
Centered on the principles of constitutional democracy, inclusion, participation, and global citizenship, the Department of Political Science cultivates students and teacher-scholar faculty in integrative, research-based understandings of political systems and public sectors. We focus on long-term student success as demonstrated by life-long civic engagement and achievement in a broad spectrum of careers in express service of the mission pillars of º£½ÇÉçÇøCI.

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Review the

Four Year Academic Roadmap

Print Four Year Roadmap

  • Fall Freshman

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    POLS 102: Comparative Government or
    POLS 103: Introduction to International Politics
    3Major & GED
    POLS150American Political Institutions3Triple counts with Major, GE and American Institutions RequirementMajor, GE & GraduationD/AIR:CA Local & State Govt
    GEStudent's ChoiceA1 - Oral Communication3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEA1
    GEStudent's ChoiceB4 – Mathematics- Quantitative Reasoning3Complete required Math/Statistics course MATH 201 or MATH/PSY 202 GEB4
    GEStudent's ChoiceF - Ethnic Studies3Also fulfills Multicultural Perspectives Requirement.GE & GraduationF/Multicultural Perspectives

    Total Units



    • Choose a Learning Community
    • Complete required Math/Statistics course(s)
    • Complete POLS 150 and at least one other lower division POLS course (POLS 102 or 103)
    • Attend Major Fair, or make a plan to attend next semester if starting in spring semester (First Week of October)
    • Review faculty biographies and publications. Connect with at least one faculty member working in area of interest to the student.
    • Schedule an appointment with a Peer Advisor or Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center

    Spring Freshman

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    POLS 102: Comparative Government or
    POLS 103: Introduction to International Politics
    3Major & GED
    GEStudent's ChoiceA2 – Written Communication3Please check English Milestone via your Student Center to verify if you need an additional support course.GEA2
    GEStudent's ChoiceA3 - Critical Thinking3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEA3
    GEStudent's ChoiceC1 – Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEC1
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Choose a Learning Community
    • Complete required English course
    • Join a student group
    • Complete remaining 100 level required course(s) (POLS 102, POLS 103, and POLS 150)
    • Attend at least one research presentation on campus (or off).
  • Fall Sophomore

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    GEStudent's ChoiceB2 - Life Sciences3Take a B2 with B3 (lab) if missing lab requirementGEB2/B3
    GE/ LanguageStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen. Also double-counts with GE: C2GEC2
    GEStudent's ChoiceE - Lifelong Learning and Self-Development3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEE
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Complete lower-division POLS requirement(s)
    • Consider enrolling in Careers in Public Service and Law (POLS 201)
    • Make appointment to meet with chair or faculty advisor to discuss research interests
    • Create or update LinkedIn Profile. Be certain to connect with faculty and other professionals working in areas of interest.

    Spring Sophomore

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    GEStudent's ChoiceEither C1 or C23See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEAdditional C
    GEStudent's ChoiceB1 - Physical Sciences3Take a B1 with B3 (lab) if missing lab requirement
    See catalog for course titles & descriptions
    HISTStudent's ChoiceUS History3Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275. CHS 350 is an option, however, will need to be taken in semester 5 or laterGraduationAIR: US History
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Complete lower-division POLS requirement(s)
    • If wanting to participate in Model UN, apply with the program as soon as possible
    • Consider adding a minor
    • Seek a leadership position in a student organization
    • Apply for internships, study abroad, or research opportunity (depending on interests)
    • Join a disciplinary association such as: the American Political Science Association; the Western Political Science Association; the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management; or other organization recommended by a faculty member working in an area of interest.
    • Meet with the Career Development Services and the Graduate Studies personnel to discuss long term plans
  • Fall Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    POLS300Political Science Research Methods3Take POLS 300 before taking POLS 310 and POLS 499Major

    POLS or


    320, or


    POLS 320: Public Administration: Writing as Public Service, or
    GLST 300: Writing in Global Studies: Communicating Global Challenges Change
    3Major & GWAR
    Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary315 units of Political Science Major Electives are required
    See catalog for course titles & descriptions
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.Other
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.Other

    Total Units



    • Begin methods sequence (POLS 300)
    • Seek a leadership position in a student organization
    • Meet with Academic Advising for a degree progress check
    • Register and create a profile with CalCareers (www.calcareers.ca.gov) and USAJOBS (www.usajobs.gov)
    • Investigate and consider participating in campus undergraduate research programs such as Summer SURF.
    • As a Junior, it is recommended that you meet with your program faculty advisor at least once a year

    Spring Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories

    301 or

    307 or


    POLS 301: Political Theory, or
    POLS 307: Contemporary Political Theory, or
    POLS 308: Modern Political Theory
    POLS310Statistical Applications in Political Science4Prerequisite(s): MATH 200 or MATH 201 or MATH 202/PSY 202 or equivalent
    Take POLS 300 before POLS 310
    Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary315 units of Political Science Major Electives are required
    See catalog for course titles & descriptions
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE C - Arts and Humanities3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEUDGE C
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Complete methods sequence (POLS 310)
    • Consider enrolling in elective research credits (POLS 494) during senior year. Contact faculty about parameters for participation.
    • Explore possible graduate degrees and select target programs (MPA, law school, etc.)
    • Update CV and resume. Meet with Career Counselor for feedback.
    • Make preparations to complete any standardized examinations relevant to long term plans (e.g. GRE or LSAT)
  • Fall Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    POLS306The Politics of Race & Ethnicity3Can fulfill UDGE-D, only if the lower division GE:D requirement is fulfilled by two different disciplines. Cannot fulfill GE:D & UDGE-D with all POLS classes
    Meets Multicultural Perspectives
    Major & GEMulticultural Perspectives
    Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary315 units of Political Science Major Electives are required
    See catalog for course titles & descriptions
    Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary315 units of Political Science Major Electives are required
    See catalog for course titles & descriptions
    UDGEStudent’s ChoiceUDGE B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEUDGE B
    UDGEStudent’s ChoiceUDGE D - Social Sciences3Take a UDGE-D course if POLS 306 does not qualify for UDGE-D. This will depend on whether your GE:D was met via two different disciplinesGraduation

    Total Units



    • Apply for graduation (Priority deadline – October 1st)
    • Attend Grad Fest (if completing in the fall)
    • Meet with Academic Advisor for Grad Check
    • Meet with faculty mentor to discuss plans and letters of recommendations
    • Update information on CalCareers (www.calcareers.ca.gov) and USAJOBS (www.usajobs.gov)
    • Apply for graduate school (if applicable)
    • Apply to present at SAGE or other student research conference
    • As a Senior, it is recommended that you meet with your program faculty advisor at least once during your final year

    Spring Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    POLS499Capstone3Take POLS 300 and 310 before POLS 499Major
    Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary315 units of Political Science Major Electives are required
    See catalog for course titles & descriptions
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Attend Grad Fest (if completing in Spring)
    • Graduation check with Advising and Faculty advisor
    • Complete capstone
    • Complete an Internship, finalize graduate school applications or begin applying for positions
    • Apply to present at SAGE or other student research conference
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