Univ 392 International Experience Courses
Providing international experiences to Cal State Channel Islands students is one of the pillars of the University mission. Faculty-led, short-term study abroad courses are one pathway for students to travel and study abroad. UNIV 392 International Experience Courses are open to students regardless of major. UNIV392 courses are offered during fall and spring semesters with travel abroad ranging from 1 to 3 weeks during break (spring, summer, and winter)
Review the course options below and contact the Faculty Lead directly for more information.
Spring 2025
New Zealand: Narrative Stories in New Zealand
Come join the class for a presentation about their travel to New Zealand
Spring 2026
UNIV 392: Intercultural Communication and Design

This course increases student understanding of how cultural patterns of human interaction influence our built environment, and vice versa. Students will explore this topic in one of the most historically rich, architecturally diverse, and culturally vibrant cities in the world: London, England. Through this process, students will gain firsthand experience of how design simultaneously reflects and reifies unique cultural values over both time and space.
UNIV392: Environmental Policy in the Land of Fire & Ice