
September 20, 2006

Steve Lefevre
Ernie Gonzalez
Therese Eyermann
Virgil Adams
Gary Berg
Liz King
Sean Anderson
Lillian Castaneda
Kathy Musashi


  1. The meeting notes from the prior meetings were distributed and approved as noted.


  2. BS Computer Engineering – Peter Smith, Bill Wolfe, Ivona Grzegorczyk Peter Smith, Bill Wolfe, and Ivona Grzegorczyk presented their rationale included in their short form for moving the degree from 2012 to 2010, the primary rationale being the currently available resources already existing at CI to support this program. Ernie Gonzalez collected facilities information on classroom and lab space and FTE's for a report due next month in the Chancellor's Office.


  3. Review of the Academic Program Master Plan Draft. Various changes to the Academic Master Plan Drafts were discussed and the following changes were supported by the committee:


    1. BA BS Kinesiology/Wellness Nutrition/Health – move from 2008 to 2009 and to make Development Team Call.
    2. BS Computer Engineering – move from 2012 to 2010
    3. BA Criminal Justice and BA Social Justice Studies – the proposers of these programs and Psychology and Political Science will be invited to attend the next meeting to clarify their request. The Committee had questions they would like addressed.


  4. The Short Form Revision – As a result of reviewing the Computer Engineering Short form the following changes were recommended:


    1. Add new language on facilities needs such as faculty offices, library space, classrooms (general and specialized), and lab space (general and specialized).
    2. FTES – supply of accurate numbers for facilities reports that collection information years out.
    3. Change signatories to include the Provost and OPC.
    4. Identify one-time and recurring costs in 5a (Budget)
  5. Next meeting in 2 weeks: October 4, 2006.
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