
The Sociology Program at º£½ÇÉçÇøCI is committed to offering our students a rigorous and developmental major that challenges them while cultivating the sequence of skills and understandings essential to success in the major. Our course of studies emphasizes systematic empirical inquiry which seeks explanations of social phenomena based on the collection and analysis of appropriate evidence and the application of sound reasoning. Our coursework emphasizes critical thinking and the cultivation of the Sociological Imagination. Our goal is to provide an education that is valuable to students who continue on to graduate studies as well to those who complete their formal education with a bachelor’s degree.

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Review the

Four Year Academic Roadmap

Print Four Year Roadmap

  • Fall Freshman

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    SOC100Introduction to Sociology3Major & GED
    ENGL105Composition and Rhetoric3Please check English Milestone via your Student Center to verify if you need an additional support course.GEA2
    MATH or


    201 or


    Math 201: Elementary Statistics or

    MATH 202:Biostatistics


    MATH 201 is preferred.

    Please check Math Milestone via your Student Center to verify if you need an additional support course

    Major & GEB4
    GEStudent's ChoiceA3 - Critical Thinking3GEA3
    GEStudent's ChoiceC1 - Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater3GEC1
    UNIV100University Life and College Success1Unit RequirementGraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Schedule an appointment with a Peer Advisor or Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Cener
    • Attend Major Fair (First Week of October)

    Spring Freshman

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    SOC201Social Problems3Major & GED
    GEStudent's ChoiceA1 - Oral Communication3GEA1
    General EdStudent's ChoiceB1 - Physical Sciences3GEB1
    GEStudent's ChoiceF - Ethnic Studies3Also fulfills Multicultural Perspectives Requirement.GE & GraduationF/Multicultural Perspectives
    HISTStudent's ChoiceUS History3Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275. CHS350 is an option however will need to be taken semester 5.GraduationAIR: US History

    Total Units



    • Join a student group
    • Complete Golden 4 GE (A1, A2, A3, and B4)
    • Attend Summer Scheduling workshop
    • Attend Study Abroad information session (if interested)
  • Fall Sophomore

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    SOC202Introduction to Research Methods3Major
    POLS150American Political Institutions3Double-counts as GE:D and American Institutions RequirementsGE & GraduationD/AIR: CA Local & State Govt
    GEStudent's ChoiceB2- Life Science4Take a B2 with a B3(lab) if missing lab requirementGEB2/B3
    GE/LanguageStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen. Also double-counts with GE:C2GE & GraduationC2/Language
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary1Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Complete lower-division SOC requirement(s)

    Spring Sophomore

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    GEStudent's ChoiceEither C1 or C23Can be a C1 or C2GEAdditional C
    GEStudent's ChoiceE - Lifelong Learning and Self-Development3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEE
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Complete lower-division SOC requirement(s)
    • Seek a leadership position in a student organization
    • Apply for internships, study abroad, or a research opportunity (depending on interests)
    • Consider adding a minor
  • Fall Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    SOC300Social Inequalities3Priority to meet prerequisitesMajor

    Writing in the Social Sciences

    3Priority to meet prerequisitesMajor & GWAR
    SOC311Classical Sociological Theory3Take if you meet prerequisites and/or are also taking SOC 300 or SOC 305 concurrently. Must be taken by 2nd semester to graduate on time.Major
    Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3

    Must take a total of 4 Sociology electives (12 units total).

    See catalog for course titles & descriptions

    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Meet w/Graduate Studies Center to discuss graduate school programs
    • Meet w/Career Development & Alumni Engagement to discuss internship/job opportunities
    • Meet with your program faculty advisor at least once in your Junior year (either in the Fall or Spring semester)

    Spring Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    SOC315Contemporary Sociological Theory3Enroll if you took SOC 311 semester 5. If not, take SOC 311 this semester & SOC 315 in semester 7 to graduate on time.Major
    SOC321Research Methods in Sociology3

    Major Elective332* or

    SOC 332: Race and Ethnicity, or

    SOC 334: Gender and Sexuality


    Choose one to double count UDGE-D requirement w/ Sociology electives requirement.

    *SOC 332 meets multicultural perspectives graduation requirement

    Major & GEUDGE D
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning3See catalog for course titles & descriptionsGEUDGE B
    Free electiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

    Total Units



    • Fall Senior

      Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
      SOC325Statistical Applications in Sociology3Major
      SOC327Qualitative Approaches to Social Research3Major
      SOC495Capstone I3Must have taken all upper division major requirements except for SOC 450, 496 and major electives (SOC 325 and 327 need to be taken concurrently with SOC495 if they have not been taken prior).Major
      Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3

      Must take a total of 4 Sociology electives (12 units total).

      See catalog for course titles & descriptions.

      Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

      Total Units



      • Apply for graduation (Priority deadline – October 1st)
      • Attend Grad Check workshop or schedule a Grad Check appointment with Academic Advising
      • Meet w/Career Development & Alumni Engagement to learn more about Alumni services
      • Meet with your program faculty advisor at least once before you graduate (either in the Fall or Spring semester)

      Spring Senior

      Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
      SOC450Seminar in Sociology3Major

      Capstone II

      Major ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3

      Must take a total of 4 Sociology electives (12 units total).

      See catalog for course titles & descriptions

      UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE C - Arts and Humanities3GEUDGE C
      Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceWill vary3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.GraduationUnit Requirement

      Total Units



      • Attend Grad Fest
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