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  1. Open the Mac Mail application and the New Account Wizard will start. Click Continue.
  2. For the Account Type choose IMAP, choose anything you want for Account Description, type your name in the Full Name field, and your CI e-mail address in the Email Address field. Click Continue.
    Screenshot of General Information dialog
  3. For Incoming Mail Server type imaps1.csuci.edu and type in your CI username and password. Click Continue.
    Screenshot of Incoming Mail Server dialog
  4. For Outgoing Mail Server enter imaps1.csuci.edu. (By default the application may include some other characters after the server name. Be sure to remove them so only the server name is in this field). Check the 鈥淯se Authentication鈥 checkbox. Type your CI username and password in the other fields. Click Continue.
    Screenshot of Outgoing Mail Server dialog
  5. You may be prompted to Authenticate after clicking Continue. If so, enter your CI username and password. Set the 鈥淩ealm鈥 field to 鈥淐I.EDU鈥. Click OK.
    Screenshot of Authenticate to Kerberos dialog
  6. Click Continue at the account confirmation screen and then go to the Mail menu Preferences. Under Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) click Server Settings
  7. Verify the following settings:
    1. Outgoing Mail Server is set to imaps1.csuci.edu
    2. Server Port is set to 587
    3. Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) box is checked
    4. Authentication is set to Password
    5. Username is set to your CI username
    6. Password is set to your CI password.

Press OK until you are back at the Mail screen

Screenshot of outgoing mail server dialog

Congratulations! Your IMAPS setup for Mac Mail is complete, and you should now be able to send/receive your CI e-mail.

Questions? Problems?

Please contact the or call 805-437-8552.

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