Roles and Responsibilities of the Alumni & Friends Association Board of Directors
As a member of the BOD each members is expected to:
- Maintain paid active membership in the Association.
- Attend all regularly scheduled BOD meetings unless excused by the President. Missing 50% or more of the meetings, regardless of the reason, will result in removal, This may be appealed to the Executive Committee if the member feels there are mitigating circumstances and he/she may be re-instated by the Executive Committee.  An appeal may be used only one time by any single BOD member.
- Volunteer to help with, and actively participate in, the various A&FA events throughout the year. At the beginning of each fiscal year a schedule of anticipated events will be distributed to the BOD and members will be asked to indicate in which of these events they will participate. The expected minimum level of participation would be 15% of all activities. Representation as an Alumni & Friends Association Board member at any CI event is also encouraged.
- Members appointed by the President who do not meet the above requirements of other BOD members shall be notified that their name will be taken to the President by the EC explaining the member's lapse in responsibility and a request for the naming of a replacement. It is recognized that the President is not obligated to act on the recommendation of the EC.
- Attend all committee meetings to which you are assigned.