The Center for Community Engagement offers the following funds to Program Chairs and faculty teaching a service-learning course.
The Engaged Department Initiative
The Engaged Department Initiative is open to Program Chairs interested in the department as a unit of engagement and social change. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage and support departments in the development of strategies to (1) include service-learning work in both their teaching, engaged scholarship and/or retention, tenure and promotion, (2) include service-learning courses as a standard expectation for majors, and (3) developing a level of unit coherence that will allow them to model successfully civic engagement and progressive change on the departmental level. Program Chairs can apply for up to $2500. These funds are offered on a first-come-first served. basis.
Service-Learning Course Support Funds
Faculty teaching a service-learning course are eligible to apply for funds to support high-impact service-learning practices and projects by covering essential associated costs. Such activities might include project materials, transportation, or guest speaker honoraria. These funds are offered on a first-come-first served basis.
Conference Registration Funds
Service-learning faculty may apply for conference funding to attend or present at a service-learning conference or a conference where you where you will present on service-learning. These funds are offered on a first-come-first served basis.
For questions, please contact Pilar Pacheco, Director at