
Upcoming Meeting Date and Location

February 2022 (TBD)

Upcoming Meeting Agenda


Committee Charge

Each campus is required by California State University policy to establish a campus planning committee. The committee's primary function is to assist the President in the coordination, development and control of a long-range plan for the physical development of the campus. The Committee serves in an advisory relation to the following:

  1. The long-range plan for the physical development of the campus.
  2. Selection of sites for each new building and other physical facilities on any university-owned property.
  3. The work of the architects during the schematic design phase.
  4. Five-year and other long-range building programs.
  5. All proposed projects to be constructed on the campus that will have an architectural and/or environmental impact.
  6. Such other areas as may be delegated to it by the President.
  7. City and county planning commissions on matters related to campus development, zoning in areas surrounding the university, streets and highways leading to and from the campus, and other similar matters.

Committee Members





David Carlson (Chair)

Interim Director, PDC


Co-terminus with position
Tom HuntAVP, Facilities ServicesBFA
Laurie NicholsAssistant VP for Admin Services & HROBFA
Mitch AvilaProvostAcademic Affairs
Kirk EnglandAssistant Vice ProvostAcademic Affairs
Richard LeRoy
Senior Director of University Development
Jennifer Perry
Interim AVP
Academic Affairs
Jeanne GrierFaculty RepresentativeAcademic Affairs
Tim AllisonFaculty RepresentativeAcademic Affairs
Annie WhiteFaculty RepresentativeAcademic Affairs
Mary LaurenceManager, Academic Space PlanningAcademic Affairs
Rebecca TungDirector, University EventsUniversity Events
Drake MasseyInterim Chief of PoliceBFA
James AugustChief Information OfficerBFA
Kaia TollefsonChief of StaffOffice of the President
Cindy DerricoAVP, Student Affairs; Dean of StudentsStudent Affairs
Charles OsirisAVP, Student Affairs, Retention & OutreachStudent Affairs
Jenowa LarsonStudent RepresentativeASI
VacantStudent RepresentativeASI
VacantCampus Consulting ArchitectConsultant
Anne Collins-DoehnePrincipal Environmental PlannerCPDC
Theresa O'NeilUniversity PlannerCPDC
Kendall LousenCommunity Planning Liaison OfficerNavy Base VC
Jon GathmanProgram IntegratorNavy Base VC
Jennifer HaddowPrincipal Environmental ScientistRincon Consultants
Tricia MaierPlanning Programs ManagerVentura County

Meeting Agendas & Minutes Archive

  • November 30, 2021
  • May 14, 2021
  • September 25, 2020
  • March 15, 2018
  • October 11, 2017
  • December 15, 2016
  • April 7, 2016
  • November 4, 2015
  • March 9, 2015
  • October 7, 2014
  • December 7, 2012
  • September 13, 2012
  • April 18, 2012
  • November 4, 2010
  • May 5, 2005
  • January 6, 2005
  • October 7, 2004
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