BS: ESRM, Earth Systems Emphasis 2022-2023
In º£½ÇÉçÇø’ (º£½ÇÉçÇøCI) Environmental Science & Resource Management (ESRM) Program, you will gain a solid understanding of the environment from both scientific and human perspectives, learn from talented, dedicated faculty, and start making a difference through intensive academic, field-based research and volunteer opportunities.
Four Year Academic Roadmap
Fall Freshman
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 100 Intro to Environmental Science and Resource Management 3 Major & GE D MATH 150 Calculus I 4 Enroll in Math 150 if prerequisite met (or passed Pre-Calculus/Calculus with B- or higher in high school)
Major & GE B4 POLS 150 American Political Institutions 3 Also double-counts with GE:D GE AIR: US Constitution/State & Local Govt. GE Student's Choice A2 - Written Communication 3 Please check English Milestone via your Student Center to verify if you need an additional support course.
See catalog for course titles & descriptions
GE A2 GE Student's Choice C1 – Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions GE C1 Total Units
- Complete Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4).
- Focus on lower level classes that may be pre-requirements for upper level courses and electives, build writing skills, begin essential ESRM skills.
- Schedule an appointment with a Peer Advisor or Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center.
- Attend Major Fair (First Week of October).
Spring Freshman
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories CHEM 105 Introduction to Chemistry 3 CHEM-105 with a grade of "C" or better is required as prerequisite for CHEM-121. Major & GE B1 ECON 110 or 111 ECON-110: Principles of Microeconomics, or
ECON-111: Principles of Macroeconomics3 Major & GE D GE Student's Choice A1 - Oral Communication 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions
GE A1 GE Student's Choice A3 - Critical Thinking 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions.
ESRM-228: Maps to Apps: Exploring GIS, or ESRM-250: Environmental Ethics also count for Major Requirements and GE requirements.GE A3 GE Student's Choice F - Ethnic Studies 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions. Also fulfils Multicultural Perspectives Requirement. GE F Total Units
- Meet with Faculty Advisor in ESRM. Attend a club meeting
- Complete Golden Four (A1, A2, A4, B4)
- Complete Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4).
Fall Sophomore
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 203 Introduction to Environmental Statistics
3 Major & GE B4 ESRM or GEOL ESRM 210
GEOL 121ESRM 210 - Physical Oceanography, or
GEOL 121 - Physical Geology4 ESRM 210: Physical Oceanography is recommended by the ESRM Department.
ESRM-210 is only offered in the fall, and GEOL-121 is offered both fall and spring terms.
See catalog for course titles & descriptions.Major & GE B1/B3 BIOL 200 Principles of Organismal and Population Biology 4 BIOL-200 is offered in the fall only.
Major & GE B2/B3 ESRM 205 Principles of Sustainability 3 Major Total Units
- Finish up lower level classes that may be pre-requisites for upper level courses and electives, and complete General Education requirements.
Spring Sophomore
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories BIOL 201 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology 4 Major B2/B3 PHYS or COMP PHYS 100 or COMP 150 PHYS 100 - Intro to Physics, or
COMP 150 - Object Oriented Programming4 COMP-150 (4) can count for GE: Area E and requires COMP-105 as a prerequisite. Major & GE CHEM 121 General Chemistry I 4 Major B1/B3 GE Student's Choice Language 3 Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen. Also double-counts with GE:C2. GE Language Total Units
- Begin learning about research going on in the department
- Join a club
- Participate in an environmental service learning event once per month
Fall Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 303 Data Visualization and Climate Communication 3 Double-counts for major requirement and Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).
