BA: Chicano/a Studies 2022-2023
As a Chicana/o Studies major at º£½ÇÉçÇø (º£½ÇÉçÇøCI), you'll receive an international, multicultural, interdisciplinary and community service-oriented education focused on you – one that prepares you for success as a global citizen in the 21st century.
Four Year Academic Roadmap
Fall Freshman
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories CHS 101 or
160 or
200Introduction to Chicana/o Studies, or
Chicana/o Cultural Expressions, or
Diversity in Latina/o Communities
3 Major & GE F GE Student's Choice A2 – Written Communication 3 Please check English Milestone via your Student Center to verify if you need an additional support course.
See catalog for course titles & descriptions
GE A2 GE Student's Choice A3 - Critical Thinking 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions GE A3 GE Student's Choice B1 - Physical Sciences 4 Take a B1 with B3 (lab) if missing lab requirement
See catalog for course titles & descriptions
GE B1/B3 POLS 150 American Political Institutions 3 Also double- counts with GE:D GE AIR: US Constitution/ State & Local Govt. Total Units
- Complete required English course(s)
- Schedule an appointment with a Peer Advisor or Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center
- Attend Major Fair (First Week of October)
Spring Freshman
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories CHS 101 or
160 or
200Introduction to Chicana/o Studies, or
Chicana/o Cultural Expressions, or
Diversity in Latina/o Communities
3 Major requires 2 from this list, pick one you have not taken before Major GE Student's Choice A1 - Oral Communication 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions GE A1 GE Student's Choice B4 – Mathematics- Quantitative Reasoning 3 MATH 201 is the recommended Math courses by major or any other B4 course. Please check Math Milestone via your Student Center to verify if you need an additional support course.
See catalog for course titles & descriptions.GE B4 GE Student's Choice Language 4 Spanish or Mixteco meets major requirement, and Language requirement as well as GE: C2 Major & GE Language GE Student's Choice C1 – Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions GE C1 Total Units
- Join a student group
- Complete Golden 4 GE (A1, A2, A3, and B4)
Fall Sophomore
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories GE Student's Choice B2 - Life Sciences 4 Take a B2 with B3 (lab) if missing lab requirement Major & GE B2/B3 GE Student's Choice D - Social Sciences 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions. Course must be a different subject than Political Science. GE D Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Total Units
- Complete lower-division CHS requirement(s)
Spring Sophomore
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories GE Student's Choice C1 or C2 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions GE Additional C GE Student's Choice E - Lifelong Learning and Self-Development 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions GE E Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Total Units
- Seek a leadership position in a student organization
- Apply for internships, study abroad, or a research opportunity (depending on interests)
- Consider adding a minor
Fall Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories CHS 331 Transborder Theory and Writing in CHS 3 Major & GWAR CHS 335 or Major Elective Chicana Feminism or Non-CHS Upper Division Elective 3 Major requires CHS 335 or 320. CHS 320 is only offered in the spring, so if student plans to take CHS 320 in spring, this section switches to Non-CHS Upper Division Elective (see major section in catalog for course options) Major & GE UDGE D CHS 350 or Major Elective Chicana/o History and Culture or Non-CHS Upper Division Elective 3 If student has not met US History requirement, take CHS 350. Major requires either CHS 350 of 402. CHS 402 is only offered in spring, so if student wants to take CHS 402 in spring, this section switches to Non-CHS Upper Division Elective (see major section in catalog for course options) Major & GE US History CHS Student's Choice Art and Culture Course 3 Course options include: CHS 333, 352, or 353 Major & GE UDGE C Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Total Units
- Seek a leadership position in a student organization
- Meet w/Career Development Services
- Apply for internships, study abroad, or a research opportunity (depending on interests)
- Meet w/Graduate Studies Center
Spring Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories CHS 320 or Major Elective Gender & Sexuality or Non-CHS Upper Division Elective 3 If student took CHS 335 in the fall, this section switches to Non-CHS Upper Division Elective (see major section in catalog for course options) Major & GE UDGE D CHS 402 or Major Elective Southern CA Chicano/a History or Non-CHS Upper Division Elective 3 If student took CHS 350 in the fall, this section switches to a Non-CHS Upper Division Elective (see major section in catalog for course options) Major CHS Student's Choice Transborder Issues Elective (1 of 2) 3 Course Options: CHS 315 or 334 (either course will double dip with UDGE C as well)
See catalog for course titles and descriptionsMajor & GE UDGE C CHS Student's Choice Latin American Studies Course 3 One from the following Course Options: ANTH 361, CHS 370, HIST 360, HIST 361, SPAN 340, or SPAN 411 See catalog for course titles and descriptions Major UDGE Student's Choice UDGE B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions GE UDGE B Total Units
- Explore student research opportunities, Explore Study Abroad opportunities, Explore possible graduate degrees (MPA, law school, etc.)
- Begin graduate school test prep (if applicable)
- Making an Impact Club (if applicable) and/or attend Career Fest
- Set up an online presence (e.g., LinkedIn, professional website)
Fall Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories CHS 491 Theoretical Foundations of Chicana/o Studies 3 Major CHS Student's Choice
Transborder Issues Elective (2 of 2) 3 One from the following Course Options (not previously taken): CHS 315, 334, 342, 343, 349, 364, 383, 392, 401, 425, 445, or substitute any upper division course as approved by CHS Faculty Advisor Major CHS 492 or Free Elective Internship 3 Major requires CHS 492 or 499. CHS 499 is only offered in Spring, so if student plans to take CHS 499 in spring, this sections switches to a free elective course Free Electives can be any course, from any major, any level 100-499 that you have never taken beforeFree Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Total Units
- Apply for graduation (Priority deadline – October 1st)
- Present research at the º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Student Research Conference or another undergraduate conference
- Complete an Internship, visit the Career Center to prepare for the job market
- Meet w/Graduate Studies Center and Apply for graduate school (if applicable)
- Meet w/Academic Advisor for Grad Check
Spring Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories CHS 430 Research Methods in Chicana/o Studies 3 Major CHS 499 or free elective Capstone 3 If student took CHS 492 in the fall, this section switches to a free elective
Free Electives can be any course, from any major, any level 100-499 that you have never taken before
Major Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Free Elective Student's Choice Free Elective 3 Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for. Other Total Units
- Attend Grad Fest
- Graduation check with Advising and Faculty advisor
- Complete capstone
- Complete an Internship, visit the Career Center to prepare for the job market, apply for graduate school.