
Young children, including dual language learners and those with special needs, fascinate you. You’re curious about how they develop and learn. You want to work with them and their families—in homes, schools and communities. By studying Early Childhood Studies at º£½ÇÉçÇø (º£½ÇÉçÇøCI), you’ll receive an education that’s creative, and innovative—and that will prepare you to work with children, from birth to age 8, and their families.

Two Year Academic Roadmap

Print Two Year Roadmap

  • Fall Junior

    Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories
    SPED/ UDGE 345 Individuals with Disabilities in Society 3 Triple counts as Major, UDGE D, and GWAR Major & GE  & GWAR UDGE D
    ECS 320 Teaching and Learning Programs for Early Care & Development 3 Prerequisite: ECS 101,  ECS 150, Corequisite: ECS 325 Major
    ECS 325 Typical and Atypical Development: Birth - Age 8 3 Prerequisite: ECS/PSY 150; Corequisite: ECS 320 Major
    ECS 310 Science Technology Engineering Art and Math in Early Childhood 2 Major

    101, or

    102, or

    201, or

    202, or

    211 or


    SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish I, or
    SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish II, or
    SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I, or
    SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish II, or
    SPAN 211: Spanish for Heritage Speakers I, or
    SPAN 212: Spanish for Heritage Speakers II

    4 If Spanish requirement has been met change to free elective. Major Language

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains incomplete, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center
    • Attend Major Fair (First Week of October)
    • If interested in Credential programs, attend an information session to learn about requirements and application process

    Spring Junior

    Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories
    ENGL 475 Language in Social Context (cross-listed as EDUC 475) 3 Major

    412 or


    EDUC 412: Equity, Diversity, and Foundations of Schooling, or
    EDUC 445: Chicano Child and Adolescent

    3 EDUC 412 double counts with Multicultural Perspectives Requirement Major
    ECS 322 Early Childhood Program Administration 3 Major
    UDGE Student's Choice UDGE C- Arts and Humanities 3 Recommended: EDUC 343 or any UDGE C course. See catalog for course titles & descriptions. GE UDGE C
    UDGE Student's Choice UDGE B- Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3 Recommended: MATH 308 or any UDGE B course. See catalog for course titles & descriptions. GE UDGE B

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains incomplete, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • Meet with Graduate Studies Center
    • Meet with Career Development Services
    • Senior standing is required for any ECS 400 level courses
  • Fall Senior

    Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories
    ECS 460 Infant/Toddler Educaring: Learning and Assessment 3 Prerequisite: ECS 320, ECS 325, SPED 345; Corequisite: ECS 461 Major
    ECS 461 Infant/Toddler Student Teaching & Seminar 4 Prerequisite: ECS 320, ECS 325, SPED 345; Corequisite: ECS 460 Major
    ECS 462 Supporting Dual Language Learners: Context and Approaches 3 Major
    ECS 456 Family and Community Engagement 3 Major
    HIST Student's Choice US History 3 Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275, CHS 350. If US HIST has been met change to Free Elective. If US History has been met, then take Free Elective. Other AIR: US History

    Total Units



    • Apply for Graduation (Priority deadline - October 1st
    • Meet with Academic Advisor for Grad Check
    • Meet with Graduate Studies Center

    Spring Senior

    Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories
    ECS 468 Early Language Literacy and Math Development Ages 3-8: Multicultural/Multilingual 3 Prerequisite: ECS 320, ECS 325, SPED 345; Corequisite: ECS 470, ECS 471 Major


    Teaching and Learning in Preschool/Primary: Integrated Curriculum and Assessment 3 Prerequisite: ECS 320, ECS 325, SPED 345; Corequisite: ECS 468, ECS 471 Major
    ECS 471 Preschool/Primary Student Teaching & Seminar 4 Prerequisite: ECS 320, ECS 325, SPED 345; Corequisite: ECS 468, ECS 470 Field Hours: 210 Major
    ECS 463 Creating and Supporting Reciprocal Family and Community Networks 3 Major
    POLS  150 American Political Institutions 3 If US Constitution/State & Local Gov't has been met, then take Free Elective. Other AIR: CA Local & State Govt

    Total Units



    • Work with Career Development Services to apply for post-graduation jobs
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