
Two Year Academic Roadmap

Print Two Year Roadmap

  • Fall Junior

    SubjectCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsRequirements MetGE/GRAD AreaNotes
    EDUC343Teaching Drama to Children3Major & GEUDGE CDouble Counts with UDGE-C
    ENGL315Intro to Language, Structure, and Linguistics3MajorPrerequisite: ENGL 105
    MATH308Foundational Geometry, Probability and Statistics3Major & GEUDGE BDouble Counts with UDGE-B
    EDUC345Media Literacy and Youth Culture3Major & GE & GWARUDGE DTriple Counts with Major, UDGE-D and GWAR
    Major ConcentrationStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Major

    Will need 9 units (3x courses) for the concentration.

    See catalog for course titles & descriptions

    Total Units


    Semester One Considerations:

    • Schedule an appointment with a Peer Advisor or Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center.
    • Two year roadmap assumes all lower division requirements are already completed including POLS-150 and HIST 275. If any LD courses remains incomplete, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • All majors courses must be completed with a C or better to apply toward the major.
    • Meet w/Career Development Services and select Concentration of Study.

    Spring Junior

    SubjectCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsRequirements MetGE/GRAD AreaNotes
    EDUC320Education in Modern Society3Major
    SPED345Individuals with Disabilities in Society3Major & GEUDGE DDouble Counts with UDGE-D
    GEOL300Foundations of Earth Science4MajorPrerequisite: PHSC 170
    PHED302Motor Learning, Fitness, and Development in Children2Major
    Major ConcentrationStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Major

    Will need 9 units (3x courses) for the concentration.

    See catalog for course titles & descriptions

    Total Units


    Semester Two Considerations:

    • Two year roadmap assumes all lower division requirements are already completed including POLS 150 and HIST -275.
    • All major courses must be completed with a C or better to apply toward major
    • Attend a
  • Fall Senior

    SubjectCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsRequirements MetGE/GRAD AreaNotes
    LS322Health Issues2MajorUDGE D
    EDMS422Creating, Managing Effective Elementrary School Learning Environments5Major
    EDUC475Language in Social Context3Major
    EDUC412Equity, Diversity in School3Major & GE & GraduationUDGE D & MPAlso fulfills Multicultural Perspectives
    MajorStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Major

    Will need 9 units (3x courses) for the concentration.

    See catalog for course titles & descriptions

    Total Units


    Semester Three Considerations:

    • Apply for Graduation (Priority deadline – October 1st)
    • Meet w/Academic Advisor for Grad Check
    • All major courses must be completed with a C or better to apply toward the major
    • Meet w/Graduate Studies Center and/or Career Development Services

    Spring Senior

    SubjectCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsRequirements MetGE/GRAD AreaNotes
    HIST369California History and Culture3Major
    EDMS or SPED410EDMS 410: Child Growth and Development During the Elementary School Years, or
    SPED 410: Typical and Atypical Development
    3MajorPrerequisite: Junior Standing
    LanguageStudent's ChoiceWill vary3GraduationLanguageUnits may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen. Also, double-counts with GE:C2.
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3GraduationUnit RequirementNeeded for 120 Unit Requirement- Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned credit for.

    Total Units


    Semester Four Considerations:

    • All major courses must be completed with a C or better to apply toward the major
    • Attend Grad Fest in March
    • Meet w/Graduate Studies Center and/or Career Development Services
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