Major & GWAR ESRM 313 Conservation Biology 4 Major ESRM 328 The Why of Where: Foundations in GIS 3 Double counts with major and UDGE - B Major & GE UDGE B ESRM or UNIV Student's Choice ESRM-329: Environmental Law and Policy (3), or
ESRM-301: Field Professionalism (1), or
ESRM-351: Field Methods: Monitoring and Assessment (4), or
ESRM-370: Fundamentals of Remotely Piloted Systems (4), or
ESRM-492: Service Learning/Internship (3), or
UNIV-391: United States Travel Study Experience (1-3), or
UNIV-392: International Experience (3)1-4 You have the option to take either ESRM-329 or Field Experience coursework: ESRM-301, 351, 370, 492, or UNIV-391 or 392.
ESRM-329: Environmental Law and Policy is a Major Requirement and is offered both fall and spring.
Field Experience courses listed are also offered fall and spring. See catalog for course titles & descriptions.Major GE Student's Choice E - Lifelong Learning and Self-Development 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions. GE E Total Units
- Get involved in research in the department, seek out leadership positions on campus and/or in department, explore options for certificates and minors to bolster your ESRM degree, begin thinking about graduate school and/or careers.
- Start Field Experience coursework, complete ESRM 329, or work on both.
- Meet w/ Graduate Studies Center.
- Meet w/ Career Development Services.
Spring Junior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 331 Geomorphology and Hydrology 4 Major ESRM or UNIV Student's Choice ESRM-329: Environmental Law and Policy (3),
ESRM-301: Field Professionalism (1),
ESRM-351: Field Methods: Monitoring and Assessment (4),
ESRM-370: Fundamentals of Remotely Piloted Systems (4),
ESRM-492: Service Learning/Internship (3),
UNIV-391: United States Travel Study Experience (1-3), or
UNIV-392: International Experience (3)1-4 You have the option to take either ESRM-329 or Field Experience coursework: ESRM-301, 351, 370, 492, or UNIV-391 or 392.
ESRM-329: Environmental Law and Policy is a Major Requirement and is offered both fall and spring.
Field Experience courses listed are also offered fall and spring. See catalog for course titles & descriptions.Major Major Elective Student's Choice
Will vary by Major
4 See catalog for course titles & descriptions. Major HIST Student's Choice US History 3 Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, or 275. CHS 350 is also an option however will need to be taken semester 5 or later. Other US History Total Units
- Continue building essential skills, focus on upper division courses and electives, complete most of your major emphasis track, and gain experience in the field.
- Start Field Experience coursework, complete ESRM 329, or work on both.
- Get involved in research in the department, seek out leadership positions on campus and/or in department, explore options for certificates and minors to bolster your ESRM degree, begin thinking about graduate school and/or careers.
Fall Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 491 Capstone Preparation 3 Major ESRM 464 Land Management 4 Major Major Elective Student's Choice Will vary by Major 4 See catalog for course titles & descriptions Major Major Elective Student's Choice Will vary by Major 4 See catalog for course titles & descriptions Major Total Units
- Finish upper division courses and electives, finish major emphasis track, and complete capstone research/prep course (ESRM-491).
- Apply for Graduation (Priority deadline – October 1st).
- Meet w/ Academic Advisor for Grad Check.
- Meet w/ Career Development Services.
Spring Senior
Course Area Course Number Course Title Units Notes Requirements Met GE Categories ESRM 499 Capstone 3 Major ESRM 367 ESRM 367 - Environmental Disasters 3 Major UDGE Student's Choice UDGE C - Arts and Humanities 3 Choose any UDGE C Course for 3 units.
*Recommended course: ENGL 337 - Literature of the Environment (3)GE UDGE C ESRM 341 or 342 ESRM-341: The National Park
ESRM-342: Environmental History3 Take either course which double counts with Major Requirements and UDGE-D. Major & GE UDGE D GE Student's Choice C1 or C2 3 See catalog for course titles & descriptions. GE Additional C Total Units
- Continue to be involved in research in the department, seek out leadership positions on campus and/or in department, present results of your research at a conference or public outreach event, apply to graduate school and/or careers.
- Finish upper division courses and electives, finish major emphasis track, and complete capstone research/prep course (ESRM-491).