BS: Business 2023-2024
You already know it: You have a brain for business. Whether you want to build your own company or help a nonprofit organization succeed, studying in the Martin V. Smith School of Business & Economics will prepare you for a variety of careers through an education that's creative, innovative, and focused on you and your future success.
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Review the
Two Year Academic Roadmap
Fall Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories BUS 309 Quantitative Foundations for Business 3 Foundational class needs to be completed before taking any additional upper-division courses in the major Major MGT 326 Business Ethics 3 Foundational class needs to be completed before taking any additional upper-division courses in the major Major & GE UDGE D BUS 310 Business Discourse for the 21st Century Profession 3 Foundational class needs to be completed before taking any additional upper-division courses in the major Major & GWAR POLS 150 American Political Institutions 3 If US Constitution/State & Local Gov't has been met change to Free Elective Graduation AIR: CA Local & State Govt. UDGE Student's Choice UDGE C: Arts and Humanities 3 GE UDGE C Total Units
- This two-year roadmap assumes that all GE's and Lower Division Major Requirements have been completed
- Attend Major Fair (First Week of October)
- Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center
- Foundational courses (BUS 309, MGT 326, BUS 310) must be completed before taking other upper-division major courses
Spring Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories FIN 300 Business Finance 3 Major MGT 307 Management of Organizations 3 Major MKT 310 Principles of Marketing 3 Major Language Student's Choice Will vary 3 Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen. Also, double-counts with GE: C2 Graduation Language UDGE Student's Choice UDGE B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3 GE UDGE B Total Units
- This two-year roadmap assumes that all GE's and Lower Division Major Requirements have been completed
- Meet w/ Graduate Studies Center
- Meet w/ Career Development & Alumni Engagement
- If interested, look into adding one of the options to your major (Finance, Marketing or Management)
Fall Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ACCT 300 Applied Managerial Accounting 3 Major BUS 320
Business Operations 3 Major MIS 310 Management Information Systems 3 Major Free Elective or Option Student's Choice Will vary 3 Needed for 120 unit requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.
If interested in option can replace the free elective with an option course.
Graduation Unit Requirement Free Elective or Option Student's Choice Will vary 3 Needed for 120 unit requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.
If interested in option can replace the free elective with an option course.
Graduation Unit Requirement Total Units
- Apply for Graduation (Priority deadline - October 1st)
- Meet w/ Academic Advisor for Grad Check
- Meet w/ Graduate Studies Center
- Meet w/ Career Development & Alumni Engagement
Spring Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories BUS 499 Capstone 3 Major BUS 411 Career Readiness 1 Major Multicultural Perspectives Student's Choice Will vary 3 If Multicultural Requirement has been met change to Free Elective Graduation Multicultural Perspectives HIST Student's Choice US History 3 Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275. CHS 350. If US HIST has been met change to Free Elective. Graduation AIR: US History Free Elective or Option Student's Choice Will vary 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.
If interested in option can replace the free elective with an option course.Graduation Unit Requirement Free Elective or Option Student's Choice Will vary 2 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.
If interested in option can replace the free elective with an option course.Graduation Unit Requirement Total Units
- Attend Grad Fest in March