
September 7, 2006

  1. The meeting notes from the prior meetings were distributed.
  2. Review of the Academic Program Master Plan Draft was distributed and the following changes were recommended:
    • The BA for Applied Physics will be dropped. The program elected to use an emphasis instead.
    • Business and Economics requested that the emphasis for Accounting and Finance be transposed due to current faculty staffing
    Other items that may affect the grid:
    • There is some possibility that the BA in Criminal Justice and the BA in Social Justice Studies may be combined
    • BS in Computer Engineering is submitting a modified Short Form to move their degree from 2012 to 2010. Steve will circulate this and a decision will be made by the end of September so the grid can be forwarded to the Senate Exec before the next meeting.
    • Steve Lefevre will consult with Beth Hartung on the Bachelors of Social Work timetable and Gary Berg and Ernie Gonzalez will be speaking with Long Beach and/or Human Services on their option on how long this degree will take to develop.
    The committee agreed that the Academic Master Plan should be completed by the Senate before the Thanksgiving break.
  3. Short Form Process. After some discussion it was determined that the short form procedure directs the proposer to submit the form initially to the Academic Planning Committee then if approved for adoption to the master plan, then the form will be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for further review. Kathy will amend the form to identify this process.
  4. Report on Chancellor Office Relations. Steve summarized the increased activity between the CO Academic Dean's Office and his office on pending degrees. There is daily communication between offices to complete the approvals. Steve advised the committee that the CO's office was very complimentary of the programs but noted in almost every case, their concern for resources. Steve agreed to forward Therese Eyermann the details of their concerns. Steve expressed his concern on the continuation of enrolling and processing students before these degrees are implemented in the future.
  5. Current Degree processing. It was determined by consensus that the 2007 degrees be placed on mentor and that the committee felt there would be ample time for the 2007 degrees to 鈥渃atch鈥 up to the designated timetables for launching degrees.
  6. 2008 degrees. It was determined that the committee broadcast information pertaining to the 2008 degrees noting that they would have until December 15th to submit their degrees to the Curriculum Committee. If not submitted, their degree would fall into the next year. It will also be stated that beginning 2009 degrees, there will be strict adherence to the deadlines. There should be added language about the development of the process in the task force and approval by the senate.
  7. Next meeting in 2 weeks. Kathy to schedule.
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