BS: ESRM, Earth Systems Emphasis 2022-2023
In º£½ÇÉçÇø’ (º£½ÇÉçÇøCI) Environmental Science (ESRM) Program, you will gain a solid understanding of the environment from both scientific and human perspectives, learn from talented, dedicated faculty, and start making a difference through intensive academic, field-based research and volunteer opportunities.
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Review the
Two Year Academic Roadmap
Fall Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 303 Data Visualization and Climate Communication 3 Double-counts for major requirement and Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). Major & GWAR ESRM 313 Conservation Biology 4 Major ESRM/ UDGE 328 The Why of Where: Foundations in GIS 3 Double counts with Major Requirements and UDGE-B. Major & GE UDGE-B POLS 150 American Political Institutions 3 If this requirement is complete, then take a Free Elective. Other AIR: CA Local & State Govt Free Elective Student's choice Free Elective 1 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement- Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Unit Requirement Total Units
- Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains incomplete, take these courses as soon as possible.
- Get involved in research in the department, seek out leadership positions on campus and/or in department, explore options for certificates and minors to bolster your ESRM degree, begin thinking about graduate school and/or careers.
- Meet with Graduate Studies Center Advising.
- Meet with Career Development Services.
Spring Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM ESRM 329 Environmental Law and Policy 3 Major ESRM or
Student's Choice ESRM-329: Environmental Law and Policy (3), or
ESRM-301: Field Professionalism (1), or
ESRM-351: Field Methods: Monitoring and Assessment (4), or
ESRM-370: Fundamentals of Remotely Piloted Systems (4), or
ESRM-492: Service Learning/Internship (3), or
UNIV-391: United States Travel Study Experience (1-3), or
UNIV-392: International Experience (3)
4 Complete at least 4 units from any Field Experience courses Major ESRM 331 Geomorphology & Hydrology 3 This is an Earth Systems emphasis course and is normally only offered spring semesters Major HIST Student's Choice US History 3 Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275 or CHS 350. If this requirement is complete, then take a Free Elective. Other AIR: US History Graduation Requirement Student's Choice Multicultural Requirement 3 Choose one course to count for the Multicultural Perspective requirement. ESRM-355: The Beach (3) counts for this requirement. See catalog for course titles & descriptions. GE MP Total Units
- Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains incomplete, take these courses as soon as possible.
- Continue building essential skills, focus on upper division courses and electives, complete most of your major emphasis track, and gain experience in the field.
- Consider taking ESRM Field Professionalism 1 unit CR/NC (Wilderness First Aid) - offered by arrangement
Fall Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 491 Capstone Preparation 3 Major ESRM 464 Land Management 4 This is an Earth Systems emphasis course and is offered fall and spring semesters. Major ESRM Student's Choice Upper Division ESRM Elective 4 Need a total of 8 units of ESRM Major Electives Major ESRM Student's Choice Upper Division ESRM Elective 4 Need a total of 8 units of ESRM Major Electives Major Total Units
- Finish upper division courses and electives, finish major emphasis track, and complete capstone research/prep course (ESRM-491)
- Apply for Graduation (Priority deadline - October 1st)
- Meet with Academic Advisor for Grad Check.
Spring Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 499 Capstone 3 Major ESRM 367 Environmental Disasters 3 This is an Earth Systems emphasis course and is normally only offered spring semesters. Major UDGE Student's Choice UDGE C - Arts and Humanities 3 Choose any UDGE-C course for 3 units. *Recommended course: ENGL-337: Literature of the Environment (3) GE UDGE C ESRM 341 or
ESRM 341: The National Park, or
ESRM 342: Environmental History
3 Take either course which double counts with Major Requirements and UDGE D Major & GE UDGE D Graduation Requirement Student's Choice Language 3 Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen. If this requirement is complete, then take a Free Elective. Other Language Total Units
- Continue to be involved in research in the department, seek out leadership positions on campus and/or in department, present results of your research at a conference or public outreach event, apply to graduate school and/or careers