
Now you can view your Paycheck and W-2 information online, anytime!

As a California State University (º£½ÇÉçÇø) employee your paychecks/direct deposit advices and annual W-2 forms are issued as hard copies by the State Controller’s Office (SCO). These hard copy documents have been the only means made available to employees until now.

º£½ÇÉçÇø state-side employees can access this information electronically through Cal Employee Connect, a secure web-based, employee self-service, portal. Access to the password protected and secure areas of this portal is restricted to authorized users only.

To Register:

  1. You must be a state-side-employee.
  2. Have a recent paper pay stub in hand. It has information you will need that is not available from Payroll.
  3. Go to
  4. Select Register
  5. Follow the prompts with these helpful tips:
    1. Select the Department "º£½ÇÉçÇø, Channel Islands"
    2. Enter the Agency Code "265"
    Once registered, you will be able to login to:
    1. View and print your earning statements/paychecks for the current and prior 2 tax years, and
    2. View and print your W-2’s for up to 3 years.

The CEC Portal is owned and maintained by the State Controller’s Office and is not part of California State University PeopleSoft Self Service.

Please contact payroll.services@csuci.edu for questions.

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