
What is an Instructionally Related Activity? IRA  Logo

Instructionally related activities are defined as "activities and experiences that are partially sponsored by an academic discipline or department and which are integrally related to the function of instructional offerings."

An instructionally related activity should provide for the performance, competition, or laboratory experience outside of - but related to - the formal instructional offerings of the University.

Instructionally related activities include, but are not limited to, the following categories:

  • Music, drama, and dance performances/productions
  • Guest speakers/artists who contribute to instructional offerings
  • Student travel related to instructional offerings
  • Art exhibits
  • Publications (student-driven)
  • Other activities (including national competitions and performances)

Instructionally Related Activities Funding

The Instructionally Related Activities Fund was established to provide support for essential educational experiences and activities that aid and supplement the fundamental educational mission of the institution.

Objectives of the Fee:

  • Ensure stability and accessibility to funding for instructionally related activities as defined.
  • Reduce the demand on Associated Student Body funds for instructionally related activities so that the Student Body Fee can be used to support authorized programs and services based on student priorities.

All programs currently funded and any new programs which seek funding for the next academic year should complete and submit an application prior to the deadline. IRA Competition is competitive and funding is not guaranteed. Applicant may want to also consider alternate sources of funding.

The IRA fee is classified as a mandatory II fee meaning most students pay this fee. The IRA fee supports a range of events, guest presentations and performances, field trips (when permitted), and other activities that enhance the educational experience at CI. As all state-supported CI students pay the IRA fee, IRA proposals must be open to all students with opportunities to participate.

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