Senate/Provost Joint Task Force on Academic/Curricular Planning
Curriculum Committee of the Academic Senate
Dean of the Faculty/AVP for Curriculum Steve Lefevre
Dean of Extended Education Gary Berg
Institutional Research Officer Ernie Gonzalez
Special Assistant to the President Therese Eyermann
Dean of Enrollment Management Jane Sweetland
During Spring Semester the Task Force will draft an academic plan for the University that includes new majors and credentials through 2015. This academic plan should be reviewed and approved by the Academic Senate, Provost, and President by the end of Spring Semester 2005.
- The plan should build on the work of the Academic Planning Task Force and the curriculum plan developed by the Task Force during 2003-04.
- The plan should include a mixture of large and small enrollment majors that facilitate the University meeting its enrollment targets, currently projected to grow at about 400-450 FTES each year, and identify programs as appropriate for either state- and self-support.
- The Committee should involve the faculty and the wider University community in its planning and propose an academic plan that enjoys the strong support of the faculty.
- In its program planning the Task Force should be mindful of advancing the University's mission and of proposing innovative programs that meet the needs of the region and the state.
- The Task Force should coordinate its activities with the Physical Master Planning Committee, which is currently working on a physical plan for the campus.
- The Task Force should draw on information and data from other universities and from consultants regarding program innovations elsewhere and projected career and employment opportunities expected in the 21st Century.
- The Task Force should recommend a process for future curricular/master planning.