUS History3Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275. CHS 350. If US HIST has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherAIR: US History
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.Other

    Total Units



    • Meet w/ Academic Advising for Grad Check and apply for Graduation (Priority Deadline - October 1st)
    • Present research at the º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Student Research Conference or another undergraduate conference
    • Complete an internship, visit the Career Development Services to prepare for the job market
    • Meet w/ Graduate Studies Center and apply for graduate school (if applicable)

    Spring Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ARTStudent's ChoiceAdvanced Studio Course/Advanced Artistic Problems Course3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsMajor
    Graduation RequirementStudent's ChoiceMulticultural Perspectives3If Multicultural Requirement has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherMP
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.Other
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.Other

    Total Units



    • Attend Grad Fest
    • Complete Capstone
    • Complete an Internship, visit the Career Center to prepare for the job market, apply for graduate school.
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